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Everything posted by King!!

  1. King!!


    dele chicos no sean bobos... closed
  2. King!!

    Merien Plate To Now !?

    who has the merien plate?
  3. King!!

    What Is Going On?

    nepel, seguimos hablando en el foro del guild ^_^ , postea ahi alguna vez
  4. King!!

    What Is Going On?

    Last time I checked, he wasn't on top 10...suddenly he is 2nd :blink: Seriusly if he trained a lot, i respect it, but knowing trouble's history...
  5. King!!

    What Is Going On?

    bah aca vamos otra vez <_<
  6. King!!


    Yo juego de casa, fibertel, 0 lag. Me anda barbaro, kisa un peke?o pico de lag en algun momento (como pasa en cualkier servidor), pero nada grave siempre me anda bien. Sacando a fibertel y a speedy, las demas empresas de internet en argentina tienen muy mala salida internacional (como dijo guason arriba), asi que se te va a complicar mucho almenos q tengas esas 2. Tambien, los cibers no son un buen punto de comparacion, ya q los cibers estan plagueados de gente bajando boludeces y demas cosas. En un ciber, si tenes un boludo bajandote 2 canciones, jodio a todos los q estan jugando. Cabe recordar que el server es de UK/USA, y la mayoria de los otros servers q debes jugar o que cualquier argentino jugaria son de Argentina, dicho asi, el ping es obviamente mejor. El problema de tu casa, debe ser tu coneccion, fijate etsas cosas: que empresa tenes, la medida de tu coneccion, que compu tenes, y si jugas con ciertos programas prendidos (ej: torrent, emule, anti virus, etc). :mellow: PS: para poner lo de "white angel, bmage 110, guildmaster de...", anda a control panel, "edit signature", y escribilo ahi :P
  7. Ese bug es mas viejo q el nemesis
  8. Un muerto por bgolem o por ek da entre 50 y 100 puntos. Un shield daba 1500 (si mal no recuerdo), para hacer un bgolem se nesecitan 3000 Almenos q hallan roto todos los shields y masacrado a toda la city, y romper una base enemiga es imposible q hagan 10 bgolems. Sigue el mismo bug
  9. true, but it becomes a bug once they can still be in an enemy town
  10. King!!

    About Ppl Using Recall

    NOT skill U need a good computer It is supposed to be like that. Thats the idea of an MMORGP Big guys bully the smaller ones. If ur a lion, wich one will u hunt? the helpless injured zebra, or the young tough one? Its the survival of the fitest :)
  11. Its a sade bug I've seen it before. As merline said, they probably tped into town to make summons in shop. Plz everyone remember that hb has millions of bugs
  12. King!!

    Big Favor To Ask Of You All

    Did u won???? In that case, rather than a summon event, we want a share of that fat money cake :)
  13. King!!

    Apariencia Del Hb.

    Marz about the insult: most spanish talking users are from argentina, we are not mexicans. Calling us mexicans is saying all of us are the same thing, when we are not. Besides, we all know how american's feel in general about the mexican population :mellow:. Most of the times it has been used as an insult. Its just like saying "S-P-I-C-S", wich is a general term used for latin americans. And since people who are not from mexico are called that, its mostly used as a way to insult us <_< on the other hand We use "Yankee" as the word "gringo". Gringo means foren, outsider, from north, wich can be applied not only to north americans, but also to people from england, canada, etc. We say "yankee", cause its a way of saying "gringo from north america" me we don't use the word as an insult, we just use it in the same way u could call us latinos. I have personally said to some of the american people I talk in game "you yankees usually don't play soccer...(bla bla bla)..", as a normal conversation method, just in a way to call u "north americans". I have to agree some people usually say "yankee + insult", and when its used in that way it becomes a racist term, and that should be a reason for mute/ban. But the same can happen if someone calls us "f***ng args", we are args, but adding the f word makes it racist. But that aside, we don't mean it in a harmfull way. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We need to come up with a way to avoid edited packs, I was thinking on a helgame that would force people to auto update every time they log in, making normal skins replace the edited ones.
  14. King!!

    Dios Terrible Error

    Interesting indeed
  15. King!!

    Dios Terrible Error

    No es eso: Si 20 personas te dicen q tal flaco hackea, y 3 GMs se ponen a favor + q el chabon le falta el respeto a los GMs en el foro es obvio q lo van a banear. Acuerdense 2 cosas: - El server es gratis, los admins lo mantienen por gusto, ya q esto no les genera guita, es mas, la pierden, la gastan en ustedes, para que jueguen gratis. Si algun boludo viene a arruinar la cosa, es obvio q lo van a banear. - El server es privado: aca juegan aquellos q farjat o sexy quieran que juegue. Si el flaco les falta el respeto, olvidate que siga jugando, mas alla de que hackee o no.
  16. King!!

    Big Favor To Ask Of You All

    I just voted 10 but if uw ant my advice, most people voted 10 so far...u should ask for for some 6-8 to make a lil bit more realistic :lol:
  17. King!!

    Imation Hack

    I m a bit busy these days, but in 2 weeks I ll be free to play, I'll try ot help hunter, bier, frost and the rest of the GMs to bust hackers :) Anyways...we need server protection now :(
  18. King!!


    Hi dimo, good luck on the exams :) , I m just like u busy studying... :(
  19. King!!

    Get Rid Of Speed Hackers

    Guys just understand that there are tons of programs design or that can be used to cheat on the game...there is always going to be at least 3 or 4 types of program that will kill our gameplay. There is no 100% hack protection, nor will it ever be. PS: agreed with nuts...why can't people just play and enjoy the game?
  20. King!!

    Dios Terrible Error

    He was banned alrdy, farjat's word is the final word on every matter. No point in discussing Closed.
  21. King!!


    no soy virgen :P Es verdad, yo conozco al novio. todos conocemos al primer amor de marian ps: como me rompe cuando haces un topic de despedida, y la gente con la q no te llevas te entra a spamear el topic.... es lo justo ya que yo les habre espameado mil topics a ustedes XD Me refiero principalmente a los yankis, mas q nada los boluditos de siempre, como los q postearon arriba, sabes q cualkier argentino (almenos q te lleves mal) te da un saludo de despedida. Rompe las bolas por q hacen 34 post diciendo sarta de pelotudeces, pero cuando alguien hace un topic para los amigos te vienen a romper las bolas. :glare: Pero claro, les cerras un topic estupido, e inmediatamente se ponen a llorar con los Admin amigos...o te hacen un abuse en el foro...
  22. King!!


    no soy virgen :P Es verdad, yo conozco al novio. todos conocemos al primer amor de marian ps: como me rompe cuando haces un topic de despedida, y la gente con la q no te llevas te entra a spamear el topic....
  23. King!!

    Happy B-day

    Happy birthday my baby girl :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: <3 you :wub: :wub: :wub:
  24. King!!

    GM Staff And Admins

    so...any day/time for this?
  25. King!!


    marian :( yo tampoco estoy jugando nada, un toke con storm para ayudar, pero la verdad no dejes de postear en el foro del guild :P , sabes q siempre, cuando estas bajon, ver las pelotudeces q escriben mati y gus te levantan el animo :) kedate en el foro