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Hc Drops? Wtf

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I have played this server for a little over a month now and within this time i have hc hunted a good.... 7-10 times. But i have yet to see an emmy ring or ms 10 neck drop once, round after round of 8 or so players and nothing.


now i played on HB USA for a very long time and that drop rate was very low, yet about every round of a hc hunt i was in, an emmy ring, ms ten, and sometimes an ice neck or sword would drop. i just dont see how on a private server, where the drop rate is suppose to be increased, even just a slight increase, how i have only seen rm 10's, row's, df 10s, and m shields drop, o yea, and we cant forget those fun filled ruby rings. im just curious if this is the set drop rate or if something is wrong, i have no idea, just thought i should bring it up.



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