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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Does Gbh And Ds Work Properly Now?

    Yes, both work correctly as stated in the item's description. Might be that the demon slayer doesn't state it about the demons, but I am sure it does deal additional damage to them as notified in the update details.
  2. WhiteFang

    New Mode To Rep+ And Rep-

    We'll most likely introduce new hero armors, which i've spoken about before. There would be 2 sides to this hero armors, and probably rep will be involved to purchase or equip them. More likely the purchase rather then the equip as rep also affects kloness and righteous (unless we make an opposite item for kloness and opposite stat for righteous)
  3. WhiteFang


    Your issue is delay, as you have 230+ ping like you're saying, this causes your problem. The moment the player is next to you on your screen, he's probably already moved to another spot because you're 230 milliseconds behind on the server's information. When you click to hit, and send your command to the server, you're actually already 230 + click time + 230 milliseconds heind, which results in aprox 500 milliseconds, which is HALF OF A SECOND behind on the server's actual information when your "attemp to hit" reaches the server again. The issue of delay is likely UNFIXABLE by any side, not client, nor server side. There is however one way to reduce the amount of delay, and that's by moving physically closer to the server (as speaking of moving to another country). Due to the japanese disaster from last march, delays towards asia and australia have been increased ALOT because much internet hardware infrastructure has been destroyed, this is something outside of our power and will, so we can't fix that. Another way is to work the delay and predict where the char wil run and already click in advance to hit him, this is what most people call "skills", the ability to predict your enemy and already be ready to counter what he'll be doing.
  4. WhiteFang

    Contribution For First Dk Set?

    "asap" in the game dev world means within a week or month depending on the release deadlines or update frequency. Unfortunately nemesis isn't like a company that develops a game where the employees get payed. Nemesis is a free mmorpg where each staff member, including the developers are here at free will and arn't getting payed for what they do, therefore "asap" means as soon as (in this case) the developer has time, he'll make it and release it. And at this point, i'm the only developer, and right now I got things to resolve in my real life before bothering with nemesis. Real Life >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nemesis (not just nemsis, but mainly all games) It should be like that for anyone. It's nice to spend your free time playing a game, but the game should not become your life and you should never live for the game, and that's exactly how it works for me. I spend free time developing nemesis rather than playing it, nemesis is not my life, so i'm not here 24/7 developing to get it done. If you do wish to get me here 24/7, pay me every month 4000 USD and i'll do it (as that would be what I'd earn in game dev with a real company).
  5. WhiteFang

    Contribution For First Dk Set?

    There isn't an in-game fix available yet for this issue. We're well aware of it and trying to resolve this ASAP. Meanwhile those who require their first DK set can make a ticket to request for it, they'll be rewarded 200 contribution points to get them started on their set, that should boost them well enough to take most, if not all pieces of their first set. Later on we'll be introducing unique quests to be completed, given to new players at lvl 1 and only completable at lvl 180. This unique quest system will also introduce multiple quests, where players can have multiple quests atonce to be completed. Developing all this takes alot of time and testing. Especially testing this is important, as disabling or breaking the ability to quest will leave heroes behind to take hero sets, max lvls behind on their DK set retakes and guilds behind on upgrading their guilds. Therefore we require more time to have this working properly.
  6. WhiteFang

    Event: Muhahhahahahha Halloween Is Here !

    Best Party Costumes: Nobody, no single player submissions were made. Best Party Area: ~Iguano~, Only one submitting just a party area. Best Guild Halloween Party: Hachis*, Nice area, scary decorated with fitting accomodations and party minded area. Iguano, please pm me your desired reward (as given from the reward list for your category). AmonAmarth, please pm me a list of the members in the SS and their desired reward (as given from the reward list for your category). The GCP Scroll will be handed to you once the rewards are created.
  7. Muhahhahahahha Halloween is here ! Halloween Event exists out of 4 parts: 1. Halloween PvP Event 2. Halloween Costume Party 3. Halloween Monster Mashup 4. Halloween Candy Collecting --- Halloween PvP Event --- When? Halloween Day (October 31st) @ 8 A.M. Server Time Where? Arena - Accessed trough the RED Portal in CityHall (Portals open 30 minutes ahead of event starting time) Rules? * No Activations * No Shields * No PFA * No DS * No GDS * No PFM * No AMP * No Illusion * No Mass illusion * No Illusion Movement * No Mass Illusion Movement * No Resurrection * No Invisibility * No HP Slates * No MP Slates * No Pretend Corpse Prices? * 1st Place 1 (one) Corrupted or Limited (must choose) Light or Strong (must choose) Armor Piece (must choose) HP or MP (must choose) 56% for 15 days dyed in ORANGE. * 2nd Place 1 (one) Corrupted or Limited (must choose) Light or Strong (must choose) Armor Piece (must choose) HP or MP (must choose) 42% for 10 days dyed in ORANGE. * 3rd Place 1 (one) Corrupted or Limited (must choose) Light or Strong (must choose) Armor Piece (must choose) HP or MP (must choose) 35% for 7 day dyed in ORANGE. * Anyone who dares to show up in their Halloween Costume and fight bravely using their costume from the Halloween Costume Party 1 (one) Corrupted or Limited (must choose) Light or Strong (must choose) Armor Piece (must choose) HP or MP (must choose) 28% for 3 day dyed in ORANGE. --- Halloween Costume Party --- Dress up yourself and your guild up for a Halloween Party ! Make a nice Halloween Party Area decorated with any items you can find in the game and go party there on your own and with your guild. Make a screenshot of your Party Area with you and your guild and submit it to this topic. Rules? * Dress Code: Orange as Pumpkins ! * Theme: Halloween * Mouse Pointer must be on top of Character to see Character Name. * Screenshots MUST be taken AND submitted BEFORE november 1st 2011 (server Time) Prices? * BEST Player Costume 1 (one) Corrupted or Limited (must choose) Light or Strong (must choose) Armor Piece (must choose) HP or MP (must choose) 42% for 3 days dyed in ORANGE. * BEST Party Area 1 (one) Corrupted or Limited (must choose) Light or Strong (must choose) Armor Piece (must choose) HP or MP (must choose) 42% for 3 days dyed in ORANGE. * BEST Guild Party in their Party Area all dressed up in their Halloween Costume. 1 Guild Contrbution Scroll Lvl 10 1 (one) Corrupted or Limited (must choose) Light or Strong (must choose) Armor Piece (must choose) HP or MP (must choose) 42% for 3 days dyed in ORANGE for EACH properly dressed member that submitted the screenshot of their guild with their own char name visible OR one person can submit multiple screenshots to show each participating member's name. (e.g. If WhiteFang and Farjat participate, then BOTH must submit a SS that shows aproximatly the identical interior and where they're visibly in eachothers screenshot. OR one of them can submit (in this example) 2 screenshots showing both their names.) * ANYONE that is spotted in Nemesis with a Halloween Custume outfit 1 Random Stone (Merien, Xelima or Zem) or Randomly Limited Clothing Deyed in a Rare Color. --- Halloween Monster Mashup --- Monsters will be roaming towns looking to trick or treat you ! Team up together to get them down, perhaps a Dye will drop upon their death... When? Halloween Weekend and Halloween Day (October 29th to October 31st) Where? Towns (Watch global announcements to see summon events comming up ! - or check them using the "/summonevents " command. --- Halloween Candy Collecting --- I'm looking for some candy and other treats to be found in nemesis, do you have some for me? What do I need? * 5 Red Candy * 5 Blue Candy * 5 Green Candy * 1 Halloween Costume (Long Boots, Chemise or Tunic, Trousers and Combatant Cape) dyed in Orange, Green, Red and Blue (Dye order on the pieces does NOT matter) * 10 (Halloween) Pumpkins * 1 Berserk Tablet * 1 Demon Potion * 1 Blood Item (Axe, Sword or Rapier) Prices? * ANYONE who can give me all what I need BEFORE November 1st 2011 (If i'm offline, Screenshot submission WILL count too !) 1 (one) Corrupted or Limited (must choose) Light or Strong (must choose) Armor Piece (must choose) HP or MP (must choose) 42% for 5 days dyed in ORANGE. !! IMPORTANT !! The Item I require will NOT be returned, they will be DELETED, you MUST give them to receive the reward.
  8. WhiteFang

    Event: Muhahhahahahha Halloween Is Here !

    I know :( I just wish hunter would be back ! I miss him so hard I wanted make an awesome hunter like event to honour him and pray for his return, but ofcourse my event's not as cool as hunter's events, mine don't have that extra "hunter's spirit" in it as hunter himself would add in. (and I suck choosing prices too) Winners will be announced later today. Topic Closed.
  9. WhiteFang

    Event: Muhahhahahahha Halloween Is Here !

    @foefoe: It's not obvious to me, you're trying to get multiple chances, as if you were rejoining the event for another try. Not everyone has a top of the bill computer that can handle 2 clients while with such large amount of players around. Everyone is granted a single chance, I thought that would be known by common sense, but apparently it isn't. And If I like to pull my Nazi card, I will pull it. I'm organizing the event, so I make the rules. If I decide to change them last minute or add rules, that's my choice. I'm not saying that such choice is a good or bad choice, but if I decide to do so, I will do so. GMs are still your superiors in Nemesis, you should listen to them and respect them. If you think a GM does something wrong or abuses powers, we have a report system for that (the ticket system), feel free to file a report if you feel offended. @Maconhado: I told you before to submit a ticket about that matter. Town betrayal is punishable, and I consider fooding over a town mates drop a very low level of batraying your town mates, looks rather childish and stupid to order or perform such thing. Even fooding your enemies drop I think is still kinda low level to do so. @Svafnir: Roca and his guild replicated the exact same scene and fixed it so all displayed members are from the same guild. I don't see any issue in this. I do would see an issue if they changed their scene to something else to top over another guild's submission or steal their idea. @Spanish Talkers: Speak english in this topic, you're warned.
  10. WhiteFang

    Event: Muhahhahahahha Halloween Is Here !

    You're trying to take advantage of a feature built into the client to help people move items between characters to win an event that has the spirit of Fighting and killing one another to win and get reward for the effort of killing others. All you're using the feature for is to AFK and try to win the event in an unfair way. I think people with common sense would know that using features for unfair advantage is not a way of competing with other helbreath players. If I have to list all common sense "rules" or "thoughts" into the rules list of an event, then I'd be busy writing them down all day long.
  11. WhiteFang

    Event: Muhahhahahahha Halloween Is Here !

    yes, as roca posted a guild ss submission, the main guildies (heineken team) is the guild that participates, any chars not in the guild do not meet the "party with your guild" requirements and won't be rewarded IF the guild would win.
  12. WhiteFang


    Agree, read the item description, it tells you perfectly what the Magin Emerald actually does.
  13. WhiteFang

    Sum Ideas, Plz Read!

    trololololololololololol LOCKED & banned, think about what you say in the forum, no trolling.
  14. WhiteFang

    Happy Bday White[gm]

    you're late, but still thx lol :P my b-day was 9th oct ;)
  15. WhiteFang

    Event: Get Limited !

    Live or die, fight or hide the wave of monsters in the Arena ! Last man-standing event, the last player to survive the multiple and progressivly strengthening wave of monsters will win the event ! Monsters will be spawning in the Arena map using automated summon events and additional monsters will spawn by GM command. Side Note: Mobs can be clairvoyant, so invisibility might help, but not that much ;) When? Saturday October 8th 2011 at 8:00 AM Server Time Map Restrictions PvP Mode: OFF Slates: Forbidden HP Pots: Forbidden Food: Forbidden Last Man Standing Price: 1 Limited Bound Set (Hauberk, Hose, Plate/Chain/Robe, Wings/Horned/Full/Helm/Hat, boots, cape) 20% Light or Strong 35%, 35% HP or 35% MP for 36 hours. Boots, Cape, Hat, Robe color: MP = Sapphire, HP = Ruby. ----- crazyness has won the event ! He managed to be the last man standing against numerous waves of monsters in the Arena. He has chosen a Strong HP 35% Limited Set with Plate and Wings.
  16. WhiteFang

    Suggestions For Advertice

    I know, that's exactly why I hold events to collect game tips and guides. Making an event out of it doesn't leave the tippers empty handed.
  17. WhiteFang

    Suggestions For Advertice

    Hmm let me see if i can find my guide, unless Hunter still has it? I think i resumed all the this to do, or atleast most of it.. Nah it is gone =/ I think I still have it somewhere, not sure though. Exactly ! That's what I'll be working on, as we also face the fact that currently new 180's need to work very hard for their DK sets and stay goldies lvl 180 for some time. So we need such tutorial thing with tasks (one-time-quests) to complete. But adding this one-time-quest system requires a change in the structure of quests and would allow multiple quests atonce.
  18. WhiteFang

    Suggestions For Advertice

    I'm collecting game tips for new & old right here: http://www.helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=32486
  19. WhiteFang

    Hosting Company Manteinance. 10/12/2011

    Nope, Nemesis is located in Dallas, this maintenance focuses on houston but affects Dallas (read description), that's why we put a notification for you guys too, then we all know when there's lagg, why there's lagg.
  20. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis V5.37

    Helbreath Nemesis is updated to v5.37 ! Please note that in the first 12 to 24h there could take place multiple reboots to resolve or fix things. Update Details: New Map-Related & NPC-Related Features: - Dragonia Renewal ! The dragons have re-shapen the entire map, they've created their own special area's for themselfs. - Dragonia Effects: Each dragon has its own area, they dominate their area by using random spells of their area type to try and kill you ! There are 7 types of Dragons/Wyverns, each one of them lives in its own area, each area contains 2 portal pads leading to a next area, 6 of the 7 areas form a big circle around the 7th area. The Black Dragon lives in the 7th, central area. He spawns a portal in 1 of the 6 other areas, this portal lasts 15 minutes, after that time, the Black Dragon changes his portal to another area. - Twin Mage & Twin Warrior: 2 evil Twins have emerged from the depths of the Abaddon's evil prison, they've been sent by the Abaddon to fade in with the followers of Eldeniel and Aresien. The Abaddon's power is very weak, therefore his creation of Twins forced him to make them weaker than his minor creator (The HellClaw), but yet a Twin is stronger than a Gargoyle. Twins are scouting Middleland, Dungeon Level 4 but most of all the Dragonia Map as the Dragons seem to be growing in power ! Most twins scout Dragonia, they'll randomly spawn, 1 Mage and 1 Warrior will always come together. Twins Primary Drop is equal to Gargyoel and Hellclaw drops. Twin Mage Secondary Drops: Resurrection Wand (MS.10), Resurrection Wand (MS.20), Magic Wand (MS30-LLF), Necklace of Ice Elemental, Ring of Grand Mage, Ring of Arc Mage. Twin Warrior Secondary Drops: Sword of Ice Elemental, Merien Plate Mail (M), Merien Plate Mail (W), Dark Executor, Necklace of Air Elemental, Ring of Dragon Power, Ring of The Xelima. - Dragons have become more Experienced, when slaying a dragon, the amount of experience gained is increased to surpass the Fire Wyverns Experience ! New Player-Related Features: - The City Hall Officer now offers a new service to combatants who've reached level 180. In exchange of Contribution Points they can take or retake the Dark Knight or Dark Mage items. The City Hall Officer has also managed to get a hold of a Dark Mage's Hat, he added the Hat to his services ! - The City Hall Officer has been thinking on new Quests for you, you can now take Nizie Party Quest for Druncnian City or the Any Monster Party Quest for Dungeon Level 3 - The Shopkeeper has been investigating the Twins, she managed to tame them when using her Taming Whip at 95% Taming along with one more tamer. Required Skill Level: 95%, Required Tamers: 1.50 (142.5% Taming), Taming Base Time: 210 Seconds. - AFK Status has been added, use /afk inside a building to indicate you're AFK with blue ZZZ's. AFK Status automatically triggers after 5 minutes of no movement or chatting activity within a building AFK Status CANNOT be used outside of buildings, it'll only work for GMs outside of buildings. New Spell-Related Features: - Gandalf the Wizard has visited the Dragons in Dragonia, he has learned a new spell from the Lightning Dragons. He managed to capture the spell's power into a manual, on his escape back to town from the highly dangerous dragonia area, he has lost this manual ! You should take a look at the Lightning Dragon's or Black Dragon's area to find the Fury of Thor Manual, perhaps one of the Dragons has it? Required Intelligence: 182, Mana Cost: 155 - Gandalf the Wizard extended his knowledge about Poison spells, he managed to Poison Npcs over time. New Item-Related Features: - Tom the Blacksmith has managed to manufacture 3 new item types: Corrupted, Limited and Fragile items. Corrupted items expire at the specific date and time, once its time has come, it'll vanish to dust ! Limited items expire after a specific amount of time used, once its time has come, it'll vanish to dust ! Fragile items vanish to dust once their endurance reaches 0 (zero), they're so fragile you can't repair them ! - Over the many years of Helbreath, Howard has managed to get detailed information about items he has seen passing by in his Warehouse Storage. He has written down this information and now shares it with everyone. Check your items to find out if Howard managed to get a proper description for them. - The Gail has been exploring the new Dragonia map, he managed to Craft a new Angelic Pendant using the powers of the Illusion Dragon. Unfortunately he has lost the pendant and one of the Illusion Dragons has eaten ! Slay the Illusion Dragons or Black Dragons to find an Angelic Pendant of Lucidity. Effect?: +4% Confusion/Illusion Protection for every upgrade level (max +80%) - The Gail has discovered a new way to Upgrade Angelic Pendants, he has spread the secret amongst town members and they managed to upgrade their Angelic Pendants to +20 ! - DK Set's Price Value has multiplied by 10. (this involves higher prices to repair !) - DK Helm Endurance Changed to 4k - DK Armor Endurance Changed to 7.5k - DK Hauberk Endurance Changed to 3k - DK Leggings Endurance Changed to 5k - DK Robe Endurance Changed to 5.5k - DK Hat Endurance Changed to 2.5k - DK Chain Endurance Changed to 6k - Poison Weapons now Poison NPCS over time (just as you do with players) - Super Mana Potion's MP increment has been changed from 3D8+130 (133~154) to 4D8+130 (134~164) to be in line with the other mana potions. - Xelima Axe's Shield Strip Rate has been changed to 33% - War Axe's Shield Stirp Rate has been changed to 20% - Battle Axe's Shield Strip Rate has been changed to 25% - Kloness Axe's Shield Strip Rate has been changed to 33% - All other axe's Shield Strip Rate has been changed to 16% - Battle Hammer's Armor Strip Rate has been changed to 33% - All Wands/Staff Physical Damage Changed to 2D4+0 (2~8) - Kloness Esterk's Physical Damage Changed to 2D7+2 (4~16) and 2D8+2 (4~18) - Kloness Axe's Physical Damage Changed to 3D10+1 (4~31) and 3D11+1 (4~34) - Kloness Blade's Physical Damage Changed to 2D13+3 (5~29) and 2D14+3 (5~31) - Black Shadow Sword's Physical Damage Changed to (Large Only) 2D13+3 (5~29) - Giant Battle Hammer's Physical Damage Changed to 3D10+2 (5~32) and 3D11+2 (5~35) - The Devastator's Physical Damage Changed to 5D7+3 (8~38) and 5D8+3 (8~43) - Bound Items such as Hero of Dark Knight/Mage can no longer be traded, dropped, sold or given. - Bound Items that do not belong to you can no longer be equiped. New Drop-Related Features: - Black Dragon now additionally drops: Ring of The Abaddon, Ring of Arc Mage, Ring of Arc Mage, Fury of Thor Manual, Angelic Pendant of Lucidity, Earth Protection Necklace, Earth Elemental Necklace. - Lightning Dragon now additionally drops: Fury of Thor Manual. - Illusion Dragon now additionally drops: Angelic Pendant of Lucidity. - Earth Dragon now additionally drops: Earth Protection Necklace, Earth Elemental Necklace. - ALL Dragons now additionally drop: GCP Scrolls and Experience Potions. (Black Dragon drops them at a higher level and rate). Other Features: - Poison Frequency now depends on the Poison Level, PD65 will hit higher and more frequent than PD20. - Map Restrictions are now extended towards the Dynamic Effects (Poison Cloud, Fire Fields, etc). - The /dkset command has been removed, you must use the City Hall Officer's service now. - Duplicate DK Items will be deleted automatically without warning. - GMs can now reach town chat of BOTH towns. - GM's town chat can be read by BOTH towns now. - GM's Chat Color has changed to Orange and now also displays in the normal chat history. - Guild chatting with the @ sign will now be server-wide (just as with ^) - Party Chat will now be server-wide - Low HP Warning has changed to warn you when your HP drops below 20% of your max HP. - Low HP Warning Color has changed to be more noticeable. - Hunger Notification Color has changed to be more noticeable. - Amount Displays are now mostly comma-separated to be clearer. Bug Fixes: - When running into big monsters (wyverns, dragons and Abaddon), you no longer bump into them. - Gold Item Weight was reduced in the past, but displayed incorrectly causing a visual over-weight. - Same GM and Guild chat messages sometimes didn't reach all legitimate players. - Armor Break that was used by the Illusion Dragon now actually reduces armor endurance.
  21. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis V5.37

    they'll also hit you physically if you get in their physical range.
  22. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis V5.37

    Where? ML, D4 (both with low spawn chance) and Dragonia (high spawn chance) Magic? Yes, the Twin Mage shoots magic to you. The Twin Warrior does not. Attack Range? Mage has 1 square, Warrior 4 square attack range. Health? Average 4500 Health. MR? Around same MR as GG and HC (which is high MR)
  23. WhiteFang

    Bugs (report Them Here)

    ah ic, i should change the picture instead then lol, didn't notice thatone !
  24. WhiteFang

    Bugs (report Them Here)

    I've tested it, and i had hat W in my bag, changed to M, took a new hat and got the M hat... then changed back to W and took hat again and i got the W hat... so according to me it works just fine.