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Free Partition Software

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anybody know of any free partition software thats compatible with windows vista 64 bit? need to part. my HD so i can dual boot OS's =_-

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anybody know of any free partition software thats compatible with windows vista 64 bit? need to part. my HD so i can dual boot OS's =_-

basicly more than free u will need a cracked one.

Partition magic for example.


Anyway if u are going for dual boot, i suggest u reinstall both, will be always more clean.

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Yeah, and if you want to dual boot, I think starting with an older OS first makes things easier to work with. Your choice, though. I've thought about doing a XP/Win7 64 bit boot myself =p Windows 7 is so gud.


You can try GParted Live, found here:


It says it's for x86 (32 bit), but people say it works fine in x64 as well. There's a way to set up partitions in Vista too, through Disk Management. (start->run->diskmgmt.msc) I don't know how it works though, sorry =( (never tried it... yet)



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Yeah, and if you want to dual boot, I think starting with an older OS first makes things easier to work with. Your choice, though. I've thought about doing a XP/Win7 64 bit boot myself =p Windows 7 is so gud.


You can try GParted Live, found here:


It says it's for x86 (32 bit), but people say it works fine in x64 as well. There's a way to set up partitions in Vista too, through Disk Management. (start->run->diskmgmt.msc) I don't know how it works though, sorry =( (never tried it... yet)


well the thing is with partition magic as i said u cant use it on the 64 bit editions, and with the partition manager through vista you cant shrink the size to make more unallocated space through it. you need partition software, and every piece of software i found so far you need to buy it in order to do the function i need it to (basically allocating space on my C drive aka resizing it) gonna try and find a cracked version of something.

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