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Hunter. I Vu!


Readme please. Pureh3mp, Brothers, Rast, and Br School guys, now step to inform you that not steal anything, which is not any account, nothing, the actual user of the char pureh3mp provided to any friend, who had the char was to provide things without knowing who the opponent was, I gave things and point. They enlarged the story saying many things, just as you comment was with two words, I hope that you read this issue devoted to you and farjat ..

In aresdes I did the same items back and this is the second time and they want answers, take into account the rules of the game now for the second time I am not going to give the cape, it belongs to Vu! ..



Thanks ...


By Vu!

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GM's doesent interfer with this.. A player is a player, and GM, can't be a form for police for steal.

The GM is here for ban laming ppl, and others for other reason.


But players btw. each other, some trust each other, some dont. I basicly believe it's stupid to trust another guy from another country, but i just think, it's a stupid gam,e get over it.


a person is responsebility for their own char, and their own stuff. If shared account, or anything that looks like to it, then it's your own faul !.


This is a world wide post, not only for you Vu!

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Well I understood that Vu! pretended to be brazilian as Purehemp is, so Hemp had some trust in his fellow brazilian friend... That is kinda cheap to steal items like that, but I dont know if GM's will take any action bout this case.

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No tengo mas nada que hablar, solamente quiero ver en que termina esto


yo a esos items , no los doy..



SOn mios y debo querdarmelos , ese Pureh3mp es un bldo



que se cague por prestar cuentas y que le usen el char y se manden mocos








By Vu!



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Well already some1 has come on pretending to be 'GuildBoss' saying he cant remember his password so he called himself 'GuildBosss' ... and alot of ppl gave him items and he never appeared again.. :D


Also this happened with some guy pretending to be ReaveR, cos this happened after the GuildBosss incident, i didnt trust him too much so i only have him a right flam. Like i sensed, it was a trick. Dont know who it was...


Some ppl trust others.. some ppl dont. Doesnt matter if they r in the same country or not.... I trust some ppl and they live half way around the world..


Once a crematoria person 'HittPoint' askd me to transfer some items for him.. but he didnt ask me like that .he just ask if im a good player.. anyhow the items he asked me to transfer where very very good items.. i was very surprised he trusted me, yet... this shows its not completely absurd to trust ppl.. u just have to watch who and when and why u r trusting them.


In this case, purehemp made a mistake... he was tricked.. If i was a teenager (pendejo) Id probably do these kinda tricks aswell.. but I aint now.. and I dont wanna go thru bad moments over a HB item.

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Zariel, nobody here was deceived, he was told that only beautiful coat and nothing else, the only way, but was not the actual pureh3mp, real pureh3mp provided the account and there lost his stuff






By Vu!

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Zariel, nobody here was deceived, he was told that only beautiful coat and nothing else, the only way, but was not the actual pureh3mp, real pureh3mp provided the account and there lost his stuff






By Vu!


I dont understand a thing u trying to say... no one was decieved. ok, u told him beautiful coat? u mean cape..and thats the only way for what? so purehemp pass his acc to someone else .. who then felt like giving u the cape? Or u commented about how beautiful his coat was and he passed it to ya.. (not the real purehemp?) ..






Que tratas de decir? dilo en castellano


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Zariel, nobody here was deceived, he was told that only beautiful coat and nothing else, the only way, but was not the actual pureh3mp, real pureh3mp provided the account and there lost his stuff






By Vu!


I dont understand a thing u trying to say... no one was decieved. ok, u told him beautiful coat? u mean cape..and thats the only way for what? so purehemp pass his acc to someone else .. who then felt like giving u the cape? Or u commented about how beautiful his coat was and he passed it to ya.. (not the real purehemp?) ..






Que tratas de decir? dilo en castellano


I spoke to both pure and vu, this is what happened:


Purehemp was being used at that time, by one of his friend's (I mean, wasn't real user), and when vu asked about the cape, the "purehemp" (actually his friend) gave him the cape...


Basikly this is a double lesson for everyone: don't give items to people you don't know, and don't share accounts. :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:


PS: I'm not saying that what Vu did was right, I'm certainly against stealing. But I'm also against GMs interfeering in every aspect of the game.

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Purehemp, I know what happened. I tracked the incident down and this was investigated.


And unfortunately, no server rules were broken. What the person did was rotten, lousy, deceitful and wrong in my opinion, but...he broke no rules.


Unless farjat wants to make an exception and possibly treat this as scamming...which is in the server rules, we cannot return your items. Be thankful it is just a cape...and not something truly rare.


I know how you must feel....used, taken advantage of and now suspicious of all people. But this is not a matter for a GM to get involved in. I hate to say this but, dont trust anyone. No exceptions.

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who cares about the server rules...if Vu! was a good person he would return the items


he's so proud of himself for getting the


we shouldnt promote messed up children doing things that are wrong

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' date='Mar 19 2008, 12:07 PM' post='207275']

Purehemp, I know what happened. I tracked the incident down and this was investigated.


And unfortunately, no server rules were broken. What the person did was rotten, lousy, deceitful and wrong in my opinion, but...he broke no rules.


Unless farjat wants to make an exception and possibly treat this as scamming...which is in the server rules, we cannot return your items. Be thankful it is just a cape...and not something truly rare.


I know how you must feel....used, taken advantage of and now superson who isn't popularious of all people. But this is not a matter for a GM to get involved in. I hate to say this but, dont trust anyone. No exceptions.


Mmm, let me think. Just is a cape bro... :glare:




P.S: I added: "Don't trust anyone. No exceptions"



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As everione is responsible for his account the items will not go back to purehemp. However, the staf decided we dont want to see ppl like Vu! in OUR server, so got them banned.

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I saw this and iplanned to relate game acc to ban a week.

Then i noticed it is related to Mendicrim AKA Luzbelito, so its perm banned and the forum account, deleted

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