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Alright ---Juggs

Gm's Online?

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I believe the ticket system is meant to be for GM/Player interaction.


The goal of the server is actually to have minimal GM involvement ingame.


This is as it should be I reckon.

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Yeah back in the day GM's were not meant to be apart of the everyday HB world, whether it is through their plan, laziness or they are just busy I dont know it appears they are taking a less active role in ingame influence which is good.


I see Muta/Wuta running around quite a lot so its not as if there arent eyes and ears in the game.

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thats why ppl gets secret mutes!!!


to GMs: i need to contact MJ via msn or somehow, any of u have his msn or something plz? PM me it =D

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Yeah back in the day GM's were not meant to be apart of the everyday HB world, whether it is through their plan, laziness or they are just busy I dont know it appears they are taking a less active role in ingame influence which is good.


quoted for truth :excl:

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the ticket system made it possible.


if u explain a problem ingame, we have to remember or to check on realtime. Like remember names exactly spelled and a list of items, we need to write down. And ppl is wispering its very confusive.

But if ppl send ticket, we open ticket and they are already vinculate. we already know char/account/details/bans/history/relations just opening the ticket. its 1000% easyer.

And we can deal tickets from everywhere, like phones or work.


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