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Crusade Is Bugged

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Hi guys,


Crusade (Tuesday) is bugged again.






Seems like every week bugged like clockwork :( Would be nice to have GMT+10-12 GM to sort it most of the time.


Update: I've told white on msn but he appears to be AFK, doesn't appear to be any GM's on forum either. Probably not worth waiting for again guys :(

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U know i desagree with Eldon in almost everything, but i think he gotta point here.. (gm thing)

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its just frustrating because this sade was supposed to be primarily for the oceanic/asian people, or atleast thats who plays it. By the time GM's do get to start it everyone who would usually play it is asleep.

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U know i desagree with Eldon in almost everything, but i think he gotta point here.. (gm thing)


4th time you've agreed with me. Face it, you're my groupie now!! :wub:

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U know i desagree with Eldon in almost everything, but i think he gotta point here.. (gm thing)


4th time you've agreed with me. Face it, you're my groupie now!! :wub:


Shoot me 1st plz ;)

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I dont know why the Tuesday crusade get bugged...


Even if there was a GM there, we cant (GM lvl) start a crusade. Only Hunter and Admins can.

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