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Any idea when droprate will be raised?! Its quite depressing atm, you can hunt for 4 hours and only get 1 or 2 items, which would most likely be n/s! Its bad enough that xp is so low, i think us gamers should have some incentive to play.


I'm sure others agree with me as i've noticed less and less people online these days :(

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If you're talking about armor drops:


n/s drops are the whole point, its to get you excited then crush you and make you wana hunt more :lol:


just because items dont fall in your lap doesnt mean you should quit. Just like getting your character to max lvl is hard, so is finding it3nz. I think it would be ridiculous to change the drop rate because if we did, there would be non-stop bitching and complaining about ppl who have it3nz that are too good. :excl: :excl: :excl: :excl: :excl: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :ph34r:


ok, so take three weeks of playing... you work pretty hard at it rite? well, all im saying is it takes hard work to get g00d 1t3nz jeeze... and changing the npc would be st00pid unless this was a high lvl high exp server which it isnt.


Not everyone is supposed to have good items. Thats why we call them "rares"



Especially read the last quote.

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Last night we killed 240+ etts, it was a full party but no drop! Surely this is an unacceptable return for the time, effort and resources expended :glare:

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Guest JacenSolo

Here's the problem as I see it in game. If drops are truly random, (meaning party size and reputation have no effect) then that is just how it is. I plan on reaching 140, hunting ettin for a while and if nothing drops I will leave game. I look at the top ten list for ares and all I see are ppl who are rarely on anymore. Is this not sending the message to the GMs like it is to the players? All the top levels are quitting this server b/c there is no point in playing anymore.


I am told: Go raid and get some eks.

So I went to Elvine and saw no one for over an hour in the middle of prime time evening play time...


Go level some more.

Once you reach 140 there is no benefit to leveling anymore. Majestic points do not work, and we cant get any DK items which is fine since we are not 180s. That I understand.


Go quest.

Everyone should see DarkerEvils post about this, at some point HB will not give you any more quests to do because you are maxed out for your level. I will be there personally in a couple of quests myself..


If you cannot raid, level, or quest what is there left to do? :unsure:


Go HUNT! Ok, sounds great. Lets go kill some ettin. I was in the mentioned ettin hunt above. We were in a nice large party and just slaughtered everything in the ettin pit for over two hours. We started counting kills after we had been there for about 15 mins just because (who knows). At 100 the party was still focused and hopeful of something, at 150 we all started getting annoyed, at 200 ppl started leaving, and then finally at 225ish it was over. What is wrong with that scenario?


If you spent two hours in a pit with the highest mob available in ML (ignoring HC spawn) and got nothing for it would you be happy if you are were maxed out? I bring this up in town chat and am promptly told I am a noob who doesnt understand how this game works. Well that may be so. But what I do understand is that if there is no motivation to play then ppl leave. Less ppl means less fun for everyone which means ppl quit playing. No people playing = server shut down.


If the GMs want to keep the server going something needs to be done. There are a lot of things that can be changed, for example:


Leave the exp rate the same, that I can deal with. But the drop rate is just unacceptable. Make a change based on reputation where higher rep players get drops more often.


Do the armor change I suggested on a previous post.


Make contribution points worth something, create an exchange rate per ek. Like ten contribution points per 1 EK. You could still work on getting hero items when there arent enemy players on to kill b/c the drop rate is so low.


Raise level limit to 150 or higher, give us max level people a reason to keep going. Do not punish us because other players do not know how to level b/c they die in maps that they arent strong enough to be in. Example is level 80s in garden, 100s in SW/DV alone. They complain that they die, well yeah, your not strong enough to be there...


It appears the GMs are so concerned that upping the drop rate would be devastating to the game. Well think about this. What is worse? Too high of a drop rate with players playing and having fun, or too low and ppl quitting left and right b/c of it? In the end each mob should have a specific % of drop rate per item type.


I will illustrate this using Ettin as my example.


If 200 ettin are killed and there is one drop that implies a drop rate of .5% (1/200), .25% (1/400). This is simply too low given the resources needed to kill that many ettin. Make an incremental change to the drop rate for specific mobs (if this can be done). A rate of 2% seems reasonable to me for an ettin drop. That doesnt mean it will be a battlehammer or hammer. Sadly, it could be a wood shield too...But it IS a drop. As long as there is hope of a drop the party will keep going. When that hope is removed, ppl quit playing and quit game.


HBUSA was too stubborn to do anything like what I mentioned when I was there. I suggested slight changes to game format as well but was pretty much laughed at by the admin as not understanding. Once I left, two months later 50% of the population of USA had cancelled their accounts b/c of these issues. The GMs arent being compensated as far as I know, but please learn from history and take some action. And then POST it in forums for all to see explaining exactly what you did. None of this we increased drop rate on certain items. That's not going to work, you need to say we increased drop rate of zems to an average rate of 2% as well as all other available non rare items. Leave the super rare items alone (Medusa, Xweapons, Ms30, etc), they will drop when they drop.


I know this is a very long post, but I wanted to bring some issues and possible resolutions to the table at once. I cant stand it when ppl gripe but wont offer to help create a solution to the problem. I am not looking for a handout; I am looking for a reason to keep playing. Please create one for all of us. Thanks.

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Guest Goldfinger

you got a point there, and i agree with all of it. Getting ek's is only possible during sade, cause ppl only come on for sade, whole elvine is dead only during sade they are numerous


but i think there are also other things why ppl quit like the lag and the bugs, could be that you guys working on that but as far as i know and that already some while nothing improved it like partybug, castingbug and offcourse the lag (and even more lag during summonevent)


i heard there is gonna be an update so i hope you'll fix all when the update is finished






btw i was also in that specific ettinhunt, sigh ...

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I guess you do have a point there JacenSolo, EXCEPT the trading contribution for EKs. Give blizz mages an even easier way to get eks, huh? I don't think so. :glare:


As for finding elvines, make a pl raider and...well, raid pl. There's ALWAYS elvines there, and we get lonely. :unsure:

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I see your point Jacen and I havnt been hunting enough ettins or anything big to notice this but from what you say i would have to agree with you on raising the droprate.

That being said i have to disagree with upping the level max and ek trading. When i see someone with heroes i want it to be because they killed alot of people, not because they have killed alot of monsters.

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Guest Goldfinger

That being said i have to disagree with upping the level max and ek trading. When i see someone with heroes i want it to be because they killed alot of people, not because they have killed alot of monsters.


i think he meant change it to lvl 150 or more coz when there are no people on to get ek's i still can lvl

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Its not the GMs making these decisions. Its farjat. He and he alone can decide to make changes or not. Hes been opposed to raising the exp. He did say eventually he would up the max level but that it would be a long time in the future.


I dont think the drop rates that bad.I dont want to see mass rares crapping the server up.

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Guest Goldfinger


I dont think the drop rates that bad.I dont want to see mass rares crapping the server up.



the rares can stay as they are but the weapon/armor drops need to be tweeked if possible and same for meriens and xelima's but not in the same wager offcourse

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Agree on several points....the more common drops, armors, weapons, shields, needs to be upped.


The rares need to stay RARE....stone rate is OK i think...i see lots of them for sale and trade. Remember, ALL monsters drop stones but some drop more than others and more frequently.

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Guest Kwisatz

I hate getting BS stuff as drops, like Comp Bow and stuff. : (


But I have no problem with non-stat items. I figure they can only last SO long before I start getting stat'd items.

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i see jacens point, but i definitely dont agree on the cont points for eks. it would be cool if we could do that but not for so little contribution. make it harder to get, you know? and as for common items, i can see the droprate getting raised a alittle bit. i get dissapointed when i spend 5 hours in sg's nonstop lvl and all i get is a critical ns double axe -.-''

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