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[Fixed] Booster Bug?

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Well i really dont know if this is counted as a bug or not and at least i havent read it in any other topic, The thing is that when you are full and have a booster in your bag if you try to use it, it gets bugged and you have to relog. Here 1 screen.



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i tryed every booster, except the skill one, and they didnt gave me a problem.


were you doing anything special while you activated it?

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He only had his bag full, which means that the already eaten booster would have taken 2 spaces in his inventory once he double clicked it, and he did not have 2 spaces due to the bag being full, as you can see 50/50 on his bag, my suggestion would be to make boosters weightless so they wont take any inventory space once you ate them, or easier, just eat a potion before you use one ^^

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There is indeed a bug related to boosters, when you chug one with a full bag, it bugs out in your bag and you don't get the boosters activated.

To resolve it: relog, clear 1 inventory space and use booster again.

This bug will be fixed upon next full server reboot (no ETA for this yet)


* I deny the existance of this bug as I've discovered it myself before it was posted.

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no calu el q vos decis es cuando chugeas muy rapido las pots de golpe se te bugean igual el tema de aca es q cuando "tomas" un booster es como q te lo chupa y te aparece una nueva pot en bag, si no tenes un espacio libre no te crea esa nueva pot y ahi es cuando se bugea la q chugeaste

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I think this is old bug and not related to boosters itself.

It happened on past with other potions.


The bug is new, as only boosters create new items. Other pots you chug and they're gone. But cuz booster makes new pot, it bugs when full bag. You got 50/50, eat booster and got no space to accept activated booster. In theory you would have space cuz the item you chug will be gone. So to fix, i first delete the item you're chugging before actually adding the new item to your bag. This way it can't occur anymore.

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