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Contribution Pts

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I think shuld be more actions, where players could trade those Countr pts.. Most use is for Dk set, and crafting.. Well a few pts need to hero set.. And thats all.. I think shuld be more space where we can trade them, like some points to change in to majestic points, or maybe to change it to good reputation points.. Or smth more/else.

Now those contr points is growing up till 700 and all.. B)

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there will be a new use for them soon enough


cant wait! ive like maxed out 700+ contri points and i dunoe what to do with them :s crafting's too much of a risk these days.

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For some reason Giving contribution points another use Besides Crafting and taking fh makes sense???....................




How about the DAMN F***ing EKS ....

this is a pvp game, you get eks from it, and they are useless after fh (except for flags)..


honestly i think eks need a better use...

Also i cant think of any server that doesnt have already one for them :o



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If you give them a reason to make quests there will be more players at ml, dungeons, toh and ib (after White's new quests) and may be they will even fight for some pits sometimes.



If you give lets say items in exchange for your Eks, they can lame, take their items from CH and trade them quickly... When we ban those players the harm will be done or it will be a mess to fix.

You can give them a better hero set but i dont like the idea of rewarding with even more damage and hitting prob or def for raiding at scorps.

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As far as buying things with EKs...there really just isn't too many options for it.


Maybe transferring a certain amount of EK's to majestic points would be okay, but EKs are just so easy to abuse.


The game isn't just about PVP either. There are some people who actually enjoy hunting and training.



-- On-topic --


Contribution points have more uses than EKs for sure. I would like to see the contribution cap raised (or even removed). It doesn't really serve a purpose to have it capped.


Here's some ideas you could use if you'd like:


* Titles: Players get given titles based on how high their contribution is. Like Lord Kefka, for example.


* Transportation: Spend contribution points in order to be teleported to a map.


* Increased Experience rate: Spend contribution points in order to have an increased experience rate for a predetermined amount of time.

Edited by Synz

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If you give them a reason to make quests there will be more players at ml, dungeons, toh and ib (after White's new quests) and may be they will even fight for some pits sometimes.



If you give lets say items in exchange for your Eks, they can lame, take their items from CH and trade them quickly... When we ban those players the harm will be done or it will be a mess to fix.

You can give them a better hero set but i dont like the idea of rewarding with even more damage and hitting prob or def for raiding at scorps.

i wasnt talking about rewards from anything less than 1k eks..

its not easy to lame that in a short period of time without being caught ....


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* Titles: Players get given titles based on how high their contribution is. Like Lord Kefka, for example.



I liked.


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Long ago there used to be contribution capes for 300 or 700 contribution points, capes were a lil bit nicer than shop ones and a lil better colored. At shop it used to be a 200 mag robe green colored with nice defense. I saw one guy made capes looks like gargoyle wings, ofc the ones only droped by mobs.

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ya trading eks for something would be nice, i got bored with my eks cause i had some many so not only does my mage have FH, but he has a hero cape AND a hero cape+1 AND i bought a hero plate to let a guildie use till he gets his and still have over 700eks left on my mage.


all those eks do is put ur char on the top EK list for town/overall and thats kinda pointless, sergio is on top and theres another elv and then me in aresden. Kinda stupid imo for these eks to go to waste as well as contri points.

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exchanging eks for maj points will be good.. but of course not something as ridiculous as 10ek : 1 maj. i seriously rather do eks than lvl majs for my dk15 :S

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The recent updates, or comming updates related to quests arn't made for nothing...


The addition of over 50 quests, the addition of Party-Quests, the addition of Collecting-Quests... All of it has it's own purpose...


It's all related to the major upcomming Improvement of the Guild System.

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