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Stolen Items

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Mis art?culos fueron robados por Mantiz I crearon un boleto y mi boleto fue cerrado con la explicaci?n ' debido a la regla #2, biselamos recuperamos p?rdidas durante la distribuci?n (solamente la no significa que permitimos scammers, que es porqu? ?l est? prohibido que i don' t sabe usted sabe) ' ............................ No era cuentas de distribuci?n con ?l. ?l me vendi? un car?cter y retir? el car?cter junto con los art?culos. ?l hizo esto a la gente numerosa mientras que tiraba de otros timos? tambi?n que hice mi boleto inmediatamente despu?s que ?l tuvo en cuenta, y el GM mirado le el mismo d?a. Si fuera resuelto que d?a mis art?culos no ser?an separados a trav?s del servidor. En lugar era 10 d?as cerrados m?s adelante. Hice el boleto el vig?simo y fue resuelto el trig?simo. Cuando las cuentas se divulgan scamming las cuentas en preguntas deben ser congeladas hasta que se resuelva para evitar que suceda esto. ua par de gente que scammed y los art?culos perdidos y no podr?a conseguir detr?s parada. necesitan comenzar a congelar estas cuentas o algo porque ?ste es b.s


My items were stolen by Mantiz, I created a ticket and my ticket was closed with the explanation 'items cant be recovered, they are spread around the server. And also because of rule #2, we cant recover losses during sharing (but that doesnt mean we allow scammers, that is why he is banned which i dont know how do you know)' ............. I was not sharing accounts him. He sold the character to me and took it back along with the items. He did this to numerous people also while doing other scams. Also I made my ticket immediately after happened and a GM responded the same day. If solved that same day my items would not of been around the server, instead it was closed 10 days later.. I made the ticket the 20th and it was closed the 30th. Because of this i beleiv when tickets are made in the 'lost item' or scammed section they should freeze the accounts in question till it's solved.

Edited by Gucci

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Por la forma en que esta redactado calculo que esta traducido, yo creo que lo entenderia mejor en ingles esto.

Gucci, please post this in english also.

Edited by Aikanaro

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puede ser que se haya confundido de foro, puede ser que lo hayan scameado de vuelta, o puede ser que intente avisar a la gente que ese Mantiz es un scammer xD

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My items were stolen by Mantiz, I created a ticket and my ticket was closed with the explanation 'items cant be recovered, they are spread around the server. And also because of rule #2, we cant recover losses during sharing (but that doesnt mean we allow scammers, that is why he is banned which i dont know how do you know)' ............. I was not sharing accounts him. He sold the character to me and took it back along with the items. He did this to numerous people also while doing other scams. Also I made my ticket immediately after happened and a GM responded the same day. If solved that same day my items would not of been around the server, instead it was closed 10 days later.. I made the ticket the 20th and it was closed the 30th. Because of this i beleiv when tickets are made in the 'lost item' or scammed section they should freeze the accounts in question till it's solved. :angry:

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IMPORTANT: Helbreath Nemesis does NOT support any kind of trade using external trade goods, including money or items from other games and/or Helbreath servers. We know we cannot prevent you from conducting any of such trades, but we want you to understand we also CANNOT RECOVER any losses endured during a trade with external trade goods. EVEN IF YOU HAVE PROOF IN THE FORM OF RECEIPTS OR PASSPORTS: these trades are at your own risk. We STRONGLY DISCOURAGE you to commit any of such trades!

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You didnt say he sold his character to you. You have said he 'quit' and gave you his character (sharing)


He started to spread them in 24 hours.

He was banned on 23th (5am), not on 30th.

What was closed on 30th was your ticket, as we already explained to you we delayed it (i mean closing the ticket) because we wanted him to contact us to see if we could do something.

Even if the items were on his char, you wouldnt recover them. read the rules. #1 or #2 or #9.


You made a mistake, accept it. Dont blame us for your stupidity. (no offense)

If you expect a 24/7 online support that solve your problems in 'that same day'... you are talking more like a customer which we dont have any here.


This stuff goes on tickets, not on forums.

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