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The Real Story

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" Well, Elite & IcyMage found the GBH...

But IcyMage tried to steal it from Elite my name impressions...

So we deleted the GBH to punish them for their stupidities XD


So actually, there is no GBH " << White GM told it


First of all this story is 100% lie.


I found the GBH not elite I killed 2 MG in ml near ares cyc pit and got it.

me and -Elite- were partner so i let him use the GBH then...

some1 forget his main nick opened warrior named IcyWar and asked -Elite- the GBH and -Elite- though its me so i he gaved him the GBH then its got scammed.



^^ thats the real story , now i ll tell u why it got wiped :S


After it got scammed we went to farjat which was on vacation so we waited like 3 days till he answer but after he answered he was super fast and get my gbh back in like 20 min (PRO GM)

after 1 day my nab brother Aealy/Aealy(2)/naggs entered forum and my account was safed in forum.

Aealy entered General Topic and "blabla" ( cant remember nick) asked for help from GMS at this time Aealy got scammed by his partner and he asked gm for help but they answered " We Cant Help Cuz Ur Partner Scammed U Next Time Choose Ur Partner Whisly " which 100% true i just understand it later :P

so Aealy didnt liked gms that much :) so he answered this guy and told him " gms wont help you they dont help any1 they do what they like and blablabalablabalabla "

farjat saw it and it was after he gaved me my GBH back so he get pissed and then he wiped my GBH after he explained why in PM told him its wasnt me that I wont say it after he helped me but he sayed "whats done done. "


White[GM] i wont steal my own GBH thats isnt smart.

And i realy dont want that ppls think im scammer becuase gm posted false story thats the real story why i opened this topic


Thx. and BB :)


sry for bad english im 17 years old from israel :)

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makes clear story what you write, I was mistaken...


I just remembered the name-impression...


It's stupid anyway to let your forum account open for your brother...

So well, I was right, it got deleted due to your own stupidities, just the reason why I was slightly wrong.


But I sorry for the wrong story, you explained well here, now I remember correctly.

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mm how its got deleted for my stupidies my forum account was safed -.- i cant do anything about it and by brother have account user.


it's your own responsibility to click the "logout" button when you're finished ^_^

so, not clicking it, is your stupidity xD

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