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Nemesis Scavenger Hunt

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Welcome to the 5th annual NEMESIS Scavenger Hunt


You must gather the items on the list and be the first person to finish to win.

You may work with a group but only one player can win the prize.


When you have obtained every item on the list in the right quantity, contact me to check out.

If I am not available when you are ready, post screen shots of your bag, showing the items on the list.

You may have to take more than 1 screen shot.

Post it immediately and this will hold your place.

The time on the forum post will stamp your place.


What do you win?

You can submit to me any statted item and receive 2 upgrades of that item.

For instance...if you give me a mp 49 berk...I will return it to you as a mp 63 berk.

You can only receive up to you cannot give me a 91% item and get 105%.

99% is the max


PA and MA items work the same way....2 upgrades with the max being 45%


You cannot give me a non statted item, such as a Giant Battle Hammer and ask me to make it

HProb% +14

The original item must already be statted.


First place receives a 2 position upgrade of any statted item

Second place receives a 1 position upgrade of any statted item

Third place will receive a set of Stones 3 zems, 2 xelimas, 1 merien


If 2 players contact a GM in game but there is a forum post with an earlier time stamp on it

the forum post receives the prize


All items collected will be returned to the player who is checked out.


When you are checked out, if you are missing ANY must wait 24 hours before being checked out again. So make SURE you have everything before asking for a check out.


Translate this please, into Polish and Spanish.


Any questions? ask here


Good luck to all of you





The List of items


A- 5 pieces of statted armor

B- Blue Cape with any stat% on it

C- 10 crystalware 90% purity or higher

D- 3 Demon parts

E- Exp 20% wand

F- Fish- 5 Carp of any color

G- 5 Ginseng

H- 5 Hellhound leathers

I- 10 invisibility potions

J- 100 slime jelly

K- 10 pairs of Knee Trousers- dyed with each dye available in the shop

L- 5 Lucky Prize tickets

M- manu helm, wings or horn and 5 manu weapons higher than short sword(no daggers or short swords)

N- nuggets 10 gold and 10 silver

O- 10 ogre teeth and 10 orge claws

P- 5 Poison weapons and one must be a Great Sword

Q- Quantity of Mithral- 3

R- 5 Radish

S- 5 Sapphires

T- 50 troll leathers

U- 2 unicorn parts

V- 5 Virtuous or Righteous weapons and one must be a Righteous Flam with Hp%

W- 5 Werewolf Leather 5 WereWolf Teeth

X- Xelima Stone

Y- Yellow Chinese Bellflower

Z- Zemstone of Sacrifice

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we just need to have all itmes and prove it? or we have to exchange them to get the price and we wont get them back?


ogre nails?? Ogre has no nails if i remember (hair, teeth, skin, heart, meat and claw)

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Guest mamadas
' date='Jul 6 2008, 03:00 PM' post='222663']

Welcome to the 5th annual NEMESIS Scavenger Hunt


You must gather the items on the list and be the first person to finish to win.

You may work with a group but only one player can win the prize.


When you have obtained every item on the list in the right quantity, contact me to check out.

If I am not available when you are ready, post screen shots of your bag, showing the items on the list.

You may have to take more than 1 screen shot.

Post it immediately and this will hold your place.

The time on the forum post will stamp your place.


What do you win?

You can submit to me any statted item and receive 2 upgrades of that item.

For instance...if you give me a mp 49 berk...I will return it to you as a mp 63 berk.

You can only receive up to you cannot give me a 91% item and get 105%.

99% is the max


PA and MA items work the same way....2 upgrades with the max being 45%


You cannot give me a non statted item, such as a Giant Battle Hammer and ask me to make it

HProb% +14

The original item must already be statted.


First place receives a 2 position upgrade of any statted item

Second place receives a 1 position upgrade of any statted item

Third place will receive a set of Stones 3 zems, 2 xelimas, 1 merien


If 2 players contact a GM in game but there is a forum post with an earlier time stamp on it

the forum post receives the prize


All items collected will be returned to the player who is checked out.


When you are checked out, if you are missing ANY must wait 24 hours before being checked out again. So make SURE you have everything before asking for a check out.


Translate this please, into Polish and Spanish.


Any questions? ask here


Good luck to all of you





The List of items


A- 5 pieces of statted armor

B- Blue Cape with any stat% on it

C- 10 crystalware 90% purity or higher

D- 3 Demon parts

E- Exp 20% wand

F- Fish- 5 Carp of any color

G- 5 Ginseng

H- 5 Hellhound leathers

I- 10 invisibility potions

J- 100 slime jelly

K- 10 pairs of Knee Trousers- dyed with each dye available in the shop

L- 5 Lucky Prize tickets

M- manu helm, wings or horn and 5 manu weapons higher than short sword(no daggers or short swords)

N- nuggets 10 gold and 10 silver

O- 10 ogre teeth and 10 orge nails

P- 5 Poison weapons and one must be a Great Sword

Q- Quantity of Mithral- 3

R- 5 Radish

S- 5 Sapphires

T- 50 troll leathers

U- 2 unicorn parts

V- 5 Virtuous or Righteous weapons and one must be a Righteous Flam with Hp%

W- 5 Werewolf Leather 5 WereWolf Teeth

X- Xelima Stone

Y- Yellow Chinese Bellflower

Z- Zemstone of Sacrifice


ogre nail doesnt exist

do u mean ogre claw?


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' date='Jul 6 2008, 03:00 PM' post='222663']

Welcome to the 5th annual NEMESIS Scavenger Hunt


You must gather the items on the list and be the first person to finish to win.

You may work with a group but only one player can win the prize.


When you have obtained every item on the list in the right quantity, contact me to check out.

If I am not available when you are ready, post screen shots of your bag, showing the items on the list.

You may have to take more than 1 screen shot.

Post it immediately and this will hold your place.

The time on the forum post will stamp your place.


What do you win?

You can submit to me any statted item and receive 2 upgrades of that item.

For instance...if you give me a mp 49 berk...I will return it to you as a mp 63 berk.

You can only receive up to you cannot give me a 91% item and get 105%.

99% is the max


PA and MA items work the same way....2 upgrades with the max being 45%


You cannot give me a non statted item, such as a Giant Battle Hammer and ask me to make it

HProb% +14

The original item must already be statted.


First place receives a 2 position upgrade of any statted item

Second place receives a 1 position upgrade of any statted item

Third place will receive a set of Stones 3 zems, 2 xelimas, 1 merien


If 2 players contact a GM in game but there is a forum post with an earlier time stamp on it

the forum post receives the prize


All items collected will be returned to the player who is checked out.


When you are checked out, if you are missing ANY must wait 24 hours before being checked out again. So make SURE you have everything before asking for a check out.


Translate this please, into Polish and Spanish.


Any questions? ask here


Good luck to all of you





The List of items


A- 5 pieces of statted armor

B- Blue Cape with any stat% on it

C- 10 crystalware 90% purity or higher

D- 3 Demon parts

E- Exp 20% wand

F- Fish- 5 Carp of any color

G- 5 Ginseng

H- 5 Hellhound leathers

I- 10 invisibility potions

J- 100 slime jelly

K- 10 pairs of Knee Trousers- dyed with each dye available in the shop

L- 5 Lucky Prize tickets

M- manu helm, wings or horn and 5 manu weapons higher than short sword(no daggers or short swords)

N- nuggets 10 gold and 10 silver

O- 10 ogre teeth and 10 orge claws

P- 5 Poison weapons and one must be a Great Sword

Q- Quantity of Mithral- 3

R- 5 Radish

S- 5 Sapphires

T- 50 troll leathers

U- 2 unicorn parts

V- 5 Virtuous or Righteous weapons and one must be a Righteous Flam with Hp%

W- 5 Werewolf Leather 5 WereWolf Teeth

X- Xelima Stone

Y- Yellow Chinese Bellflower

Z- Zemstone of Sacrifice


translate to polish:


Witamy w piątym evencie dla "Zbieraczy"

Aby wygrac musisz posiadac wszystkie rzeczy wymienione na liście.

Możesz działać w grupie leczy tylko jedna osoba otrzyma nagrode.


Gdy juz bedziesz miał wszystko w odpowiedniej ilosci zgł?ś sie do w celu sprawdzenia.

Jeśli nie bede dostepny podczas gdy ty juz bedzies posiadał wszystkie rzeczy wrzuć SS na forum.

Decydowac bedzie czas postu an forum jesli kilka osob bedzie posiadac wszystkie rzeczy.


A co jest do wygrania?

Otrzymasz dwa upgrejdy do statowanego itemu czyli np masz berk mp rec 49 dajesz go a otrzymujesz berk mp rec 63 itd. itp. max moze byc 99% czyli nie mozna dac 91% i liczyc na 105% ,item musi miec staty aby je podniesc nie mozna dac czystego itemu,dal pa/ma max to 45%.


Pierwszy otrzyma w nagrode 2 upgrejdy jednego itemu.

Drugi otrzyma 1 upgrejd jednego itemu.

Trzeci otrzyma 3 zemy 2 xele i 1 mera.


Wszystkie itemy beda zwrocone do własciciela.

Jeśli zabraknie ci jakiegos itemu podczas sprawdzania bedziesz musisał poczekac 24 godziny aby muc poraz kolejny zgłosic sie z pełnym inwentarzem.


Życze wam powodzenia.



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B- blue cape with stat% on it, COULD IT BE SWAPPED WITH BLUE GRAPES?



blue grapes coz high % of farming is needed, cape out coz if someone havent already got it he wont have it, its almost impossible... but scav event should be fair for everyone


ginseng could stay( just money and time needed) but if there would be blue grapes,(high % of farming) it could be replaced.

its only suggestion... discuss or forget it

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strong/light are stats


No, you cant swap blue grapes with a blue cape



it's too late to exchange items...the list has been posted and no changes will be made.


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weak event but good thinking should have more than 1 winneR if its only 14% if 1 Winner then it should be atleast +35% not 14



' date='Jul 6 2008, 03:00 PM' post='222663']


First place receives a 2 position upgrade of any statted item

Second place receives a 1 position upgrade of any statted item

Third place will receive a set of Stones 3 zems, 2 xelimas, 1 merien






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well, if stated cape is impossible to find (only trade) and the gings can have only one person atm. It looks like the event can be won only by certain ppl.

anyway nice idea, nemesis needs more scavenger events :)

i think i stop searching for scav event items.

congratz for who wont give up and will win :)

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I know all your items got editted by Congratz[GM]..


I am 100% sure !!!!! :D


Congratz bro, i knew Survivors would do it :)

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