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About MagicJoKer

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    Helbreath Nemesis International GameMaster
  • Birthday 06/15/1992

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  1. MagicJoKer

    Suggestions Regarding Marketplace Items

    There was no +3 rares at nemesis 2, ever, well, it actually may have happened in the dark times before Squall became a gm, and Tyrone edited some itens, but in the past 6 years since i became a gm, im sure there was never such thing. Junoh had a flam+3+5 because he got a upgrade from an event. After 7+ years, and people being able to hunt wyvs solo with some dificulty, or doing in 2/3 easily, the higher upgraded itens were 2 or 3 bbh+5 Anyways, i havent logged on beta since im busy, but i got 2 bbh+3 with about 20-30 xelimas on nem2, and you have to be very unlucky, im pretty sure success rate on first upgrade is a lot higher than 15%, id say its at least 40, but i dont really know that number.
  2. MagicJoKer

    Shortcut Keys The F's

    There could be 1 more F, not more, moving f1 elsewhere, but f5 and f6 are really usefull, at least for me. F8 also, pretend corpse is part of every good runner life.
  3. MagicJoKer

    Helbreath Nemesis Site

    on the top right corner, u can select the language you wish to see the site
  4. MagicJoKer

    Discussion: Anti-spy Measurements

    I'd only like that chars on BI didnt count, aka, i can an ares, and as long as it is on BI, i can log an elv aswell, and vice-versa. if the player recall while the other isnt at BI, he dc's. Add that when you log out a char OUT of bi, you must wait 5 minutes to log out a diff town that's out of bi
  5. MagicJoKer

    Elv D1 Ent...

    well actually the actual cities arent really ballanced in pro's and con's elv shop and wh are really close to safe spots, and all the fights tend to get guards involved really easily, thats bad for ares raiders, and good for elvs, because they can get to places faster. On the other hand, ares has buildings far from safe spots, thus guards dont get into the fights, and its harder to escape from enemies. Dungeons lvl1 are maps used only for raiding nowadays, and it fits better the raiding team having the dungeon close to the raiding spots, so they can escape easier, and make traps aswell i cant really see vantages for ares, but that might be because i hardly ever plaid elv
  6. MagicJoKer

    Amp Warrior Build.

    hmm, i dont think i have it, if i had, when i was last active, id prob be using it instead my sharp flam hp84
  7. MagicJoKer

    Amp Warrior Build.

    50 dex is too low, unless you have full hero, or high hp weapon
  8. MagicJoKer

    Amp Warrior Build.

    112 int 200 str 91 dex 50 mag rest vit u should do fine against any mage, maybe u can get lower str and more mag/vit ofc, thats only good against mages and ice golens, wars will hurt you just as if you were a plate mage
  9. MagicJoKer

    Pvp At 140

    i won pretty much every pvp i remember at pl, with 130 str, 151 dex, 59 int, 17 mag, rest vit. Now that i think about it, i did lose to Ronwe, she had crazy itens for the time, beside the pure war stats, and all i had was my sharp flam hp84. Anyways, thats just pvp on the 1x1 meaning, on big fights i didnt do good, as i have always been a bad warrior.
  10. MagicJoKer

    Good Pvm Builds

    Only change you might want to do is mag, i believe 25/3- mag might fit you better than 50 mag, giving you some extra vit
  11. MagicJoKer


    well, actually, while i was playing more actively, that is, until 20 days ago, i seen elvs owning ares sometimes even being outnumbered, they have teamwork, their mages know what they are doing, while most of ares mages only care about atacking. I got tired of playing mage, because being pratically the only mage supporting lots of times, people would aim me, and with so many sbs, bad net and bad ping, its impossible taking so much heat, at least for me. Point is, elvs see who are the important people on enemy team, and go for it. I heard of at least 4 times, that after i died all the other ares around recalled, even couple times the ares being on higher number You cant point one single reason for ares being the weaker town, nor the numbers, nor skill, ping, itens or whatever, its those all together
  12. MagicJoKer

    Event For Fragile Excaliber

    nop, if a team beats me in less time (not likely, i noobed on that fight) they win
  13. MagicJoKer

    Event For Fragile Excaliber

    Third challenging team: Dol+i Mindys Donovan Result: GeeMe dead in 2 minutes and 35 seconds
  14. MagicJoKer

    Event For Fragile Excaliber

    Also, the 2 first teams wont need to wait 5 days for a retrial, i didnt have an elv geeme ready, so i used the ares one, that could see their amps, making it easier for me to kill
  15. MagicJoKer

    Event For Fragile Excaliber

    Second chalenging team: Isola, Dean, EnSon 2 minutes and 15 seconds, all dead. They chosen unlimited mana, so i could activate itens, and that was the medusa sword.