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Posts posted by Nindax

  1. I don't know about other guild from Ares, but 1 think that pissed us (our guild) is there are numbers of brainless trash talking/insult that we always get from the opposite town. This really fking irritate us to go out and enjoy. If you guys really wish for some mass fight, then start thinking what not to say.




    and will say names here fk it..


    devaster talking trash aways really annoyng guy

    julieth same talking shit ... btw some times looks like they are all the same guy ...


    fight like that


    Julieth been on mute for long time already for me :D

  2. The biggest issue w/recall is the difference between the have's and don't have's. Besides some play just for the pvm part of the game not the pvp. Those's that have the good pvp items want recall changed. I've been on nemesis int. since May of 2010. I have gotten 1 hp7% armor drop and 1 mp 7 armor drop and I only have about 9 zems altogether. Most of the time I'm hunting by myself. Just recently got into a guild. So ya I recall (guilty). Simply because I can't even begin to compete w/my items. I'm not saying give the noobs items. I think this game needs to make a armor upgrade system, that includes you having to use Manu. alchemy, farming, Ect. to make crap drops into better pieces. The new players would still have to work for what the get, it wouldn't be a hand out that way.


    Off-topic but I agree with mixtricx.


    Old players got a nice set already (Though I still have sucky mr/hp/mp set)


    I think after running the server for a few year it should get easier for new players to get basic items. It is maybe lame for old players that worked hard from nothing to good gear, but after playing here for a long time its more fun playing with a lot of (new) people, then having gear and hardly able to use it?

    Maybe removing useless drops (rev pot, small hp/mp pots) already increases the rest of drops already?)





    I dont care what happen with recall, I'm happy if atleast something changes!


    Recall and choose where you want to recall sounds nice. You can do this fast, but can be interrupted.

    Recall only possible after X amount of seconds after getting dmg, also good.

    Recall to the recall zone after you click on map and cast recall on yourself, good to be added.

  3. What about changing the formula to calculate HP back to originals, and compensate that with higher dmg on spells and weapons?


    It remains the same, but hunting will be easier. It just needs to many people sometimes to hunt and I think there should be hunting 24/7.


    This would increase new player happiness caus they can join the hunts easily, and now there arent really many hunts going on (as far as I notice)



    Just an idea ^^




    EDIT: I mean healthpoints not hitpoints!

  4. What about not adding them back to sades, but making it a diff event?


    That there is like 1 building at cityhall. and towns have to defend it from waves of mercenaries


    Make merc stronger, add merc-mages that cast spells :D


    I dunno, I think there can be done something fun with it.

  5. OMG i totally forgot about them!


    Best idea ever ! lol!


    But I think they have no use and it keeps people away from fighting in ML.


    On the other hand, you get points for them so the guildmaster can summon that can be used in ML

  6. 8 player party is 240% more exp from 1 mob, but offc divided over 8 members


    so 1 player is 100% (normal)

    2 player is 120

    3 is 140

    4 is 160

    5 is 180

    6 is 200

    7 is 220


    Its somewhere on the forum, so you have to look for it, because im not sure if the above numbers are correct.


    Also a party (2 or more) is increased drop rate. This isnt 30% (thats alot) but a slightly increase on the normal drop rate.


    I like the raiding mode, I suggested something else before but then without party. The idea explained: the last X persons that hit the person before dieing get some kind of EK-score (so not normal EK) where they can do stuff with (maybe X amount of EK-score = 1 EK) and the one with the last hit gets 1 EK


    Here is the topic:



  7. Make spell and scroll both 10 sec before can be used/casted


    This means scroll is better then recall spell. But scroll takes in 1 place so its ur choice if u want to carry 1 less potion or choose to cast the spell but then it takes 2 sec instead of instant (and with the 10 sec after hit)


    and only do this in lv 180 or so, because else its even harder as goldie.

  8. bit off topic again, but some things that i've seen in the movies, also some other i found on the website:


    - you hardly see any SB's

    - guards can be summoned in town by poisening friendly

    - some people are FH, but have 0 items in bag (only pots, shield, some drops they just got)

    - how the hell do they get +20 angels, if its the sparkling ones, with that kind of exp rate XD

    - lvl 200 sux =[

    - they use cannon towers in their base

    - special plate leggings drop ^^

    - platemage with XB/cancelation lol :P

    - mage casting ESW's with a sort of ressu wand looking wand



    Couldnt find more ^^