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[Fixed] Crusades

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Crusades dont seem to be working, got two ek's, both wearing knight, and I didn't get either eks. Scrolling over any of the Energy Shields in the opposite town (didn't try friendly town) crashes your client.

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Can you give me the time stamp of the EKs? (you can easly find that in the Recent EK page on the web)


With "scrolling over" you mean moving your move over the energy shield causes a crash?

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Crusades dont seem to be working, got two ek's, both wearing knight, and I didn't get either eks. Scrolling over any of the Energy Shields in the opposite town (didn't try friendly town) crashes your client.


same with magic generator, happened in friendly/enemy town

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I think anything Crusade related, if you tried to click it or attack it or even scroll or hover over the object to see its name, it crashed you. Heres the screenshots of the 2 EK's I got.






Timestamps on the top right. And you can clearly see the crusade sign, plus the mercenary's that I used to destroy the shields and my summons as well, because I couldn't go anywhere near the shield without crashing.

Edited by MaryJane

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You're an elvine killing an aresden in aresden during crusade. killing an enemy in the enemy town during crusade give 0 EKs because we discourage raiding enemy town (and often camping recall pads, shop or other areas). With that setting we intend to focus battles around Middleland with only a small group of raiders taking down shields in enemy towns and the enemy defending the shields.

That explains why you don't get an EK.


The other issue with hovering the mouse over the structures, this is a bug I am confirming and will be resolved on next client update.

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So even during a Crusade you don't get eks in the opposite town? Thats the stupidest thing I've ever heard, Helbreath is all about war, why are you taking the rading aspect out? I can see when its not Crusade, sure, whatever, but during a Crusade? Thats the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

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So even during a Crusade you don't get eks in the opposite town? Thats the stupidest thing I've ever heard, Helbreath is all about war, why are you taking the rading aspect out? I can see when its not Crusade, sure, whatever, but during a Crusade? Thats the stupidest thing I've ever heard.


I mentioned it above, the reason its been done like this is to draw the fight to ML because people stayed in the towns camping shops and recall pads and not fighting eachother in ML. They're ABUSING the crusade as you don't drop items upon death.

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