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False Reporting

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ok so this character (Spacebar) kills me than insults my mother and because i said i was gonna report him he goes and reports me for killing his creeps when i never did that?? they wer chaseing me.. so like really now. im gonna get character banned for nothing. because some little child has nothing better to do in game than run around crimming people and insulting and well yeah. insult my mother again.. really now. its simple i can report you for inapropriate behavior but im gonna be the bigger man and not. im 23 years old and im not gonna participate in your childish actions. this server doesnt need people who are insulting towards others its just a game and if thats why you injoy doing then join a server all about insulting one another.. their has to be one of those for people like you.


id appretiate it if you didnt insult my mother and just played the game. for one to insult someone who means so much to them is innapropriate and immature. really now. and for one to sink to that lvl they obviusly have to have no manners and well neglected. just play the game and avoid insulting people further on ingame. and maby just maby your find someone who will let you hunt. but if your rude no one will want to let you injoy hunting with them since no one likes that kinda of mouth.. if GM's would like to see my screen shot in regards to what he said thats fine ill send it to you. i also have a couple ingame friends who also have this shot. thank you and have a nice day helbreath nem

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nobody reported you...

Try not to make this kind of topics, thanks.


In other words, the guy who was saying all that stuff to you, dmob, is an idiot. Just ignore him. ;)

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