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Everything posted by fyw721

  1. Dear white, I have a major issue with this Pfm timing. If you can cancel ur own Pfm and zeros this will make timing ur enemy impossible. Fights will just be ppl running off screen and amp or Pfm. It will make timing enemies impossible....is there a specific purpose to why you can cancel ur own Pfm? Otherwise I honestly don't see the point. Never in any hb servers I've played u could do that. Also, now that you dont ever have to time ur own Pfm it's kinda lame because then ppl will always be Pfm/amp. It's just my opinion but I feel it takes away the true fighting in hb. Now u can always just fake time ur own Pfm but actually re Pfm. Maybe a zerk timer is good, but an amp timer Pfm timer Pfa timer I think is honestly unnecessary....you should be able to time ur own Pfm.
  2. What's the bottom bar as well? The one just above the Hp bar spanning across the bottom
  3. Hot keys are unsettled I keep having to reset them
  4. fyw721

    Reset Is Not An Option?

    Omg danz why are you not a gm? Nice comments
  5. fyw721

    Reset Is Not An Option?

    Would be very pissed indeed....
  6. fyw721

    [fixed] D2 Down

    As topic says!
  7. fyw721

    [fixed] D2 Down

    Nvm not down
  8. fyw721

    Reset Is Not An Option?

    Wow gm sells all these items then reset server? Wow....
  9. fyw721

    Reset Is Not An Option?

    I'm not trying to argue with you....but can you guarantee that people will return to server once resets? All the players in hbo and other servers just going to magically return to nemesis? White also said that if reset right now it's gonna be very unstable....continuous dc dc dc dc and can't load....so ppl get frustatrated that cannot play and quit......and if server reset and still few ppl...who's to blame...u?
  10. fyw721

    Reset Is Not An Option?

    since server not really pop[ulated these days easy for beginners to train up and get zems! I'll help with the iw hunts!
  11. fyw721

    Reset Is Not An Option?

    nah no reset please..just bring in the players and it'll be good!
  12. fyw721

    [fixed] Aresden Down?

    I can't log into my chars....ares down?????
  13. fyw721

    Reset Is Not An Option?

    lol 9hai and his baby making cracks me up jajjajajaja +1
  14. fyw721

    Tratar De Sumar Gente O Reset No Hay Otra

    9hai I fully agree. I've talked with some of the Korean players and other Malaysian players...and actually most are inactive because they are busy working, have kids to take care off, or busy with school. Unlike me who plays 24/7 some people don't have the time to donate to hb...
  15. fyw721

    Reset Is Not An Option?

    just because server resets does not mean ppl will just return.....
  16. fyw721

    Handshake Failed.

    Ever since the old maps got installed I haven't been able to multiclient...which is very irritating.....it always shows the stupid handshake failed even when I download a new autoupdater to run helgame.exe Please some help?
  17. fyw721

    Handshake Failed.

    Yeah it solved the problem! Ty white
  18. fyw721

    Handshake Failed.

    ok so the first autoupdater works and I can go in game, but then the 2nd folder always shows handshake failed when I load the second autoupdater. Any hints?
  19. Also on the re-connect topic, when I am at the login page after running to auto-updater if I don't login with a char in like 3-4 minutes, when I login 3-4 minutes later it automatically shows handshake failed page. The same thing happens when sometimes I log out and then log in with another char, I get handshake failed.... Any solution to this? Ty!
  20. fyw721

    New Rare Weapons That Are Bound To A Char

    Restarting is a bad idea.....we just need ways to get more players
  21. It's started already....just go peace mode and talk to Mcaffin in ch, he will give u quest. Gonna be a lot if running around in ib
  22. fyw721

    Handshake Failed.

    Dear GMs, I have internet connection at a publich library but when I start the autoupdater this window saying Handshake Failed: unable to shake hands with Nemesis pops up. Sometimes I restart my computer and it is fixed at home, but at the public library it never works. Can somebody help me fix this problem? Somewhere in my internet settings? Thanks
  23. fyw721

    Handshake Failed.

    Its alright I really have high hopes for both farjat and White! =D soon it should be fixed =D
  24. fyw721

    [event] Trick Or Treat !? -- Extended --

    My quest still bugged so no fix?