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You Need At Least 50 Dex To Gain Hit Probability Bonus

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" Physcial Attacks


Hit Probability:


Hit Probability is calculated from your DEX, you need at least 50 DEX to gain Hit Probability bonus. Your defense is your DEX * 2 + any armor bonuses you get. Maximum hit probability is 90%, minimum is 10%. Hit probability = (To hit Value / Defensive Value) * 50 "






Because some instead of to put 50 put 51? or 100 to 101 ,190/191?

there is some other data that I do not know?



thanks to respond


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The 50 dex they talk about is the DR (Defense Ratio) of your character.


HP (Hitting Probability) works like this:


Magical AND Physical:


You gain 1 HP for every skill % of your current equiped item's skill.


You gain the Eye of the Dice Damage as HP (a 2D10+2 item would give 10 HP, as 10 is the "eye of the dice")



Physical Attacks:


You gain X HP when attacking.


You gain 100 HP if you have a Full Hero set equiped.


When CRITTING you gain HP from your weapon skill class

Archery: X HP

Long Sword: X HP

Hammer: X HP

Staff-Attack: X HP


When CRITTING you gain X HP + an additioanl hidden HP value (formula of this is not to be revealed - this value can be NEGATIVE = decrease HP !)


When DASHING you gain X HP


You gain the HP of your weapon.


If you have more then 50 dex, your HP is increase by your dex - 50


Your HP is Decreased by X % because of weather effects (light rain, medium rain or hard rain), sunsine = no decrease


If your HP goes below 0, it's always 0



the final ratio to determine if you succeed or fail (=miss) your attack is as in the formula revealed above:


Ratio = (attack HP / defender DR) * 50


Ratio has a minimum of 10% and a maximum of 90%


A dice is rolled once with 100 eyes, if the dice roll is smaller of the same then the Ratio your attack succeeds.





NOTE: At some places I added an X instead of the real value !

those values are NOT TO BE REVEALED.


Helbreath is not math game !

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White, I think he is referring to the +1 dex point some people add. For example 181 dex, 191 dex.


Why do they add it? Im not 100% certain but this is what i understand about the rumor (yay for HB rumors)


People say that when you add 1 extra dex stat point after say for example 180 dex (making it 181) and 190 dex (making it 191) it would be like an extra 10 dex points.


They thought that 181 dex would be similar 190 and 191 would be close to 200. It would then allow them to use their stats elsewhere.


Like I said above, its a rumor. Ive never believed it myself and have always just gone for 200 dex.


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a 191 is obviously not equals to a 200 dex, never is or was such thing.


the reason they do it is becuase I guess, removing 9 stats (= 3 lvls = 3 maj) from the 200 dex makes it easier... only 3 maj or lvls... for the 190 you'd need 4 lvl or majs to change.


about 181 dex I've never heard lolz... 191 is common, but still stupid I think.

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But the difference between 191 and 200 dex is veeeery slight change.

I recentely removed those 9 points of dex and found almost no change. I mean, its better to save those 9 points for other stats (mag, vit) because at such high value of dex, those 9 points make no difference.

At least in my experience..

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I also prefer the 200 dex, the 191 dex thingy, it's all bullshit to me.


some people belive it's the same, some don't... I think, well I know it's not the same and makes a difference.

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See I never believed it, however. When I was a lower leveling training my dex, I would always add that 1 extra point, just incase. Silly I know.


There are still lots of people in game that believe this rumor, a lot of people that have 191 dex and claim this rumor is true...guess they are the same people that claim rep effect drops.

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The reason 181 popped up is because it allows decent dex while having a BBH character with decent vit and 50 mag.


It's become popular, and is used by one of the chars I use.

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mucha gente cree en esto hasta el punto de ponerle a un "pure" mage 11 dex en vez de 10, or 51 en vex de 50 dex,


Many people believe in this to the point to put on a "pure" mage 11 dex instead of 10, or 52 in forward 50 dex,

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mmmmm many people belives that 191 dex its the same as 200, old myths of hb i think.. maybe jaapy can explain this to us..


anyways, my bbh war is 181 dex, and mage has 51 dex =)

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Last time I coded if not mistaken bonus was added per each x10 points on stats so.....


181/10 = 18

197/10 = 19


I can't recall dex code on the sources but I remember per each 10str is 2% extra dmg.

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locobans, the 2% dmg bonus per 10 str is correct.


but 181 / 10 = 18 only

and 180 / 10 = 18 TOO !! so there is no difference, just 1 stat points "waste" if you do it for the bonus.

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Ha white dont waste your breathe. Jappy has said on numerous said rep does nothing to your drops yet people still swear it does.


People love their HB Rumors.

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People love their HB Rumors.


Of course they do! The mystery of things unexplained is a part of the game.

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People love their HB Rumors.


Of course they do! The mystery of things unexplained is a part of the game.


rumours are fun, and I always have to laugh about the fact that people still belive it even above the real truth the swear it's true (LOL xD).


It's nice to have rumours, thats why I don't reveal all details on everything...

And besides, sometimes I claim things as a fact but don't tell the entire story of it :P


like "hans attack helps HP of long sword" ... no... not true...

-> unrevealed fact: "long sword skill DO increases long sword's HP" :P

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locobans, the 2% dmg bonus per 10 str is correct.


but 181 / 10 = 18 only

and 180 / 10 = 18 TOO !! so there is no difference, just 1 stat points "waste" if you do it for the bonus.


I know...i didin't put that? nvm my bad lol thats what I actually was trying to explain...gotta stop smoking weed :sleep:


What about the dex bonus?

I know each 10mag points is +2% magical damage.

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