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Everything posted by King!!

  1. King!!

    Damn Bored

    Actually when we "log in", we do it as a favor to the server, we don't get paid for u can take the "serious ppl" comment back to where it came from. It is true tough, new active GMs would be nice.
  2. King!!

    ^cyas Nemesis^

    Suerte pt, cuidate y mucha suerte :) Si esto llega a revivir hace el favor de volver :P
  3. King!!

    Hapy B Day Omegadoom

    feliz cumple omega :D :D :wub: :wub:
  4. King!!

    Hello Again Hbnem

    Hi vampyr, good to see you. I think ares has more enlighs speaking guilds, in comparison to elv, but since elv has more people, the number might be innacurate.
  5. King!!

    Happy Birthday Giggles!

    Happy birthday gigs! :D :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
  6. King!!

    Remember This???

    everyone with dk armor...oh I miss those times :(
  7. King!!

    Ill Be Back On Sunday

    wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!! :D :D :D Parece que estuvieramos esperando la 2nda venida de jesus :P
  8. King!!

    Lols Persons

    La ultima vez q entre habia 77 online, pero obviamente 50 de ellos estaban afk. Escuchen, hace semanas q estoy tratando de encontrar a farjat, si alguno lo ve conectado o le llega a hablar, plz diganle q me hable, tengo algo para proponerle.
  9. King!!

    Someone To Learn From

    Triste no se de que porke el tipo te levanta el animo, triste de nosotros que en su momento quizas nos pusimos mal porke iba a ver un reset en el server por ejemplo :P :blush: y bue hay que acordarse del chavon este cuando pensemos que todo es una mierda y que no lo es y que hay grosos como este que hasta en lo mas jodido salen adelante y de que manera lo hacen No osea, quiero decir que es algo muy conmovedor. Es triste el hecho, de que pobre tipo nacio asi, y de chico/joven debe ser muy duro (ponele la parte q el flaco contaba que se le acercaba a una mina, y esta salia corriendo), pero si el flaco es un tipo groxo, alguien que pudo ganarle a la adversidad.
  10. King!!

    Lols Items

    They are indeed, its a part of nemesis history :P . But I really don't feel like arguing with her today.
  11. King!!

    Someone To Learn From

    Muy triste :(
  12. King!!

    Lols Items

    Como dijo july, pero ni me gasto en la escoria de redemption.
  13. King!!


    Seems Sirwalker stopped playing, and started giving away free eks. Seems emily, binladen and 3d0 repetidly killed him (easy kills). There are different stories going on trough topic, with lil variations, but thats main story.
  14. King!!

    What Is This?

    It happens to me too. Just cancel it :blush: , but its very annoying tough Anyways u can right click on the icon and block it
  15. King!!

    Where Is Everyone?

    Hb low exp means u have to train 10 hours a day for 1 or 2 miserable levels...
  16. King!!

    Bbh This Destroying To The Server

    bue mer pero sabes q el bbh fue incluido para el para el 140 :blink:
  17. King!!

    What Is Going On?

    Lo q pasa, es q para troubles es facil, por mas reset q halla, el flaco siempre tiene el lvl mas alto con items. Pero claro, los boludos como nosotros nos tenemos q matar entrenando. Ahora, no es injuto si vos estas entrenando, y te viene un edit a pegar y te mata? y en toda probabilidad te bardee y te diga "noob". Yo por q tengo q soportar eso? ahora si el flaco es edit pero no mata a nadie todo bien, pero el chabon me complica el juego a mi. En nemesis 1, cierta guild q tenia xb editada, tabas entrenando y te venian y te agitaban por q usaban edits, y encima despeus bardeaban, y claro, yo como un boludo q siempre me mate por lo q tenia, no puedo jugar, o tengo q jugar bajo esas condiciones.
  18. King!!

    Bbh This Destroying To The Server

    Blizzard came out on max lvl 140 server, along with the warrior weapon battle hammer. I agree with this dude, bbh is somethign for 180 servers, it should be removed
  19. King!!

    Merien Shield Too?

    was he equipping both at the same time? if he was, then the shield glows cause of plate
  20. King!!

    What Is Going On?

    Yo no pido que sea honesto, nomas me parece alpedo esto. Si hubo reset alguna vez fue para limpiar estas cosas, por algo perdimos 3 a?os de laburo. Si empezamos asi, va a terminar igual que antes, asta q lleguemos al nemesis 9 y ya nadie kiera jugar. Lo decimos por el bien del server nomas, por que son las peque?as cosas como estas que despues se terminan llendo de tema, si sigue asi, no va a faltar mucho para q troubles le termine prestando algun item a algun amigo suyo, como paso en el nemesis anterior...
  21. King!!

    Merien Plate To Now !?

    Before anything, grats for the plate who ever got it. yes gaucho, troubles can do anything he wants... Just a question, can anyone besides me see how wrong it is whats typed in blue? seriusly man, sexy is the number 1 person I respect and answer to on this server, but that doesn't mean some things are ok, when they are just wrong and bad for the server. But like nuts said, lets discuss this on the other topic
  22. King!!

    What Is Going On?

    Look, this is whats going on: Every old nemesis 1 player knows TROUBLES has always gotten a lil bit of an advantage over all of us, cause he is a GM/Sexy's son, and every time that matter went into discussion, every player just looked the other way, for respect and love to Sexy[GM], and we never got anything done about it. Now the problem comes when this "lil advantage" gets out of hand, and ends up in a mass creation of items, levels, experience, etc, that doesn't stay only for 1 char, but expands to friends from the original user (remember the guy, wich I don't remember his name who had a power ring during nemesis 1?). That is the start of a chain reaction that always ended in either a Test Mode or an ItemWipe. Now, I've seen at least 4 Test Modes and probably 7 or 8 Item Wipes during nemesis 1. I never lost anything really important, cause I never had that many rares, but lots of people did, and stoped playing cause of those wipes. Edits are like plagues that can't be controlled, only 1 can bring the entire server down. Now, in the last week of nemesis 1, we all had to make a choice: we sacrificed our chars, wich we worked really hard for them, in order to get a new fresh start, free of hacks, laming and edits. And most of us agreed and stayed loyal to nemesis, in order to behold this new era of Helbreath. But once again...this start getting out of control....they did 2 months ago when troubles got his exp items in order to get highest level...and it seems the same thing is happening again. So what does that mean? if we keep like this, its going to expand, and eventually, the same thing that happened to nemesis 1 will happen here in nemesis 2. Whats the point on that? Did we kill nemesis 1, just to make an evil "2" clone of it? No we did not. We, at least most of us, are trying to make this nemesis better than any hb server ever made. but we can't achieve that if we are alrdy having, after just 2 months of opening, intern backstabs like this. Sexy we love u, we have always respected you, but plz, this is not cool, this is not funny, and this will only end up in another cataclism. Put a stop to it, before its too late.
  23. King!!

    Merien Plate To Now !?

    It's not crying. I would only say that it has been dropped, not all knew it. And when i know think about it, it make all sence. Im not playing nem anymore :( So if any 1 want to read this dont do it. The history said that wen in nem 1 appear rare items 90% of the time where edited. Thats why the ppl dont belive in the rare ?dropped? item. Now i belive this change so try to belive a little more in the Hunter and staff. Its hard to belive rares can be droped cuz in this server was soooooo rare to drop something. If u need a post on forum to not delete the items is that no 1 belive in the Admin and gm stuff. There is a little Gms can create an item. So wen u make this cain of post sound like u dont belive in Hunter Sexy and farjat cuz they are the only 1 can make item. I know i hard to belive that nem can change but thats is what happend. Nem cchange for good. And now is time to not make this type of post. Agustin Yes but thats hard to believe when TROUBLES jumps to 2nd place on top 10 from 1 day to the other :blink: Thats what makes us wonder if nemesis really did change :mellow:
  24. King!!

    Gm Meeting

    I ll be there. Do we pm the topics or just post them here?
  25. King!!

    Question To Gm's

    I can tell u ur rep But it will cost u :P :P