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Everything posted by King!!

  1. King!!

    Helbreath & Addiction?

    U can have phisical friends that play the virtual game. U can also have lots of virtual friends and meet up in real life (argenlandia had many meetings and members met each other).
  2. King!!

    Helbreath & Addiction?

    Well, defintly not addicted to this game, at least right now. Prolly when I started playing nemesis a few years ago, I was indeed addicted to the game (played a lot of hours per week). I do believe that there are different levels of addiction: When I started playing healbreath, my first MMO, I just loved the game. Finally a game that combined rol playing and lots of players to play with/against. I also started playing it with some of my best friends, back on int, which made it even more fun. Anyways, I never really stopped hanging out with my friends or girlfriend because of the game, as in going out in real life to a pub, party, etc. Of course, I will admit that a few items we had the choice of either staying all night long playing and going out for a pizza, and obviously playing was the choice (and pizza as delivery :P). I think the problem is when the game takes 100% of ur life: stop going out with friends, stop hanging out with girlfriend, stop taking care of importat stuff (job, school, etc). U can play a lot, and enjoy it, but if the game is more important that the *really* important stuff, then u have a problem.
  3. King!!

    Box En El Shop

    No shompy, los q en el pasado usaban packs, la mayoria los siguen usando, pasa q no son tan huevones como para postear SS. Y los son accidentales. Ojo algunos si, pero la mayoria no, muchos se abusan de eso, x q saben q no los banean x q al momento de q te postean una SS haciendo eso, salen todos los q lo hacen diciendo "ss proves nothing". A lo q voy, la posicion de los GMs de no banear x una SS es la correcta. Pero almenos dejemos de ser tan hipocritas y empezar todos a postear la misma pelotudes....osea denle. :rolleyes:
  4. King!!

    Box En El Shop

    No mati pero a lo q voy es q, tiene packs edits, y justamente lo q se le da es un peke?o escarmiento (onda cambia los packs) para q aprenda, entonces me parece alpedo empezar con el "nice packs gil" y demas cosas. Tambien influye q todos los q postearon eso, usaron packs ilegales en su momento (es como la hipocrecia al maximo). Obvio q la SS no prueba nada, pero bue, ciertamente los 70 comentarios esos estan alpedo, como los estan en la mayoria de los topics. Tambien ha pasado con denunciac importantes, posteos sobre gente q taba lameando, y todos empiezan con los packs. :blush: Es como q te tiras un pedo y le hechas la culpa a los demas, me gustaria saber cuantos q postearon en este post no usaron edit pack en su momento :wub: . Tambien todos sabemos q esos "blokeos" no son accidentales, pero bue, concuerdo q la duda existencial en la SS tiene q permitirse y no banearse, pero bueno, todos sabemos q el 99% de las SS q muestran blokeos, son blokeos intencionales. No seamos mentirosos muchachos ^_^
  5. King!!

    Box En El Shop

    Che igual es medio tonto q posteen "paks+1" y demas cosas, ya q es peor abusar del bloqueo de entrada q usar esos packs (por los packs simplemente tiene q ponerlos bien y ya esta). :sleep: Its stupid to post "pack+1" and all that stuff, since its worse to abuse the shop entrance block rather than using those packs (only thing he needs to do is change packs).
  6. King!!

    Dt, Invi And Recall Scrolls

    I was thinking, this scrolls are actually very useful, yet, they are mostly unused because they have only one charge, meaning that u need a lot of them to use them multiple times. Could it be possible to make them permanent, but with like 5 or 10 minute cooldown, just like activation weapons have (ie sword, x rapier, etc). This way they can be used multiple times, but without abusing them. This may add a lil more strategies into pvp: - For example ur facing someone who does the invi trick (starts invising so u have to waste mana on dt), si bam, u throw one instant no cast dt (and of course he might use an instant invi to counter that). I know the invi scroll would somehow affect the invi pot economy, but invi pot can still be used while taking damage, while invi scrolls needs 10 segs of no damage.
  7. King!!

    Ease The Leveling Curve On Mages?

    Leveling ANY type of character is easy :P :P
  8. King!!

    Level Extension On The Barracks

    Not a bad idea, but there is actually no need for it. It will only help to save a few minutes of ur life, since its still pretty easy going from 1 to 100.
  9. King!!

    Secure Reputation Exchange System

    I agree. You're completely right about that in my opinion. But I do believe there can still be a "Secure Reputation Exchange System" without having to utilize what I suggested and thereby take a different approach that could potentially avoid the obvious cons you pointed out. This all boils down to whether or not people want the secure system and then the method used to make this system happen. There is no need for a "trade" system, because there is nothing to be traded. If u want to evaluate someone, u may do so, without any insurance of that player evaluating you too. U are putting a price on an act. Its like if a guild would start charging gold or stones, for attacking an enemy base during sade. Its an action, not an item, it doesn't need a "secure" system. Rep = act done by player to help community, and not recieve any benefit from it. Item = good of certain value that benefits the player in some way. Rep trading is something created by players. Shouldn't be supported.
  10. King!!

    Secure Reputation Exchange System

    Reputation is not some sort of currency to be traded. Its an evaluation of another player for being a "good citizen" (ex: helping on sades, teaching how to play to noob people, etc.). Based on that u rate other players. Now, rep trading is almost the same as ek laming, since its abusing the ability of a char for a personal gain. Two players arrange for them to trade reputation, so both of them can increase it. Its not supposed to work that way. It also kills the point of giving "rep -" to someone. Bad idea. Against it.
  11. King!!

    Changes In Game - Future.

    Both are very nice ideas :blush: . I loved them both.
  12. King!!

    Client Spanish

    Si "blizzard" no se convierte en "ventisca de hielo" no tiene chiste ^_^, o cosas como esta: - EspadaDelCaballeroOscuro+15 :P :P :P - BaculoDelMagoOscuro+15 - TraedoraDeTormentas - Martillo del Barbaro - Anillo del ArchiMago - Merodeador (stalker) y muchos mas......seria gracioso :P :P :P
  13. King!!

    2-5 Second Recall Time

    So, when u are like lvl 83 and some mean big lvl players comes into ur city, and tries to 1 hit kill u....what will u do, ask for mercy?
  14. King!!

    Fix That Silentwood!

    I've trainer in SW with my elvs during raid days and the spawn is quite normal. Ettins are supposed to be more rare than clops and stuff. So do ogres, ww and mgs.
  15. King!!

    Very Very Tragic, Sad News

    Mis condolencias calu, esto posta q es una muy mala noticia :( :( Espero q estes bien, si keres charlar o algo, ya sabes toy en msn, y si necesitas algo solo pedilo.
  16. King!!

    Client Spanish

    Vos estas encontra por q sabes q calu no va a ser el q tradusca, y te van a asignar esa tarea a vos :P :P :P :P
  17. King!!

    Client Spanish

    what i'm saying is that the spanish people here are either too lazy to learn english, or too young or too stupid to learn it, they arn't willing to learn it... and now you gonna put eggs under their asses by giving them a spanish client??? thats stupid, with english client they are FORCED to learn and understand english. Yes, I HATE language changes, here in my country, belgium, we have language war for ages between flamish ppl and wallony people... they speak french, we speak dutch (i'm flamish), we get French as second language, but they arn't willing to learn dutch, when we go to their part, we try to speak decent french, but when they come to our part, they just speak french and don't even try to speak dutch, and thats what I hate ! and I see exactly same here, main language is english, spanish ppl come here to play but are not willing to speak english to make themselfs understandable to others. NOTE: I involve "dutch ppl", "wallony ppl", "spanish ppl", I refer to a big group by saying this, but not ALL of them arn't willing ! I know ppl who are willing to learn dutch and come form walloney, I know ppl who are willing to learn english and speak mainly spanish or different language, I target a big group, but don't wanne target them all, some are good, some are "bad", and most i've seen till now are on the "bad" side, well not rally bad, but just "not willing to learn english". Agree, a manual would be prefer, a game client change or something like that I dislike, a manual I like, it explains, but they still need to learn the english to really understand it. This is a game white...people come to play not "learn". What u say is true, but no one really cares. Besides ley only suggested a seperate client, like many games do, so some spanish talking users can understand a bit more. I do agree on something, its gona be hard, so probably a simpler solution like a guide may be better. Still a nice idea though.
  18. King!!

    Client Spanish

    On a side note, chaging stuff like the hp and that its probably the most irrelevant. U only have to explain her that for example "hp" stands for health (red bar). Many people how play games, that know english, some who have english as their main language, still don't know that hp stands for Hit Points, so its not about the language, since most of the stuff in the interface is a short version of the word. Changing the content files instead, might help even more, which is in fact not difficult. 1. it's ALOT work to do this 2. I'm against it ! why against it? simple, the spanish people will learn no more english, so they can't communicate with non-spanish speaking players. We should keep English as the main language of the game, both in the game client text and the player's spoken language. When non-english players play the game, they are either too young to play because they don't understand english cuz they don't get the courses, and if not, then they should start learnign english, as english is a globally very very often used languages. What does that got anything to do with it :huh: (I mean the language part, I undertsand the "its too much work", because it is indeed).
  19. King!!

    Client Spanish

    Its probably gona look funny. But honestly, besides the name of the items, does hb really have many "written content"? I mean: - The welcome introduction - The welcome introduction to maps ("You are in the shop"/ "Welcome to Middleland") - Crusade explanation - Heldenian/Apocalipsis open notice - Quests - Items - Map names - Spell names - Player status/interface Most of them can be changed through the content.txt. Spells would go for example: "Blizzard = Tormenta de Hielo" Items would go: "Battle Hammer = Martillo de Guerra". lol Would be nice, and really funny ^_^
  20. King!!

    Fix Para

    Every hit above 40 to a target whith its backed blocked is not seen. When u para someone its not wise to quickly lunch all crits but to do: normal hit, crit, normal hit, crit, normal hit, crit, and so on. Its not a bug. This is as old as hb int.
  21. King!!

    Warrior Advice

    The 130 str has lil used for PVM. Its only good if ur planning on making a tank (for tw, hc, etc) with 200 vit. If u really are planning on making a char that wants to get items, but does not want to PVP (this build sucks in pvp but its great in pve) go for this one: 200 str with BBH+3 (at least), 150 dx 158 vit 59 int 30 mg 10 ch For ww, ogre and clop (the usual armor grind), u don't need more than 150 dex. U might get in some trouble if u try to hit frosts or liches, which would need something like 180 dex. This build contains minimum dex, good vit, proper mag (so u don't ran out), and good dmg. Bbh is very nice in pvm, it kills faster than dk15, taking more advantge of the MAG u waste on casting Zerk. Also, I recommend some hp Hoses/Berk (28% or more will be fine). Quickly switch them to recover for the loss of hp, combined with the good vit, making up for the lower dex. >Remember if u engage in pvp with a war or a dex mage u ll probably loose. Recall is ur best friend for this build ^_^
  22. King!!

    Skills Marked With "?"

    Che sin ofender a nadie, pero ya estan spameando demasiado. Hicieron un post preguntando algo y ya estan brs y args rompiendo las pelotas con esas boludeces. Es en serio gente, dejen de spamear todo el puto foro. Guys seriously ur spamming the whole dam forum with the arg and br stuff. Its annoying. Killergirl made a post asking some stuff, what the hell does that got anything to do with it?. Stop spamming every dam post plz. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. King!!

    Skills Marked With "?"

    They were skills that never got implemented (because the game got out-dated). For example, farming used to be a ????? before it got implemented.
  24. King!!

    Magin Topaz

    Well hb developers said that they never created an mp jewel because there was MAG angel already (just like there isn't VIT angel because of magin ruby).
  25. The only thing that protects ur characters is your password. U know that, just like everyone else. If u give it away on purpose (even if it is out of pity from your own heart) u are by definition giving someone complete acces to your char. Setting "acces leveles" just doesn't work. Its all about who's got the password or not. And since it wasn't hacked (it wasn't stolen from you or from the database, but was given to him by u), he is not really a stealer.