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"anything Goes" Pvp Event

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This PVP Event will be SATURDAY February 21 at 7pm server time

The format for this event is very simple.

Anything rules

- all spells allowed and potions and scrolls
- all weapons allowed including activation weapons
- statted capes allowed
- all jewelry, gems and angels allowed
- all armors allowed
- resu wands allowed

The only item you cannot have is ancient slate.

The warriors will fight the warriors
The mages will fight the mages

This time the mages will go first, followed by the warriors.

The 2 winners of each class will receive:

Winning Mage

MP set
MP 28 Berk, Hose and chain
MP 14 IVORY cape

Winning Warrior
HP set
HP 28 Berk, Hose and plate

Please translate this post into your native language...Thanks

Reminder-Events are a priviledge not a right.
You must be in good standing with the GM Staff to receive a teleport to the arena.
If you are sent out from the event for any reason, do not whisper the GMs until after the event.
If you disconnect during the event, we're sorry but we cannot bring you back.
After 45 minutes of battle, we will summon large, non magic using monsters into the arena
When you arrive in the arena, wait quietly for event to begin. Do not talk in white, blue or red chats.
Do not attack, touch or cast spells on anyone while waiting.
Refusal to follow the above rules, will result in you being sent to BI for the duration of the event.
We will not tp you back, do not ask.

If you do not agree with this format, simply don't enter.
The PVP formats are varied to benefit different builds/types of characters.
So are the times the event is held.

Cape colors changed to Ivory

Event moved to Sat the 21st at 7pm server time


O evento ser? realizado no s?bado, dia 7 de fevereiro, ?s 3 horas da tarde hor?rio do server

A forma desse evento ? mutio simples.

Vale tudo!!!! Sem Regras

- todas magias po??es e scrolls s?o permitidos
- todas armas, incluindo de ativa??o s?o permitidas
- capas com stats s?o permitidas
- todas j?ias, gemas, e anjos s?o permitidos
- todas armaduras permitidas
- ressurection wand permitido

O ?nico item que voc? n?o pode usar s?o as ancient slates

Os wars lutam contra wars
Magos contra magos

Dessa vez os magos v?o lutar primeiro, seguidos pelos wars

Os 2 vencedores de cada classe v?o receber:

Mago ganhador

MP set
MP 28 Berk, Hose e chain
MP 14 capa rosa, crimsom red ou laranja

War vencedor
HP set
HP 28 Berk, Hose e chain
HP capa 14 rosa, crimson ou laranja

Please translate this post into your native language...Thanks

Lembrete-Eventos s?o um privil?gio, n?o um direito
Voc? deve ter bom relacionamento com os gm pra receber o teleport pra arena
Se voc? for tirado do evento por qualquer motivo, n?o wispe o gm antes do fim do evento
Se voc? se desconectar durante o evento, sentimos muito mas n?o podemos traz?-lo de volta
Depois de 45 minutos de evento, faremos grandes monstros que n?o usam magia na arena
Quando voc? chegar na arena, aguarde quieto at? o evento come?ar. N?o fale no chat branco azul or vermelho.
N?o ataque, toque, ou use magias em ningu?m enquanto espera
Quem n?o seguir as regras acima, ser? mandado para a BI pela dura??o do evento
N?s n?o o teletransportaremos de volta, n?o pe?a

Se voc? n?o concorda com o tipo de evento, n?o entre nele
Os formatos de evento PVP s?o variados pra beneficiar diferentes tipos de status e chars
Assim como o s?o os hor?rios


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No se la fecha del evento todavia

tengo que salir de viaje de negocios al final del mes pero no se la fecha tofavia

en cuanto tenga la fecha del viaje posteare el dia y la hora del evento.


Este evento sera a la 1 pm hora del servidor sabado o domingo.


El Formato para este evento es simple


Todos se puede usar. No hay Reglas.

-todos las magias pociones y scrolls permitidos

-todos las armas incluidas inclusive las armas que se activan

-capas con stats permitidas

-Todas las joyas, gemas y angeles permitidos

-Todas las armaduras permitidas

-Resu wand permitido


El unico item que no se puede usar es Ancient Slate


Los war pelearan con los war

los magos pelearan con los magos


Esta vez los magos iran primero, seguidos por los guerreros


Los dos ganadores de cada clase recivira:


Mago Ganador


MP set

MP 28 Berk, Hose and chain

MP 14 pink, crimson or orange cape



War Ganador


HP set

HP 28 Berk, Hose and chain

HP 14 Pink, crimson or orange cape



Por favor traduzca este post en tu idioma nativo. Gracias


Recuerden que los eventos son un privilegio no un derecho

Debes estar en buen estado con el GM staff para recibir el tp a la arena

Si fueras mandado afuera del evento por alguna razon, no whispees a los gms hasta que termine el evento

Si sufrieras una desconeccion durante el evento, lo lamentamos pero no podemos traerte de nuevo

Luego de 45 min de batalla, Sumonearemos largo, monstruos sin magia en la arena.

Cuando llegues al arena, espera quieto por el comienzo del evento. No hablen en blanco, azul o rojo.

No ataquen, toquen o casteen magias en nadie mientras esperan

El que se reusa a segir la reglas arriba descriptas, resultara en ser enviado a BI por la duracion del evento.

No te tepearemos de nuevo, no preguntes.


Si no estas de acuerdo con este formato simplemente no entres.

El formato pvp es variado para beneficiar diferentes tipos/armados de los personajes



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would be nice to add hp helm :>

dun wanna ask for all lolz but, in a warrior set, imo the helm is more important than the rest of the armors ;X

and thx for event :D

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I think some people are under the impression that an activ weapon is an automatic win.

I disagree...I have seen what happens to the players who have the activ weapon.

They have a huge target on their backs.


I never, ever allow angels. This is the one time I am allowing players who have spent lots of levels

and maj, upping an angel, to use it.

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' date='Jan 6 2009, 08:29 AM' post='247692']

I think some people are under the impression that an activ weapon is an automatic win.

I disagree...I have seen what happens to the players who have the activ weapon.

They have a huge target on their backs.


I never, ever allow angels. This is the one time I am allowing players who have spent lots of levels

and maj, upping an angel, to use it.

i agree


if you ask me , this is not an anything goes event , since you have 1 item not allowed


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' date='Jan 6 2009, 08:29 AM' post='247692']

I think some people are under the impression that an activ weapon is an automatic win.

I disagree...I have seen what happens to the players who have the activ weapon.

They have a huge target on their backs.


I never, ever allow angels. This is the one time I am allowing players who have spent lots of levels

and maj, upping an angel, to use it.

i agree


if you ask me , this is not an anything goes event , since you have 1 item not allowed



Im not asking you.

what is the point of an event when 1 person can eat a read slate and drastically increase their chances of winning it? That's pointless.

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' date='Jan 9 2009, 09:34 AM' post='248122']

' date='Jan 6 2009, 08:29 AM' post='247692']

I think some people are under the impression that an activ weapon is an automatic win.

I disagree...I have seen what happens to the players who have the activ weapon.

They have a huge target on their backs.


I never, ever allow angels. This is the one time I am allowing players who have spent lots of levels

and maj, upping an angel, to use it.

i agree


if you ask me , this is not an anything goes event , since you have 1 item not allowed



Im not asking you.

what is the point of an event when 1 person can eat a read slate and drastically increase their chances of winning it? That's pointless.


Gaucho, an easier translation, it goes like this:


Aun Hunter no sabe la fecha, pero se viene un PVP vale TODO

salvo las tabletas ancient, cualquier cosa... armas relocas, resu wand y hasta panes podes tirarles si te da la gana.

Entonces: pinias van, pinias vienen, los muchacho se entretienen,

el que gana saca un premio lindo.

Magos contra Magos y adespue Wars contra Wars

y a pelarse los dedos.


ganador de Magos, se lleva un MPset pipicucu

ganador de wars se lleva un HPset joyanuncataxi


saludos y buenas pinias!



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' date='Jan 9 2009, 06:34 AM' post='248122']

' date='Jan 6 2009, 08:29 AM' post='247692']

I think some people are under the impression that an activ weapon is an automatic win.

I disagree...I have seen what happens to the players who have the activ weapon.

They have a huge target on their backs.


I never, ever allow angels. This is the one time I am allowing players who have spent lots of levels

and maj, upping an angel, to use it.

i agree


if you ask me , this is not an anything goes event , since you have 1 item not allowed



Im not asking you.

what is the point of an event when 1 person can eat a read slate and drastically increase their chances of winning it? That's pointless.


i tought u were not allowing angel

i jsut re -read it all again :S



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This PVP Event will be SATURDAY February 7th at 3pm server time


war win, chain ? omg. is better plate hp -.-



the prize for warrior is a plate


chain is for mages

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' date='Jan 6 2009, 09:29 AM' post='247692']




I never, ever allow angels. This is the one time I am allowing players who have spent lots of levels

and maj, upping an angel, to use it.


well vista players have bad luck then :o

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' date='Jan 15 2009, 08:34 PM' post='248720']

This PVP Event will be SATURDAY February 7th at 3pm server time


war win, chain ? omg. is better plate hp -.-



the prize for warrior is a plate


chain is for mages


Wont the sade still be going on?

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BIG Congrats to our winners:


PVP Champion Warrior- mythfate


PVP Champion Mage- Inner


The warrior event went on for close to 2 hours. The mage event, over an hour. :o


Congrats to the winners but also to everyone who participated. The level of skill was impressive in both



Thanks to MJ-GM and whiteGM for the help. I appreciate it a lot


Winners....I will make your sets tomorrow. Please let me know do you want W or M sets.

You can choose but has to be all the same.


If you disconnected during the event, I am sorry. I feel your pain. Really...but at this point, it is not possible to bring back players who DC.

In the future, we hope to add a connect on recall option for pvp events. As long as you log back in within 20

seconds, you will return to the arena. I know this will make many of you very happy.


Thanks again, guys...You all did an awesome job!



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