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  2. mindreko

    Este juego es un vicio

    No se puede parar de jugar, aún después de más de 20 años y tantos servers jugados. Basta por favor, ya no más. Voy a tener 80 años y voy a seguir buscando items en ogre pit.
  3. Sardientje


    dont see it ingame?
  4. smellz


    [ReDeMpTioN] will rise again!!!!!
  5. xxtremexx


    I can't believe I remembered my account all the way back from 2006! Here since Nemesis 1! I'll also be here on steam!
  6. Sardientje


    Hello ?‍♂️
  7. farjat


    Nice to see old people n the forum! I was coding on other languages and then My son made me see not changing resolution was a bad idea. So i started 800x600 for him coding on c++ which i understanded 1000 times faster than in the past. First Step is making client SMOOTH.
  8. Kefka


    Hello boys/girls I seen farjat this pop up on facebook and was like what, thought farjat was done. Glad i was mistaken, and look forward to coming back and playing with you all once again. [ReDeMpTioN] will rise again!!
  9. Hello. Post here what u found on new resolution please.
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