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About Moha

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  1. Moha

    Yoo Ppl How Are You Guys?

    Come back, we need to fight Rast ;D
  2. Moha


    q buscas por el ABH?
  3. Moha

    New Dialog For Autoupdater

    Not bad :P
  4. Moha


    lol good one
  5. Moha

    Week #4 Scavenger Hunt!

    Oh alright you're already claiming the hp wands ( that according to Jing were changed as a prize) .
  6. Moha

    The Tamers!

    Good Job !! Not sure if Wyv will deal damage fast enough to solo that TW tho
  7. Moha

    Week #4 Scavenger Hunt!

    Hey guys, So It's First prize for whiteangel : Guild Contribution Scroll(Lvl 7) (10,000 Contribution Points for your guild!) Drop Rate Booster x3 2nd prize to damablanca Drop rate booster x 1 Right?. I will get them and hand them over guys !
  8. Moha

    Week #4 Scavenger Hunt!

    Intentare volver como GM man, realmente no tengo mucho tiempo y me he quedado corto . A quien se le deben premios y que premios? . Saludos
  9. Moha

    Week #4 Scavenger Hunt!

    Voy a revisar que paso con esto, espera respuesta pronto camilo
  10. Moha

    Game Update 17/03/2014

    This is a great addition. Lets advertise ;)
  11. Moha

    Jo Jo Jo , X-Mas Event :d

    oh the anc gis :d
  12. Moha

    Happy Birthday Kenzo!

    He must be one of the greatest
  13. Moha

    Pvp Story

    Traitor mode.
  14. Moha

    Helbreath Is Unrated.

    I will be working more actively in events starting soon