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Q Pasa Con Nemesis?

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Bueno, creo q este es el primer post en el chat general q hago en castellano. Lo hago en castellano, ya q va dirigido mas q nada a la comunidad habla-hispana q siempre es la mas perjudicada. No me voy a molestar en ponerlo en ingles para q me lo vengan a spamear con boludeces. Diganme por favor si estan de acuerdo o no.


Ahora, kiero preguntar, despues de tanto tiempo en nemesis, despeus de logros y fracasos, x q es q muchas cosas siguen sin cambiar?


X q banean a unas pocas personas por usar packs o macro cuando mas de 3/4 del servidor los usan? Es cuestion de entrar a los foros privados y ver q muchas guilds tienen links a paginas con este tipo de programas, incluvise hay posts referentes a la gente compartiendo ideas y lugares para utilizarlos sin que los GM/admin los puedan agarrar. La mayoria de los baneados son gente nueva (especialmente argentinos) q lo hicieron de descuidados y ciertamente no tienen en claro las reglas del servidor. Pero q pasa con aquellos viejos usuarios q SI saben las reglas, SI usan packs, SI usan macros, y q muchos GMs se hacen los boludos y no los banean? Yo tengo evidencia para banear a un monton de gente, y cuando la trate de postear, cierto GM de turno me baneo el forum acc y baneo el foro de mi guild, y desde ese dia q no quiero decir nada para q mis amigos no salgan perjudicados. Pero la cosa no deberia ser asi. No da seguir viendo q baneen a gente nueva por el hecho de q no conocen las reglas, pero q mucha gente siga jugando cuando no deberia.


X q tanta gente es baneada o advertida por hacer spam, insultar o molestar en el foro, pero siempre tenes al mismo grupo de 5 o 6 pelotudos q no hacen nada mas q postear estupideces en cada post serio (insultando y molestando) sin ser baneados ni advertidos? Ya cansa. Yo perdi la cuenta del foro por algo q ni siquiera rompia las reglas del servidor, sin embargo, no se puede tener una conversacion seria sobre el juego sin q venga uno de estos dolobus a spamear. Pero como son viejos usuarios y mas q nada, tienen conecciones con los altos mandos, siguen dando vueltas, sin ser baneados, y rara vez son advertidos.


X q perdi mi GM? De los 74 GMs inutiles q tuvimos en el servidor, q nunca hicieron nada mas q editarse items para ellos mismos y para sus amigos, la mitad siguen teniendo el titulo de admin. Yo perdi el mio por tener una discucion con un GM corrupto, y x hacerle la guerra a las cagadas q el y sus amigos se mandaban. Nunca me edite nada y siempre ayude, pero puf, me banearon el GM, sin razon. Reconosco q sobre este tema hubo un cambio ya, los 3 nuevos GMs (colo, skyas, elguason) tan haciendo un muy buen trabajo :) , pero sacando a ellos 3, q hacen los demas? de q sirven? ademas de hacer eventos pelotudos y de mutear gente q no conocen, dd esta su utilidad? siguen haciendo la misma, editando y dando preferencia, y es por eso q mucha gente q deberia haber sido baneada hace a?os, sigue jugando trankila. Y somos los players honestos los q los tenemos q soportar.


Hago este post para q dejemos de tropezarnos con la misma piedra, ya nos caimos unas 18 veces con lo mismo. Creo q tiene q parar esto.


Si quieren cerrar/spamear el post, sean libres de hacerlo, pero creo q despues de 3 a?os tenemos q abrir los ojos a muchas cosas q ya rompen las bolas en extremo. Yo me rompi el culo en nemesis 1 por 2 a?os, soportando estas cosas. Ahora q estamos en nemesis 2, deberiamos esforzarnos por cambiarlas.



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A los players viejos los advertimos tambien, pasa que si no hacen nada que pase el limite no los podemos Banear porque si... pero les decimos que no se manden ninguna cagada o no se zarpen.


Con los de los Paks no se a quien se baneo hasta ahora, a los pocos que vi les avise por PM y por whisp de las 24 hrs para postear y les decia donde y como postear.


Ayer baneamos a uno, estuvimos con farjat checkeandolo como 2 horas logs, ip, pais, etc.. era inocente y era nuevo, fajat lo desbaneo y se disculo.


El colo vino con mano dura jaja

y yo voy a tratar de hacer ley pareja para todos, salvo para los triperos.


Pensa que esa regla de pak editado es para agarrar a todos, de la otra forma.. los old players se avivan y simplemente no postean... aca en cambio donde ves algo sospechoso... fue y cago.

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Sabes a q me refiero mati, lo de los paks es una cosa del monton, y justamente mencione q ustd 3 tan cambiando eso, pero cuando postee hablaba de otros GMs, no ustds 3, sino de los q no sirven para absolutamente nada.


Tanto como en un momento se entro al foro de nuestra guild a "revisar" cosas, se podria hacer en el de otras guilds, ya q como mencione, hay mucha mierda dando vueltas, pero muchos GMs se hacen los boludos para no banear amigos.

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Nando 100% de acuerdo con vos y por mas que no estuviese de acuerdo te voy a bancar por que siempre me ayudaste

y la verdad que tenes razon pero ni da postear xq van a cerrar el topic, sacando la oportunidad de que los player lean este topic


PD: omo dije antes me gustaria que te den devuelta el GM y el forum admin, ahy las cosas vana seguir mejorando


Mati se puso la gorra y me dijo q me va a muetar si bardeo=( puto!! jajaja


cambiando de tema, volve a jugar pete

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I guess I must start taking spanish lessons :)


King, we will be taking these actions against ppl who are cheating and trying to seek unfair advantage, not to hunt down regular and normal guys.


My intension is to keep humanity as a part of my characteristics while being a GM. If some1 really doesn't know something and does something stupid it because of that, he deserves minor punishment. But if some1 does something on purpouse, trying to cheat or ruin other players gaming experience and then if he even doesn't show a sign of regretting, then I'm going to punish him and well.


I'm also going to start to pay more attension in global chat. Ppl can talk and tease there, obviously cause, well it's part of the game. I won't also bother to mute every time when some1 uses a bad word. BUT if thinks gets personal like talking seriously about other guys Family, beliefs, race or other personal stuff, then I'm definitely going to take actions. Also If some feels like beeing insulted, take ss and I'll deal with it.


I'm not gona go to stalk in toh3 if some oldschool arg player changes Gargoyles pack for couple hours to make hunts betters. Never. No worry, I'm staying reasonable!


Still if there is rule that packs should be kept original then you should also respect it and not change ground gray and steps red cause it looks cooler :wub:


Sincrely and respectfully,

Skyas aka Sky[GM]



Ps. Did I miss the point or perhaps came near to it? If not INGLES POR FAVOR! :D

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I guess I must start taking spanish lessons :)


King, we will be taking these actions against ppl who are cheating and trying to seek unfair advantage, not to hunt down regular and normal guys.


My intension is to keep humanity as a part of my characteristics while being a GM. If some1 really doesn't know something and does something stupid it because of that, he deserves minor punishment. But if some1 does something on purpouse, trying to cheat or ruin other players gaming experience and then if he even doesn't show a sign of regretting, then I'm going to punish him and well.


I'm also going to start to pay more attension in global chat. Ppl can talk and tease there, obviously cause, well it's part of the game. I won't also bother to mute every time when some1 uses a bad word. BUT if thinks gets personal like talking seriously about other guys Family, beliefs, race or other personal stuff, then I'm definitely going to take actions. Also If some feels like beeing insulted, take ss and I'll deal with it.


I'm not gona go to stalk in toh3 if some oldschool arg player changes Gargoyles pack for couple hours to make hunts betters. Never. No worry, I'm staying reasonable!


Still if there is rule that packs should be kept original then you should also respect it and not change ground gray and steps red cause it looks cooler :wub:


Sincrely and respectfully,

Skyas aka Sky[GM]



Ps. Did I miss the point or perhaps came near to it? If not INGLES POR FAVOR! :D


Hum skyas thats not what the topic is really about :P , since elgua, colo and u became GMs there have been lots of good changes. The topic wasn't directed to u or the other new GMs (in fact I said things are going better since you guys became admins), but more for the GMs in charge for the past 3 years. Trust me, I have nothing bad to say about ur actions or decisions :) . The "pack" thing where just examples about certain issues that were never properly attended in the past.

I only post in spanish, cause the topic is actually for farjat to read, and to avoid misunderstandings, I rather posted in our own language.

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Nando 100% de acuerdo con vos y por mas que no estuviese de acuerdo te voy a bancar por que siempre me ayudaste

y la verdad que tenes razon pero ni da postear xq van a cerrar el topic, sacando la oportunidad de que los player lean este topic


PD: omo dije antes me gustaria que te den devuelta el GM y el forum admin, ahy las cosas vana seguir mejorando


Mati se puso la gorra y me dijo q me va a muetar si bardeo=( puto!! jajaja


cambiando de tema, volve a jugar pete


Ty july, igual no es por q kiera el forum admin o el GM, es solo un ejemplo para remarcar injusticias y abusos dentro del servidor, y q se pueda jugar en paz.



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Hum skyas thats not what the topic is really about :P , in fact I mention that since elgua, colo and u became GMs there have been lots of good changes. The topic wasn't directed to u or the other new GMs, but more for the GMs in charge for the past 3 years. Trust me, I have nothing bad to say about ur actions or decisions :) . The "pack" thing where just examples about certain issues that were never properly attended in the past.

I only post in spanish, cause the topic is actually for farjat to read, and to avoid misunderstandings, I rather posted in our own language.


Lol, then I guessed wrong with my dear altavista babelfish :D


Yeah, I noticed with my babelfish pro tool that you gave us some credit:'the 3 new GMs (colo, skyas, elguason) so making a very good work smile.gif' Hey, yes you are weighting if it was neccessarity of gm rights of old gms, right? Ok, perhaps then its easier for you to talk in your own language. Idk alot of about it so I'll leave it for you.


Well, now you then got free preview for what I'm trying to seek with the given powers and responsibility. I'm trying to make it server more appealing for players and for real!

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Nando 100% de acuerdo con vos y por mas que no estuviese de acuerdo te voy a bancar por que siempre me ayudaste

y la verdad que tenes razon pero ni da postear xq van a cerrar el topic, sacando la oportunidad de que los player lean este topic


PD: omo dije antes me gustaria que te den devuelta el GM y el forum admin, ahy las cosas vana seguir mejorando


Mati se puso la gorra y me dijo q me va a muetar si bardeo=( puto!! jajaja


cambiando de tema, volve a jugar pete


Ty july, igual no es por q kiera el forum admin o el GM, es solo un ejemplo para remarcar injusticias y abusos dentro del servidor, y q se pueda jugar en paz.





Ya se eso nando, eso del forum admin y GM fue opinion mia me gustaria q vuelvas como player o gm o en el foro



Estos yankis x dios dps lloran 200 hs any Moderator or Admin can ban this guys spam really important topic

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Admin or moderator can get action?


july dejalos, es alpedo discutirles


haciendo esas huevadas comprueban todo lo q dije anteriormente

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i started playing at nemesis 2, so about this topic i can deduce that here ppl that lick GMs asses get items and honest player has to earn em? errrmmm sounds unfair for someone new at server^^

King: hablo castellano pero posteo ingles asi estos GM se dan cuenta, la verdad q yo m pongo a mirar la lista de GM y creo q vi un par conectados nomas asi q el resto son de nombre nomas ^^. Y lamentablemente si es q en este server el q le chupa la pija al GM se gana los items q nosotros nos tenemos q romper el culo jugando para sacarlos, dudo q recomiende alguien este server xq o sea si la idea es q se caguen de la risa los amiguitos del GM y el q quiere jugar lo hagan mierda todos editados, hasta un server fruta de pvp seria mejor

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i started playing at nemesis 2, so about this topic i can deduce that here ppl that lick GMs asses get items and honest player has to earn em? errrmmm sounds unfair for someone new at server^^

King: hablo castellano pero posteo ingles asi estos GM se dan cuenta, la verdad q yo m pongo a mirar la lista de GM y creo q vi un par conectados nomas asi q el resto son de nombre nomas ^^. Y lamentablemente si es q en este server el q le chupa la pija al GM se gana los items q nosotros nos tenemos q romper el culo jugando para sacarlos, dudo q recomiende alguien este server xq o sea si la idea es q se caguen de la risa los amiguitos del GM y el q quiere jugar lo hagan mierda todos editados, hasta un server fruta de pvp seria mejor



el esta hablando de un gm que nos hiso la vida imposible a nostros y de otros old gms q nunk dan ni el saludo

el server no es malo, tiene tmb sus cosas lindas como la gran mayoria de la comunidad y algunos buenos gms

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World is always unfair, and its impossible that everyone feel absolute fair.

years ago when I came to this server,there were lots of biased GMs and edited character/items,

and also about players, lots of ego kids.

Human property doesnt change so much. but human can learn from their experience.

yes,both GMs and players have learned.

and New coming players will be able to learn how to enjoy Nemesis.


I think Nemesis2 is better than Nemesis1.

Its not perfect, but is getting much better step by step.

because Nemesis have experienced GMs and players like King.


well....Confucious said "A clear stream is avoided by fish"

if there is problem about inplementing regulatons,

how about combine helgame.exe and updater(Healbreath.exe)?

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Booyakaza e ? ok for real. i have no idea what this topic is about except saying nice things to new gms, well they deserve it. they r0x. cant deny it. i havent seen this server as good as it is now ever before. thanks to the new gms. thanks to the all players who came back to play neme2. ty turtles donatello, raphaello, michelangelo, leonardo and thx to shredder for being an ugly feiz n covering ur face with an iron jockstrap

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World is always unfair, and its impossible that everyone feel absolute fair.

years ago when I came to this server,there were lots of biased GMs and edited character/items,

and also about players, lots of ego kids.

Human property doesnt change so much. but human can learn from their experience.

yes,both GMs and players have learned.

and New coming players will be able to learn how to enjoy Nemesis.


I think Nemesis2 is better than Nemesis1.

Its not perfect, but is getting much better step by step.

because Nemesis have experienced GMs and players like King.


well....Confucious said "A clear stream is avoided by fish"

if there is problem about inplementing regulatons,

how about combine helgame.exe and updater(Healbreath.exe)?

you are a GOD

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Guest kay0
Do not mess the topic, especially if I've said so! We don't have your language speaking gm, so keep those things in whispers or msn etc. - Skyas

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you didnt deserve the event. ur mages tried to ruin our event. names Aphrodite & Patitofeo. blame them. luzb the only words i understood were hunter[gm] & tw so i assume that ure whining about the event that was held yesterday. if not. sorry.

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If some1 still tries to mess with the topic, I'm afraid I'll have to grant em lil holiday from surfing forums. Do not do it, please.


I'm not racist, but in this case we got Spanish GMS, for who this post was meant to be. We don't have vietnamese or whatever language you guys speaked speaking GM.


Next time remember keep rubbish out of the thread, cause I'm gona be more strict.


i started playing at nemesis 2, so about this topic i can deduce that here ppl that lick GMs asses get items and honest player has to earn em? errrmmm sounds unfair for someone new at server^^

King: hablo castellano pero posteo ingles asi estos GM se dan cuenta, la verdad q yo m pongo a mirar la lista de GM y creo q vi un par conectados nomas asi q el resto son de nombre nomas ^^. Y lamentablemente si es q en este server el q le chupa la pija al GM se gana los items q nosotros nos tenemos q romper el culo jugando para sacarlos, dudo q recomiende alguien este server xq o sea si la idea es q se caguen de la risa los amiguitos del GM y el q quiere jugar lo hagan mierda todos editados, hasta un server fruta de pvp seria mejor


We'll this topic was mess. I tried to make my best to make it back to some form near suitable. GM's in Nemesis will try to deal as EQUALLY with ppl as it is possible. If you though act nice, NOT LICK *censored*, you might get like in summon event bonus HC/TW for actinging well. If you act stupid and ignorant, you will end up in bisle or having ban.


We won't give out free items for the players, was it friend or not. Every1 has to earn their items.



GM/mod with Spanish language knowledge, please check that this topic doesn't contain anything unnesseccary!

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colo no tenes una idea de como te amo, sabelo


te juro que le queria decir de todo al pibe este piensa que somos pelotudos que habla vietamnes escriviendo


wegfgyedegy 2uhf2uqhudwq fhdwuhwdquhdwquffew :wacko: asi escribia y decia q era vietnames al igual que ezekiel


y lo que dijo nando estoy 100% de acuerdo

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thanks to the new gms. thanks to the all players who came back to play neme2. ty turtles donatello, raphaello, michelangelo, leonardo and thx to shredder for being an ugly feiz n covering ur face with an iron jockstrap


LOL :lol:



todo depende de calu que borre esos gm y que le pongan un limite a ya saben quien que no se puede nombrear porque si no nos borran el foro a la bosta y nos bannean a todos devuelta.

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