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Proposing Abby Event For Aresden

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He already explained it on a similar thread.

White only helped with the organization of the cleaning of abbadon map.

He helped us to keep the items in his bag and handle the FG. He didn't helped killing monsters or even luring them.


At least the time i was there, he stood there afk and someone he picked, put the items in his bag for a future fg.


And also, he only was present for wyvern killing. Later that day, some of us kept killing hcs, balrogs and minos but without his presence.

Edited by Svafnir

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Whatever help white gives to elv (organisation wise) he'll gladly do for ares too if you ask him. I would as well (but thus far I've given no help to either with my GM, even just organisation). I'm sure he'd be happy to help if you catch him ingame though.

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when did white hosted the hunt


i hate gms involving in any kind of hunt anyway

except when its like an event prizel ike hunter did



pd : not blaming white or anything i love him :)

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Collecting drops and using your foodgame machine to fairly foodgame is pretty minimal level of help. No problem really.


It's not like he lured or anything (wouldn't have mattered if he did though, he'd do the same for ares).

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nono i totally agree

but cmon

when 1 town hunt the other wana raid , steal etc


with gms there collecting drops theresa influence

and has happened before trust em

gms shouldnt involve At all at any hunt unless its an event


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I've raided abby hunts with a GM overlooking it before, the GM just stepped out of the way (to their credit) and let it go on. I'm not sure if other players would risk it but I'd let it go if I was overseeing a hunt and I'm sure other GMs would too.


Overall I'd agree though, I like to see hunts done by players, but White's system is good and elvs trust it so I have no qualms with it.


Facilitating a hunt can sometimes be the step-up players need to give it a shot.

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