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?You are probably surprised to see dwarf outside mine and a sober one. Well its our bloody fate, whatever money we get from mining we just have to waste on alcohol? But today I come in completely different matter. I don?t want to sell anything or get drunk. I come to you because our alchemist Ettenmoor sends me. He?s been watching mushrooms in our mine for months now, why the hell is he doing it? I don?t know? However, he?s a good man. Many times he had cured or strengthen us with appropriate mixture. Hell ! If Ettenmoor didn?t gave that stinky elixir to my cousin Gandorn, he would be dead by now. But what was I saying? Ah yes! Ettenmoor doesn?t feel too good lately, to tell you the truth he looks like a living death. What can I say, he?s old? and he struggles with disease. Anyway I?m suppose to find someone to help the old alchemist and I see lots of good people here. Well, I will come back in day of Saturn (Saturday) at the same time with a letter from Ettenmoor, with his last wish. Farewell mates.?

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?You are probably surprised to see dwarf outside mine and a sober one. Well its our bloody fate, whatever money we get from mining we just have to waste on alcohol? But today I come in completely different matter. I don?t want to sell anything or get drunk. I come to you because our alchemist Ettenmoor sends me. He?s been watching mushrooms in our mine for months now, why the hell is he doing it? I don?t know? However, he?s a good man. Many times he had cured or strengthen us with appropriate mixture. Hell ! If Ettenmoor didn?t gave that stinky elixir to my cousin Gandorn, he would be dead by now. But what was I saying? Ah yes! Ettenmoor doesn?t feel too good lately, to tell you the truth he looks like a living death. What can I say, he?s old? and he struggles with disease. Anyway I?m suppose to find someone to help the old alchemist and I see lots of good people here. Well, I will come back in day of Saturn (Saturday) at the same time with a letter from Ettenmoor, with his last wish. Farewell mates.?


so we are supposed to turn in some sort of alchemy part, and we get a price?

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