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Regarding Sade Eks.

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Regarding what admins posted about the sade ek. I was thinking of some possible solutions for it:


- Instead of removing eks in city during the crusade, how about just removing the increased damage inside cities and have deal more damage only in ml. I believe that an important part of the crusade is to be played in cities, since guilds should work for getting mana shields down, which in turn will create a battle for the survival of the shields. Not being able to make eks in this mini battles would be unfair. Also, give shields twice the hp they got.


- The other thing players take advantage off, is the ml tp, which allows them to get a free pass into enemy cities. How about we only enable teleports for an area which is relativly close to the mana stones. And, also enable the heldian teleport for both cities, so they can invade enemy town to raid the mana shields a bit easier ,only during sade of course, but whitout teleporting into the gates of the city.


- And well finally,maybe giving a bit more of a price for winning crusade, to encourage people to play.


I posted this because removing eks in enemy city, won't be that good, still, there are ways to make people play properly.




Very easy to explain. The bigger, stronger town abuses the Crusade to camp the shop for easy EK's. This is obviously not intended to work like this when Siementech created the Crusade total war. It should focus it's gameplay on the Middleland map.



How to reproduce







Players of the weaker or underpopulated town.





We have come up with a solution to this problem, which should be simple, but effective. We need to disable the ability to gain an Enemy-Kill-Point during the Crusade in the enemy town. You are, for obvious reasons, still rewarded for protecting your own town against the destruction of the shields at the buildings. Once they are destroyed, you have no reason to be in the enemy's town anymore (and also your own town). Players should then go to the Middleland map to receive EK points and play the Crusade total way properly.



Bug status


The solution hasn't been applied to the game code yet. We should be able to pull this off easily and we plan to fix it soon. It's a server side fix, so no need to wait for a new client version.

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I like your idea more than just simply removing eks all together.


However i do think the easiest way to make sades played properlly is to give people a reward worth fighting for, which you have also included in your post


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This will not change anything.

Lower damage at city than at ML? You still have the summons (10 Beetles) wich help you to ek really easy outside the shop.


You stilll have the TP to ML (10 seconds of no damage) to escape while a lot of enemy follow you... wich make the raid a lot "easier" than when you raid in a raid-day where you cant recall or get inside a building.


You still can kill the low lvls who are never at ML, allways at Elvine/Aresden.


Disabling the EKs at Citys when the Sade is on is the easiest and better solution to make everyone play the sade, raid at ML and mass fight.


Build/destroy and ek at ML = a 1kk exp reward at least + eks.

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This will not change anything.

Lower damage at city than at ML? You still have the summons (10 Beetles) wich help you to ek really easy outside the shop.


You stilll have the TP to ML (10 seconds of no damage) to escape while a lot of enemy follow you... wich make the raid a lot "easier" than when you raid in a raid-day where you cant recall or get inside a building.


You still can kill the low lvls who are never at ML, allways at Elvine/Aresden.


Disabling the EKs at Citys when the Sade is on is the easiest and better solution to make everyone play the sade, raid at ML and mass fight.


Build/destroy and ek at ML = a 1kk exp reward at least + eks.


But for that matter, it would be even easier to remove mana shields, increase the life of buildings, and disable raid time during sade, and just make sade a battleground like heldian (which is not a bad idea).


It has no sense to make town a part of sade (through shields) but without allowing u to ek.

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This will not change anything.

Lower damage at city than at ML? You still have the summons (10 Beetles) wich help you to ek really easy outside the shop.


You stilll have the TP to ML (10 seconds of no damage) to escape while a lot of enemy follow you... wich make the raid a lot "easier" than when you raid in a raid-day where you cant recall or get inside a building.


You still can kill the low lvls who are never at ML, allways at Elvine/Aresden.


Disabling the EKs at Citys when the Sade is on is the easiest and better solution to make everyone play the sade, raid at ML and mass fight.


Build/destroy and ek at ML = a 1kk exp reward at least + eks.


But for that matter, it would be even easier to remove mana shields, increase the life of buildings, and disable raid time during sade, and just make sade a battleground like heldian (which is not a bad idea).


It has no sense to make town a part of sade (through shields) but without allowing u to ek.


Thats not a bad idea at all. Nobody defend the shields, and those who destroy them only do it for the points... not to have an effective Meteore Strike..


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It really is a shame that we are even talking about editing crusade like this just because players on this server cant seem to move past their selfish whorish grab for eks.

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exactly my point.


Editing crusade that the town damage will be cropped then that isn't a sade anymore.

Might as well stop doing sades.


It is the people not the game. Focus on the people.

The sade has always been like this and people who played for a long time know it's not about EKs.


The only thing that could tempt people to win the sade is to enlarge the prize pool, although i dunno what it might be.



I think i mis-understood something but.


Disabling raidtime won t let you even take opponents' defense shields down.

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I think i mis-understood something but.


Disabling raidtime won t let you even take opponents' defense shields down.


The idea is not to have mana shields, so players don't have to invade enemy city. Shields are only used to gather points for summons, and summons are used for either eking in city or hunting tw pit.


The idea (not the main one, but the one we had through my sarcasm) would be to make crusade more of a battleground, like heldian is.



It really is a shame that we are even talking about editing crusade like this just because players on this server cant seem to move past their selfish whorish grab for eks.


Actually its not. Helbreath is a game with many, many, MANY stupid things. Its an old game. Changing it a bit is actually something good that might bring lots of benefits and balances to gameplay (like adding 10 sec to use sade tp).

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