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Fix Para

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So if you para someone and your sitting there hitting them they can still cast recall because they arent getting stunned by the hits yet they are taking the damage. HBX had the code to where even if you were para'd you would get stunned by every hit that dealed damage. When people are para'd on this server its like they have a dr set and can cast what ever they want -.-. Just an idea

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It's what we use to call ARG delay..

The server cannot send that fast information out to your computer, that is why you sometimes cant see the dmg above the enemy/townmates head.


Therefor there need to be configured a code, so when you lose life, then you lose the ability to finish cast.

I guess it is hard to code...


But i know that nothing is imposibble for Nemesis ;)


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Every hit above 40 to a target whith its backed blocked is not seen. When u para someone its not wise to quickly lunch all crits but to do: normal hit, crit, normal hit, crit, normal hit, crit, and so on.


Its not a bug. This is as old as hb int.

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Yeah i agree it needs to be looked at. Its kind of annoying when youve got a mage para and you can unload 6 crits and they can still recall. I notice it a lot more, but im not sure if i notice it more due to my high ping.

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i tink its nt bout the ping,its the dmg,u crit them 40 or above they wouldnt show the dmg done coz of the fact tat they r paraed or blocked by a wall or something.IMO,i tink the best way 2 stop them from recalling from para situation is to normal hit instead of crit

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