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How Do U Make The Big Word Critical?

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I heard when u deal damage over 130, it shows the big word Critical. But how is it possible? The max dam of BBH is 32. When u are lv 200, ur critical attack =32+32*2

Can someone show me the calculation to make it over 130?

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Although I can't help you with the actual math, remember that STR 200 also adds a damage bonus (added damage per 10 strength).

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+2% damage per every 10str and +1% for every 10 levels


Alright:"+14", rods, dmnecks are added after dmg % calculating

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As topic

I heard when u deal damage over 130, it shows the big word Critical. But how is it possible? The max dam of BBH is 32. When u are lv 200, ur critical attack =32+32*2

Can someone show me the calculation to make it over 130?

the max normal dmg on a bbh with a 180 char on a ww for example, is 43, not 32

max lvl is 180, not 200

u can also get bonus damage for example when some one is casting

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I heard when u deal damage over 130, it shows the big word Critical. But how is it possible? The max dam of BBH is 32. When u are lv 200, ur critical attack =32+32*2

Can someone show me the calculation to make it over 130?

the max normal dmg on a bbh with a 180 char on a ww for example, is 43, not 32

max lvl is 180, not 200

u can also get bonus damage for example when some one is casting


The casting bonus... not sure of it, but I don't think so MJ.


You indeed get a certain increase of damage with a higher level, also strength depends on it.


If a weapon has a damage of 2D10+5 the minimum damage is 7 (2 + 5 = 7) and the maimum is 25 (2 * 10 = 20 + 5 = 25).


If your strength is 200, you gain 40% damage bonus. -> 40% of 25 = 10 (25 / 100 = 0,25 * 40 = 10) so max damage already increases to 35 (25 + 10 = 35). (You gain 2% bonus every 10 strength, or rather STR / 5 makes your bonus expressed in %




You gain a bonus of LVL / 100, let's say you're 180. so max hit becomes 63 (1,8 * 35 = 63).

Then let's say this weapo nwould be a hammer, you gain 20% damage bonus, so your max damage would be 76 (63 / 100 = 0,63 * 20 = 12,6 -> rounded makes 13, so 63 + 13 = 76).


Then if you have DM5 and ROD (=DM5) you gain +10 damage, so max damage is 86 (76 + 10 = 86)




If you're zerked, your gain damage * 2, so your max damage is 70 (35 * 2 = 70)

Then if you have DM5 and ROD (=DM5) you gain +10 damage, so max damage is 80 (70 + 10 = 80)




The damage of a BBH is different and can be seen in the shop, make your own calculation to figure it out ;)

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I was able to do a Critical with my warat lvl 170 with a bbh from blacksmith to mobs. Its not necessary to have all great items as dm+4 and rod...


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