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Tuesday Sade Is Bugged Again

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Can it please be started?


Lol to be honest, it'd be better to have a GM on each tuesday night lol, as it seems to be happening every week now :(





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Can it please be started?


Lol to be honest, it'd be better to have a GM on each tuesday night lol, as it seems to be happening every week now :(





willm not fail more after the update.

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Can it please be started?


Lol to be honest, it'd be better to have a GM on each tuesday night lol, as it seems to be happening every week now :(





you should have posted how abbadon was bugged too

instead of abusing it ;)

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lol. you're still on the abby thing. After the hunt, we actually discussed on vent about posting the screenshots. Some of us actually opposed but eldon decided that there is nothing to hide and went ahead to post it.

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Can it please be started?


Lol to be honest, it'd be better to have a GM on each tuesday night lol, as it seems to be happening every week now :(





you should have posted how abbadon was bugged too

instead of abusing it ;)

leave it or take forced holidays...

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Hope all the MS18's and DM5's on the server are deleted next.


Along with your hero Maynard (does your tab +f4 abuse help you embarrass yourself faster too?).


Edit: All this aside Maynard, I post this on the forum each week so the sade gets started to help players, your snide little comments are not needed and not welcome here. Completely unnecessary but unpunished like usual.

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