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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Twin Mage/war

    Portal is now fully integrated in nemesis website, check the left menu at the "game information" section.
  2. WhiteFang

    Event: Merry X-Mas Morning

    Hello Nemesis ! X-mas is just a few days away from us and I'd like to wish everyone a merry x-mas in advance already :) To celebrate X-mas in Nemesis I'll be-holding a PvP/M event ! Beholding PvP/M Event Information: Start Time: Sunday December 25th 7:00 AM Server Time Location: Arena (Portal to join in will be located in the City Hall) Event Goal: Behold and Survive as a last-man (or girl) standing ! 1vALL pvp event with Beholders spawned around the arena. Arena decreases progressively in size by ManaStones. Event Price: (Slightly higher, it's holidays for everyone !) - 1st Place: 14 days Corrupted Necklace of Beholder* + 7 days Corrupted Colored Santa Costume - 2nd Place: 7 days Corrupted Necklace of Beholder* + 3 days Corrupted Colored Santa Costume - 3rd Place: 3 days Corrupted Necklace of Beholder* + 1 day Corrupted Colored Santa Costume Event Restrictions: PvP Mode: ON PvE Mode: ON Activations: Forbidden Tablets: Forbidden Shields: Allowed Pretend Corpse: Forbidden Forbidden Spells: DS, GDS, PFM, AMP, PFA, Illusion Type spells, Cloud, Spike, Fire fields and Ice Storm Allow Spells: All non-forbidden spells INCLUDING Invisibility and Detect Invisibility. AFK'ing: Forbidden Multiclient: Forbidden Rejoin: Forbidden *Beholder Necklace: http://www.helbreath...ion=item&id=409 [Edit] 1st Place: Mindys 2nd Place: TheTank 3rd Place: JJang2
  3. WhiteFang

    Activations [Once More]

    Cooldown on Items + Chars will come, a combination of both to prevent some ppl using IE after xelima after dusa after mer shield and to prevent passing of items, xelima after xelima after xelima to kill someone...
  4. WhiteFang

    Event: Merry X-Mas Morning

    It's listed in the edited first post: 1st Place: Mindys 2nd Place: TheTank 3rd Place: JJang2
  5. WhiteFang

    New Mode To Rep+ And Rep-

    Kloness works the way it is written in its description in nemesis.
  6. WhiteFang

    New Mode To Rep+ And Rep-

    I confirm righteous weapons do work correctly. +1 damage for every 10 negative ENEMY reputation points with a maximum of +10 damage.
  7. WhiteFang

    Manu Weapons

    1. Yes and No: If the dice is rolled and it is already your max hit (determined by TRB), it doesn't matter which STR you have as you CANNOT exceed this max hit. Does 130str or 200str make a diff using flame? it sure does, your dices are rolled, on average you roll max - min damage, your STR will in such cases provide you additional damage to make you hit higher as long as you don't exceed the maximum damage determined by the TRB. So a 200 str user will gain more bonus from his +70 str above the 130 str user, resulting in aprox +3,5 damage ON TOP of the 130 user. Again the additional damage from your STR is also randomized, with a minimum of 1 and maximum of 11 (at 200 str and +20 str angel). 2. Yes, the maximum base-damage is capped by the TRB, where only Ancient and Sharp increase the R resulting in a higher average and manufactured items increasing the min & max values but not affecting the TRB itself (= keeping the same average). 3. Yes, manu'ed items enlarge the min & max possible hit of your weapon, but they don't affect the TRB directly, so the average dice roll on them stays the same as non-manued items. 4. No, STR bonus shows it's true color in any weapon as you always gain the str bonus, but your TRB dice roll + str bonus cannot exceed the maximum TRB damage (of the max + manu bonus when the item is manufactured). 5. Yes and No, Str indeed can't bring your base-damage above the max damage determined by TRB + eventually manu bonus, and no it does not render STR useless. 6. The max value I speak about is base damage (dice roll + str bonus), after that is determined and capped to their min & max value, the hit-formula continues by adding other indevidual item bonuses (rep for kloness for example), damage bonuses (rings, necklaces etc), dashing or critting bonuses aswell as indevidual item bonuses, reduction of damage by VIT absorption of the enemy, reduction of damage by the PA of the enemy, etc etc,... many things are still calculated afterwards resulting in a higher hit then the mentioned "max value" earlier in the topic. 7. We do not share the full formula, we only explained in discussions as these the purpose and functionality of certain abalities (manufacturing in this case) and their effect within this formula (their load on the total picture), but the exact formula is not released as we prefer to keep things fun rather than math-based science game. Some weapons indeed over-rule others, but each weapon has its own special thing, if it isn't in a special ability or higher max hit or higher average damage, it'll probably be rather in rarity or difficultry to produce such item(s). --- Endurance increase should, if i'm correct, be applied to both weapons and armors, I should look this up in the old formula to see if I transformed the code correctly as I refactored it recently (last update). To answer you why more STR = more damage, it comes to a formula or explenation that applies to both manu'ed and non-manued items. A weapon has a specific TRB, let's say BBH 3D9+2, so we know our minimum if 5 and maximum is 29. Whenever you hit an enemy, the server rolls 3 dices with 9 eyes and adds 2 damage to it. The average of 3D9+2 is 15,5 (9 / 2 = 4,5 -> 4,5 * 3 = 13,5 -> 13,5 + 2 = 15,5), so in theory when performing 100 hits, your average should be 15,5. If you conduct this test pruly based on this TRB, it'll indeed show this. After this dice is rolled, another dice is rolled to determine your STR bonus, it's 1 dice with STR / 20 eyes (200 STR + 20 angel = 220 str / 20 = 11), so 1D11+0 is rolled. This 1D11+0 rolls 5,5 as average (11 / 2 = 5,5). So when the first 3D9+2 is rolled, the second dice is rolled 1D11+0 and they're counted together resulting in a specific value and then checked if it rolled below min or above max. So we can see that in theory our average now becomes 15,5 + 5,5 = 21. So a player who has less STR, will have a lesser STR bonus, resulting in a lower average damage. I hope this explained all your questions ;)
  8. WhiteFang

    Manu Weapons

    As I mentioned before, there is a +5 damage increase to min and max but the TRB doesn't change. When you attack an enemy (player or npc) the dices are rolled to calculate your damage, these dices are the TRB dices as usual. On top of that rolled value (your damage) you gain bonus damage from Strength (stat + angel), as one point you have a calculated maximum of 25 for the BBH, but if your rolled dice is 25, and you gain the bonus damage from str stat, you CANNOT exceed this maximum of 25 as it is determined by the TRB. What manufactured items so is add increased damage to this min/max values of the TRB calculation. Where the max normally is 25 for BBH, a 200% BBH would have an increased max of +5 resulting in a total max of 30 base damage. So when the dices roll you a 25 form your TRB, and you gain additional damage from your str stat, you CAN go over the 25 with the maximum of 30 if you're using a 200% BBH. That is what actually happens whenever you hit, from that base damage additional other damages are added on top of them with different formula's etc to finally have a specific damage you'll deal. So your mentioned calculations no longer make sense as you're assuming the 200% BBH adds +5 in the TRB which it doesn't as I just explained.
  9. WhiteFang

    Manu Weapons

    The information I provided is accurate, I looked it up before posting it. Compaing BBH 4~25 andanc BH 4~31 indeed makes a different damage where the anc BH would perform the best. Why would it be best? because the average damage dealt by it is higher than BBH's average. (BBH: 14,5, ANC BH: 17,5) which results in the fact that an ancient BH is indeed better in average damage than a BBH would be. Nothing changes those things, manufacturing affects the min/max damage, it does not affect the Throw, Range or Bonus at all. With BBH+4, the Throw, Range of Bonus isn't affected either, as the +4 deals +4 additional damage, which comes on top of the basic damage. Therefore when actual throwing of dices takes place, it doesn't matter if your BBH is manu'ed, upgraded or a shop bbh, its TRB (throw range bonus) isn't changed, only other different values are changed, so the average damage is always equally. Comparing it to an Ancient BH, who's Range is affected by the Ancient stat (+2) shows that it do is better seen on an average and longterm scale. When compaing them in power, you'll see that BBH's manued and upgraded can hit way higher than an ABH would possibly hit, so the final question remains, take an ABH and get a good average damage? or take the stronger BBH with a slightly lower average damage but pump out bigger amounts of damage?
  10. WhiteFang

    Manu Weapons

    Manufactured Items Damage Bonus: (Weapons Only) (Completion % - 100) devided by 100 multiplied by 5 = additional damage e.g.: 200% Completion: ((200 - 100) / 100) * 5 = (100 / 100) * 5 = 1 * 5 = 5 -> additional damage = 5 e.g. 150% Completion: ((150 - 100) / 100) * 5 = (50 / 100) * 5 = 0,5 * 5 = 2,5 -> additional damage = 2 e.g. 80% Completion: ((80 - 100) / 100) * 5 = (-20 / 100) * 5 = -0,2 * 5 = -1 -> additional damage = -1 !!! NEGATIVE BONUS ! this "Additional Damage" is added to your Minimum Damage (Throw + Bonus) and also to your Maximum Damage (Throw * Range + Bonus) e.g. Barbarian Hammer - 3D9+2 (5~29) Completion 100% (shop): 3 + 2 + 0 = 5 damage minimum, 3 * 9 + 2 + 0 = 29 damage maximum Completion 200%: 3 + 2 + 5 = 10 damage minimum, 3 * 9 + 2 + 5 = 34 damage maximum *Note: The mentioned "minimum" and "maximum" damage are only the BASE of the weapons calculations, strength bonuses, necklace/rings bonuses or any others bonuses are NOT added to this formula as they are not directly involved in the manu' damage formula. Even though the +5 doesn't seem much, but it results into much more damage as additional formula's still need to be applied, manu's bonus is located at the BASE of the calculation resulting in a major damage addition in the end of the calculation Manufactured item defense bonus: (armors only) ((Completion % - 100) devided by 100 multiplied by their natural DR) devided by 2. With this formula, having a 200% item would result into * 1,5 DR of the armor piece itself. Having a 150% would result into a * 1,25 DR of the armor piece itself. e.g. Knight Plate Mail - 40 DR 150% Completion: ((150 - 100) / 100) * 40 = ((50 / 100) * 40) / 2 = (0,5 * 40) / 2 = 10 additional defence (-> 40 + 10 = 50 DR total) 200% Completion: ((200 - 100) / 100) * 40 = ((100 / 100) * 40) / 2 = (1 * 40) / 2 = 20 additional defence (-> 40 + 20 = 60 DR total) Upgraded Damage Bonus: When upgrading a weapon to +1, +2, +3 etc its damage bonus is simply measured by the + is has, a +5 weapon would add 5 additional damage. (This damage is added AFTER the dices are thrown, AFTER the berserk double damage, they're counted all together with ring/neck damage bonuses, which are also added AFTER berserk double damage.) ---- Bottom line, manufactured items do ARE stronger (as in dealing more damage for weapons) and gain MORE endurance when upgraded (+20% instead of the usual +15% from Blacksmith or statted items), therefore we can simply make the conclusion that manufactured items are better to use than shop items.
  11. WhiteFang

    Manu Weapons

    ooooo thanks white.... meaning it has to be 200% above then have bonus dmg? 150% above? no? A weapon 101% completion is better than a blacksmith-weapon (which is 100%). So a 150% weapon is better than a blacksmith-weapon. Higher completion = more bonus damage.
  12. WhiteFang

    Raise Droprate

    That's why "Guild" are important in helbreath, a new guy can found or join a guild as desired giving him a potentional chance to win aswell.
  13. WhiteFang

    Raise Droprate

    That's why I've been adding multiple map restrictions to nemesis to enforce specific rules in certain types of events which'll be held in the future to give new players a chance to win too. (e.g. DK Event, only allowed to use DK armors and weapons. Monster Survival, be the last man standing vs a group of NPCs. Scavenger Hunts, gather a specific set of items. Hide 'n Seek, Find a hidden item or GM to get rewarded. Dress Party, dress up as requested to win. Exchange Event, exchange an existing item (mostly stones or easy to get items) for other rarer items. ... I can go on and on) Summon events are given on a regular basis to the entire town, players with less rares or less good items can still participate and survive most of the waves, rares don't even matter much in summon events anyway. Anyway, the number of PvP events of different types in Tournament shape should be increased drastically aswell as Team, Guild and Town PvP events. For those we're mainly creating the Automated PvP Tournament System, which'll bring all those things into a simple dialog for both GM's and Players to manage everything. More news on the system will come later aswell as full details and possibilities.
  14. WhiteFang

    Manu Weapons

    Yes, manufactures weapons give additional Damage dependingon their Manufacturing %. Logically a weapon below 100% would be WORSE then a shop item (as they are all 100% by default). Those with 200% Completion will give you the maximum amount of bonus damage and higher endurance. Upgrading manufactures items adds 20% more endurance to them then upgrading a normal item (which only adds 15% endurance) for each upgrade level.
  15. WhiteFang

    Weapon Stats

    Agile weapons indeed require -13 strength, as they are agile weapons. The rumour on ancient giving more experience is not true, the only items that grant an experience boost are those that have it in their description as being "Experience +XX%" and ups 10 for each stat-level with a maximum of 150% and a maximum being dropped of 10%. The only "hidden" on Ancient is the Endurance increment, as they're Ancient weapons they act completely like Strong weapons, but because it's Ancient it adds +2 to the dice of the weapon on top of it being Strong. Light items reduce the required Strength to equip also, a Light plate mail can be worn at lower Strength then usually, depending on the exact light % you can calculate the actual required strength to equip them.
  16. WhiteFang

    Raise Droprate

    good point about the hunt there you made, a perfect example ;) Regarding your pvm/pvp statement, separating it will most likely cause less pvp action to occur as often ppl will sit in the "hunting" zones where pvp wouldn't be allowed. By allowing pvp in multiple maps and no real "safe" hunting zone, people are forced to pvp or run away and seek another hideout leveling place. appart from that, the aid idea I got towards the abaddon hunt and the entire apocalypse event doesn't compare to the numerous other places where pvp can take place. Pvp isn't completely forbidden, nor eliminated in the apocalypse maps, so you can still go there to pvp the hunting group as you could go to any map and disturb a hunt. Yet fighting a powerfull boss mob like this the betrayal of one player can cause a massive hunt of 20ish or 25ish players to be ruined completely, with time ticking towards the closing of the Apocalypse every week to continue the all out war in the middleland, the immunity of the abaddon to protection spells would benefit the hunters who put effort and only eliminate a small part of traitors/ruiners of hunts who're probably trying to argue with me that it is "interfearing with pvp" and disagree on such changes. I've seen numerous of games where pvp can co-exist properly aside of boss-hunting areas or places where it is impossible to ruin a boss hunt in a specific way. Let's say the simple example of World of Warcraft, going on a boss hunt there often required traveling trough a dangerous PvP zone with a high kill rate involved, while once entering into the dungeon, you're mainly on your own with your own group where pvp'ing eachother isn't even possible, where only failure of clearing the boss map or killing the boss happens due to inability of the team or certain key team members, where as those kind people would end up in an ignore list and never be invited to such hunts again. Where helbreath can't prevent others joining the hunting area as all areas are FFA places and not uniquely assigned to a single player or group of players, helbreath should find other ways to make hunting a more fun experience, in such case adding an immunity to abaddon against protection spells contributes towards the fun rate of hunting this boss mob down.
  17. WhiteFang

    Raise Droprate

    Abby's drop rate as it is now is fine, people just don't take the effort to hunt it due to "hunt ruining" stuff that could occur aswell as unfair drops or drop theft. If a GM is there organising it, mass people join, even though they know the possibility exists in just a "stone" (junk) drop. - The Prime Event - The abaddon was sealed away many many ages ago by the gods Eldeniel and Aresien. - Episode 2 of the Helbreath Soryline: Resurrection of the Abaddon - In the Villains collected all sacred items to release the Abaddon's power once again, this is where the followers of the Gods must put their war to a truce and fight along eachothers side to conquer the evil Abaddon's powers. This shows really well that helbreath is not all about the war. The apocalypse was revealed by the Princess of Elvine and the Knight of Aresden and a truce was made to make conquer the Abaddon.
  18. WhiteFang

    Raise Droprate

    When i said doing something wrong, I didn't consider "amping abaddon" or using "hp slate", I rather thought about generating a mass fight to draw everyone's attention to fighting rather the killing the abaddon. As hunting abby would become easier with server's help and certain immunities and drop distributions etc, the way to get there, the creatures and abaddon himself can be made more powerfull to once again balance it out. Just ot give an example, abaddon could focus more on magical attack then on physical attacks, this would make it much harder to be hunted. Another addition could possibly be the ability of the Abaddon to summon minor minnions to attack players (Twins? Hc? TW?) or some sort of healer npc which players must kill before it would heal up the abaddon. Perhaps abaddons ability to "teleport" around the abaddon map and overcome the obstacles he shaped himself in his own prison, this would requiring re-luring to continue killing. I can think of numerous other things to be added to make the Abaddon strong to re-balance the apocalypse again.
  19. WhiteFang

    X-Mas Drops

    I'd love to add them near x-mas, BUT there is at this point a major issue with v5.40's stability, the game server is very unstable, I have no exact idea why or how yet, still trying to figure it out, i'm not sure what the issue actually is. If I manage to restore stability and do some minor tests, we'd even have a new update comming along near x-mas time ;)
  20. WhiteFang

    Raise Droprate

    Makes it interesting this type of conversations/discussions as it brings new ideas: - Give the abaddon immunity to any type of protection spells. - Create an automated drop distribution system within apocalypse maps, those who dealt damage to a mob will share in the drop, distributed directly at point of death trough a random system. Those ppl who already got a drop before will be skipped untill all people who dealt damage received a drop, then the drop system would include them again.
  21. WhiteFang

    Raise Droprate

    I remember when we killed abby 3 or 4 times in a row. Everytime only meriens... It just is not worth it. You need like 20 people to kill it, a single person is able to *censored* up whole hunt etc and in the end you are FGing merien stone and zem for 25 people... It's true abaddon has the odd behavior, which we somehow can't actually explain why or how, to just drop "junk" items compared to it's ultimate drops. If a single guy is able to *censored* your hunt, you didn't get a good team. When one guy comes to raid you, you should massively own him, 20v1... and be able to kill him right away. And about the FG'ing, true, as people like to play honest but have a hard time doing so, often a GM needs to be involved to ensure honest drop regulations are done, and often it results into fg'ing the many stones amongst participants. Although, in some rare cases an admin would summon a second abaddon to make up for the "junk" drops or create a random abaddon item to not let the entire effort go to waste. Appart from that, I've been thinking about a new way of "safe zones", where as a player spawns (e.g. by recall or teleport from one to another map) he is in a "safe zone", the moment he puts one step outside the safe zone, this zone would be completely GONE for that player, so running safe and luring ppl to safe, or as we often see ppl play by recall pads running to safe zone or in ML safe zones (town & ML side), such behavior would become impossible, making pvp more interesting I think, as once you move out of the safe zone, you can no longer return to the zone, requiring you to FIGHT or RUN/RECALL. I know this will also make it harder to "see" if people are in a "safe" state or not, a visual effect can/will be added to indicate such state.
  22. WhiteFang

    Raise Droprate

    Don't forget items are also being lost through accounts getting banned and people discontinuing with the game. Also, hunting is a very big part of the game, I actually prefer hunting to pvp. My argument is that the droprate is lower than it was when I was active this time last year, and the way it's set at the moment you stand a better chance getting a rare than a half decent battlehammer :blink: The drop rates have been unchanged since I joined nemesis, which is more then 3 years ago actually... The rate is still the same, the amount of hunted monsters is just decreased, and it becomes harder to hunt specific monsters due to lowered population. For example, no single of the newest dragonia items are in the game yet, nor are any monster-dropped sleep manuals either, and not even the much wanted devastator, those are just a couple unseen items in nemesis. Nemesis would be fully of rares if abby was hunted every week, at the testing phase of increased abby drops (which is still applied !) we calculated that in 6 months each active player would have gained 1 or 2 rare items given the drop rate of the abaddon, Yet this didn't happen (yet?) as people tend to give up after 1 "bad/less valued" drop.
  23. WhiteFang

    Drops Bugged?

    More details info @ http://www.helbreathnemesis.com/news.php?id=47
  24. WhiteFang

    Drops Bugged?

    Confirmed ! During the month December ALL monsters have a chance of dropping candies, the highest healing items in helbreath. It's this time to the year again to stock them up for later events to be given (scavenger), pvp fights with your friends, or pvp events where pots are allowed ! Along with the chance of candies comes experience potions with lvl 1's having 10% drop chance and lvl 10's a 1% chance if the x-mas drop occurs (which on it's own is 11,66% of the total drop chance). Candies are equally devided amongs the remaining drop chance which is 15% for each candy if the x-mas drop occurs. The above mentioned rates are subject to time, if there wouldn't be a time involved, the above mentioned xp potion and candy rates would apply. As I like to make things more fun as we get near xmas, you gain an INCREASED drop rate of these specific items when the days grow closer to x-mas and new year itself ! On x-mas day you would have 0,05% increased chance towards a higher xp potion and on new years evening you'd gain a full 0,5% increment. Before december 20th you'd gain a negative bonus and obtaining an xp pot lvl 10 will be significant smaller then after 20th of december (x-mas holday period).
  25. WhiteFang

    New Mode To Rep+ And Rep-

    If a possible update related to rep would occur, this will probably a feature that'll be disabled, and you'll probably lose experience or contribution points instead of reputation. Or instead of negative rep, give "opposite" rep (when + you gain -, when - you gain +)