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Scan Spell For Your Contents

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Alot players requested me to post this because auto-updater seems to fail.


in your nemesis folder, there is a folder named CONTENTS, in there is a fil named MAGICCFG.TXT you open this file, and replace all by this:


//?? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????? ??????? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ???? ???????ÿ?.

magic = 0  Magic-Missile         8         18      100    4 5 6  1
magic = 1  Heal                  15        20      100    4 5 6  1
magic = 2  Create-Food           18        18      100    4 5 6  1

magic = 10 Energy-Bolt           15        24      200    4 5 6  1
magic = 11 Staminar-Drain        14        22      200    4 5 6  1
magic = 12 Recall                15        20      120    4 5 6  1
magic = 13 Defense-Shield        19        26      200    4 5 6  1
magic = 14 Celebrating-Light     20        25      400    4 5 6  1

magic = 20 Fire-Ball             27        26      500    4 5 6  1
magic = 21 Great-Heal            28        28      500    4 5 6  1
magic = 23 Staminar-Recovery     20        20      300    4 5 6  1
magic = 24 Protection-From-Arrow 22        20      300    4 5 6  1
magic = 25 Hold-Person           24        26      500    4 5 6  1
magic = 26 Possession            25        26      500    4 5 6  1    
magic = 27 Poison                28        29      700    4 5 6  1
magic = 28 Great-Staminar-Recov. 45        30      800    4 5 6  1

magic = 30 Fire-Strike           36        34      1000   4 5 6  1       
magic = 31 Summon-Creature       35        38      1000   4 5 6  1
magic = 32 Invisibility          31        30       800   4 5 6  1
magic = 33 Protection-From-Magic 35        32       850   4 5 6  1
magic = 34 Detect-Invisibility   33        30       700   4 5 6  1
magic = 35 Paralyze              35        36      1000   4 5 6  1
magic = 36 Cure                  32        35       700   4 5 6  1 
magic = 37 Lightning-Arrow       32        38      1100   4 5 6  1 
magic = 38 Tremor                34        33      1000   4 5 6  1

magic = 40  Fire-Wall            42        45      1200   4 5 6  1
magic = 41  Fire-Field           48        48      1400   4 5 6  1 
magic = 42  Confuse-Language     40        42      1300   4 5 6  1
magic = 43  Lightning            44        47      1700   4 5 6  1
magic = 44  Great-Defense-Shield 45        46      1500   4 5 6  1
magic = 45  Chill-Wind         48        50      2000   4 5 6  1
magic = 46  Poison-Cloud         48        49      1800   4 5 6  1
magic = 47  Triple-Energy-Bolt   40        45      1700   4 5 6  1

magic = 50  Berserk              57        59      2200   4 5 6  1
magic = 51  Lightning-Bolt       58        58      2500   4 5 6  1
magic = 53  Mass-Poison          54        52      2100   4 5 6  1
magic = 54  Spike-Field          56        56      2300   4 5 6  1
magic = 55  Ice-Storm            58        59        -1   4 5 6  0
magic = 56  Mass-Lightning-Arrow 55        53      3000   4 5 6  1
magic = 57  Ice-Strike           59        60      4200   4 5 6  1

magic = 60  Energy-Strike        65        67      5000   4 5 6  1
magic = 61  Mass-Fire-Strike     80        85        -1   4 5 6  0
magic = 62  Confusion            78        75      7500   4 5 6  1
magic = 63  Mass-Chill-Wind     90        93      9800   4 5 6  1
magic = 64  Earthworm-Strike     80        97     12000   4 5 6  1
magic = 65  Absolute-Magic-Protect. 90     112    13500   4 5 6  1
magic = 66  Armor-Break          90        97     20000   4 5 6  1
magic = 67  Scan                 0        10         11   4 5 6  0

magic = 70  Bloody-Shock-Wave   120        105       -1   4 5 6  0 
magic = 71  Mass-Confusion      125        130    15000   4 5 6  1
magic = 72  Mass-Ice-Strike     120        133    21000   4 5 6  1
magic = 73  Cloud-Kill          130        120    20000   4 5 6  1
magic = 74  Lightning-Strike    90         123    35000   4 5 6  1
magic = 76  Cancellation        120        135     -200   4 5 6  0
magic = 77  Illusion-Movement   150        160    27000   4 5 6  1

magic = 80  Illusion            143        150    27000   4 5 6  1
magic = 81  Meteor-Strike       120        169    40000   4 5 6  1
magic = 82  Mass-Magic-Missile  160          185    45000   4 5 6  1
magic = 83  Inhibition-Casting  180        180       -1   4 5 6  0

magic = 90  Mass-Illusion       200        180    35000   4 5 6  1
magic = 91  Blizzard            170        195    43000   4 5 6  1
magic = 96 Earth-Shock-Wave         180    200     -1     4 5 6  0
magic = 95 Mass-Illusion-Movement   200    200    27000   4 5 6  1  
magic = 94 Resurrection                200      0     -1     4 5 6  0



This will prevent you from crashing when using the Scan spell.

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i did it but when i extracted the auto updater again it says "failed and do u want to start game anyway"


can u tell me how to fix it XD


as I use custom skin, big items, custom logout screen (future for nemesis :P) and these halloween paks, I never run the auto updater :D


I just run helgame.exe, no auto update stuff to do, cuz if it updates, I need to redo all the paks I edited xD



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I am working again in the autoupdater system, thats why its giving errors to people that use not to have errors.

We are behind a search of a new and best autoupdate system also. (for future)

White plz post me inside staff room your custom login and logout screens again or bump it, i didnt find them and i want to add!

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