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Ticket System

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Do NOT abuse of the ticket system.

I saw some players sending tickets, lieing about items they never had, trying to get free items and wasting our time [we are busy enought, thanks!] when after checking logs for hours we find they were lieing.

i banned them for 1 week and im not afraid to start banning for a longer period.




A)When you report a Lammer, do it if you see him lamming or in any sus-pi-cious kill. Not because "he has hero berk and is too noob to have it" or "I never saw him raiding!" etc


B)When you report missing items, Do it with ANY important detail. like: With who do you share accounts, Date of the last time you saw the items, Date of the first time you knew they were missing, What kind of armor they were [M or W and stats].


When you report missing items, do NOT lie, dont be scared of say: "I share account with xxxplayer". because telling the true help YOU a lot while it make our job easier. Sometimes players lie, we waste many hours checking logs, tracking items, to find the one who took your items was your "friend" who you shared account with... If you told us in the first place "yes, i share account with my friend xxxplayer" then only would take us 5 mins to find that the items were took by him.

And what do you think? we are going tell you "Thanks for wasting 3 hours of my life because you lied to me, here are your items, take"?


Also, when you dont find your items, FIRST ask to your friends if they took them[willing to retunr them]... then ask to us.



Ticket system is really usefull, dont ruin it.

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Basicamente dijo que los que mandan tickets pidiendo items que no tenian y mintendo se dejen de romper las pelotas. Y si en verdad te faltan, los tikets los mandes con toda la informacion posible.


Algo asi como : rescatate gato (?)

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perdon por estar desactualizado pero, para que sirven esas cosas?


pd: si la explicacion esta ahi ni ganas de leer lo que dice en ingles

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El sistema de tickets es la forma mas rapida de obtener una respuesta del Staff, se loguean eln la web con la cuenta que tienen problema, elijen el char, y mandan el pedido de ayuda a travez de "new Ticket" y la respuesta les llega por mail.



Guason dijo basicamente que mucha gente reporta que perdio items que nunca tuvo (la intentona) y que va a banear por una semana a la gente que hace eso, cosa que me parece leve, si lo descubro yo los baneo por 1 mes. :P

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