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Weapon Stats

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hey all,


a few days ago i was talking with a other player ingame about my agile hp84 flame and he was saying that if he had he would make a bmage and make lower str , when i asked why the lower str he said that agile means that it requires 13 less str for full swing. Is this true and are there and other stat attributes that i dont know. eg. someone also once said to me that anc. weapons give more exp naturally then other types of stated weapons.


just wanted to know if this is true and if there are any other attributes i dont know about..


thankyou for your time



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Yes, it's true that agile weapons need -13str for fullswing. agile gis 143str as an example. About anc weapons giving more exp, I don't think so.

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Agile weapons indeed require -13 strength, as they are agile weapons.


The rumour on ancient giving more experience is not true, the only items that grant an experience boost are those that have it in their description as being "Experience +XX%" and ups 10 for each stat-level with a maximum of 150% and a maximum being dropped of 10%.


The only "hidden" on Ancient is the Endurance increment, as they're Ancient weapons they act completely like Strong weapons, but because it's Ancient it adds +2 to the dice of the weapon on top of it being Strong.


Light items reduce the required Strength to equip also, a Light plate mail can be worn at lower Strength then usually, depending on the exact light % you can calculate the actual required strength to equip them.

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