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Posts posted by khelben



    Kill the corns get something that is x10 the power of rightious weapons


    get your guild and slaughter wholesale


    Maybe the spawn rate of the unis while bugged will drop down


    Dont make farjat delete the unis

    they are rare to see on any other map




    Thin the herds by sword and spell....

  2. Falta Warlock-GM (khel) :) :)


    SHHH king I may get put back to work....


    Let me be a player plz....


    Farjat, Frost and hunter cant get away with being just a player and they get slammed with alot of responisblity and head/heart ache As more people forget me the more freedom I get.. SHHHH

  3. Hmm we need something that would act like a gold sink....


    Fancy clothes that are two tone on color (first pot does one layer second pot does second color, third pot does first layer again so forth... Price these at prices in the Mils.


    Off color dyes in the 5 to 10 mil range dependeding on the dye


    an npc you can throw money on toward a trinket for the town with the highest donations something like a fountian or a statue in city square.


    Guild halls that charge 100k per month per guild member in the guild.... (just a place for that guild to hang out and hide in. would give avantage of one shield per guild house in sade.)


    Super pots at the cost of 10mil a piece.


    Things like that may bring gold back in line with out adding stones to the menu thus devalueing stones.

  4. I have looked around at ek announcers, they are extreamly annoying when they are global but if you could limit the announcements to a place where people sit an chat and sleep then you would wind up with something that may work


    This is where the Pub/Bar so comes in handy. if you tie the ek announcer to say an NPC in the center of a place like the abandoned warehouse. That would bring people to those parts of the towns and meet the call for an announcer.


    Ok dreaming aside farjat said he was working on a way for us to see the ek logs on the website, ((I am not a fan of anything that is outside of game, if there was a way to put the forum inside game I would so prefer that))

  5. acctualy I dont play world of warcrap, I pulled all of them from the best game system system aka AD&D 2.0 players handbooks, I looked for what could be converted easly from there into a mmpog.


    Though I guess I would have to look at warcrap as is. see how they did the conversions. Looks like blizard took from the same sources.

  6. I am moveing posts that are completely off topic here.


    Few ways to improve the server:


    Fix drop rates. not asking to incrase, but to fix it.

    1)Para time to be longer (already requested on fourms) - just bumping it up

    2)Zerk to be 60secs (already requested on fourms)

    3)Increasing the exp by x2 the original xp. Every month for one weekend. Will help lvling process and more people will play on weekends for sades,held.

    4)fix the hp calculator


    :-) i'd like the x2 original xp a weekend once a month or twice a month. will speed the lvling process not by much but... yeah :) some games add double xp to attract players to keep playing. :)


    Kayo I agree that suggestions for fixes need to be made but 101 is being kept on topic


    I quoted your comment here so it would not be lost.

  7. Ok farjat made the call,


    He wants to find ways to improve the server with out fruiting it.


    Things that need to be pointed out.


    1.) Nemesis Has Real Sources Not Just Binaries This means with the Right coders there is nothing beyond this servers Reach. Most other servers that try to improve on the game Have to try and hack it into the already closed Binary files. Hence they get fruit fixes. Not real improvements.


    2.) Other then Intenational Usa and Kor as far as can be told No other server out there is Hosted by a Hosting company with truly secure servers, in fact it can said that the core servers Int usa and Kor are not as secure as Nemesis is. and they are as farjat stated in the stranglehold of death, what is left on those servers are the die Hards like the core Players here.


    3.) Real Pay to Play Servers like wow and EQ may act like they show indiffrence to what is said on the forums But that is far from the Truth, the Input from their players plants the seeds for every major change in a game. Some Flesh out their Ideas More Thier Ideas tend to vanish whole topics at a time. Then they appear as changes in the game. The servers that dont listen to their People Rot from the inside out and Die, Like UO or Ragnarok.


    With those things Pointed out Now the call for The first Of about 10 topics on fixing Helbreath to Launch it into the greats like Wow or Everquest while retaining the flavor of Helbreath.


    This topic is for suggestions to Skills


    Suggest ideas for new skills refine other peoples ideas Polish this topic enough that the admins start drooling over those ideas to the point they want to do it to improve the game. Again Nemesis has sources they have the ability and the coders able to do it And dont think for half a minute that they don't,


    If everyone with a forum account were to suggest a Skill we would have easly 10,657 Ideas figure taking out 20% for those who dont want to even try we still would have 8516 Ideas take out the 30% of the ideas that are more then broken aka not even possible to fix we would have still 5961 viable ideas. Now figure 80% of those left need major work you still have what 1192 Good Ideas of those you would have 10% of them be 119 outstanding Ideas bringing us down to about easly 25% being picked that is 30 Perfect Ideas.


    30 New or massively improved skills would be a major draw for players....


    So as of now the draw is open. For one month only.. Remember your not posting at this level to wow the admins you posting to wow your peers.


    102 will be the thinning of the broken ideas

    103 will be the seperation of the good ideas popular with the players

    104 will be the outstanding ideas Impress the gms

    and 105 will be the perfect polished ideas ready for the admins.


    Expect 105 to vanish to the staff room when it closes and the posts leading up to the ones in 105 to vanish out of the older topics.


    I will save my posts on this til next weekend so please please get a jump on me.


    *note GO off topic it will be moved as a quote to this post and the original off topic post will be deleted you words will be seen but not on this post!


    Squall[GM] could you translate this for me please.



    Khelben the Warlock








    farjat comento que queria innovar cosas en el hb pero sin hacerlo fruta.


    Puntos a tener en cuenta:


    1.) Nemesis tiene Sources verdaderos, no files pedorros bajados por ahi. Esto quiere decir que con los Programadores adecuados no hay limites a los cuales este server pueda llegar.

    La mayoria de los servers que tratan de innovar algo tienen que hacerlo sobre files marca acme tienen que "hackear" los archivos ya compilados y solo consiguen arreglos frutas y ninguna innovacion.


    2.) Pocos servers mas alla del Int, Usa y Koreano es hosteado con un Host dedicado (una compania) con una seguridad de confianza, de hecho se podria decir que el nucleo de servers como el Int, Usa y Koreano no son tan seguros como el Nemesis en el tema de seguridad. Y estan como farjat ya ha mencionado casi muertos, los que quedan en ese server son los viciosos(en el buen sentido) como los que tenemos aca.


    3.)Los servers pay to play (p2p) como el WOW y EQ tal vez parescan que muestren indiferencia hacia lo que se dicen en los foros pero eso es lejano a la realidad, La iniciativa de los players son la semilla de cada cambio en la jugabilidad de esos juegos.

    Los servidores que no escuchan a su gente/players/comunidad son los que terminan muriendo como paso con el UO o Ragnarok.



    Con estos puntos aclarados, podemos comenzar a tener los primeros 10 Topics sobre arreglar/innovar Helbreath para hacerlo tan bueno e impresionante como el WOW or EverQuest pero con la escencia del Helbreath.


    Este topic es para hacer sugerencia hacia los SKILLS.



    Sugieran ideas para nuevos skills, tantas buenas ideas que hagan babear a los Admin del nemesis y los lleven a mejorar el juego. De nuevo, Nemesis tiene los Sources, la habilidad y los programadores capaces de hacerlo y no piensen ni por medio minuto que no es asi.


    Si cada uno con una cuanta en el foro sugiera un Skill, tendriamos al menos 10,657 ideas , calcules que saquemos el 20% de las ideas que no nos gusten y aun tendriamos 8516 ideas... ahora saquen el 30% de las ideas que no sean posible de realizar y aun tendriamos 5961 de ideas posibles/viables/potables.

    Ahora calculen que no tengamos en cuenta el 80% de esas ideas porque requieran un trabajo muy tedioso, aun tendriamos unas 1192 de buenas ideas de las cuales uds tendrian en cuenta un 10% quedando 119 de posibles ideas... de las cuales podemos elejir un 25% de ideas que nos darian 30 ideas PERFECTAS.



    Entonces, desde ahora las sugerencias son bienvenidas. Solo por un mes. Recuerden que no estan posteando ideas para deslumbrar a los ADMINs, sino para deslumbrar a tus pares (players)102 will be the thinning of the broken ideas


    (Los siguientes N? son los que les pone a los topic)

    103 va a ser la separacion de las buenas ideas y populares entre los players.

    104 va a ser las ideas que impresionen a los GMs

    105 va a ser las ideas pulidas listas para lso admins.


    105 desaparecera y Se movera a la seccion privada del Staff cuando cerremos ese Topic. Las ideas que esten mejor posicionadas que las que estan en 105 seran movidas hacia esta.



    *No spammen ni se vayan off-topic con sus posts. Esos posts seran movidas como "quote" al topic identico a este pero con todos los comentarios Off-topic


    Khelben the Warlock


    Translated by Lion[GM]

  8. I personaly can see this total raised to 1000 points in skills on One condition and one condition only, if there were more skills to cover.




    Crafting - as a skill instead of the broken way it works now.


    Taming - as a skill


    Scribeing - as a skill (can you say blizzard scrolls for warriors)


    Taylor - as a skill to cover the items manu and crafting miss like robes and close after all what mage would die for a Manu robe 150%


    Skinning - a skill garonted to get you a monster part drop... at a certian % for diffrent monsters. Hmm alchys would love this skill. so would taylors


    Pick pockets - at low % works only on npcs but at 100% works on players, maybe a small notice screen stating your getting picked if you dont click you get picked and if you do they get crim and go to jail...


    Barter - wouldnt you just love to be able to haggle that 20 pot purchise or the 15k armor repair down, or the price offered for goods sold to npcs to be higher.


    Elemental Resistances - 4 diffrent flavors fire ice electricity earth(poision), talk about spending your points to ensure your saftey


    Elemental Bonus - Fire ice electricity earth, boost your favorite style spell by 10 to 20%.


    Two weapon skill - Extra hits for well trained warriors or those nasty dagger wielding mages. and dont forget the fencer.


    Shield Bash - an off shoot skill of two weapon skill make your shield do double duty.


    Stealth - ability to make your self silent and dim (not completely invisible just real faint like transparent almost)


    Rage - Raise your attack damage by so much when skill is active (barbarians any one)


    and that is a small selection of options


    raising over 700 any other way would be as farjat Calls it FRUIT.

    and we dont need raisin brand for helbreath.

  9. after wearing someone elses gear for so long your regen will act in reverse instead of regen you get poisioned with out a green cloud.


    You get the graphic with out the bonus


    and as for taking up your poor little hot keys remember this type of player has victim written all over them, can you say easy to para easy to kill


    The armor backfires that is why you dont borrow bound armor.

  10. psst what do you have trained ?


    what stats did you pour into it?


    int and mag effect it diffrent ways


    Magic% is a must


    bonus for staff%


    Fist% is one of those that is suspected but dang hard to prove.


    try ews btw little less damage but alot less healing.

  11. wll I figured this would be a fun way to get the unicorn items into game after all you got to


    1. travel to 10 diffrent maps

    2. easly kill close to 300 to 400 diffrent mobs

    3. Piss off 10 enemy guildsmen (most likely at least 5 guilds)

    4. Thin herd of unicorns by at least 100 to 300

    5. Slaughter enough demons to collect 100 hearts.

    6. Land the Killing blow on a monster that otherwise keeps coming back...


    or you can do it the old way and kill


    10,000 unicorns for a unicorn horn.

  12. if there were a way to make an npc like in the church who would hold the top 10 lists for levels and eks that would be more secure, then the ek logs of who killed who could be spoken like an ek announcer only in the off ware house by a bartender that would keep those things internal and remove all security risk

  13. All I have to say on that is 0.o


    btw idea to make him drop find the map he is on and then get as many people to that map but dont attack right away just all /rep- him.


    if his rep goes down far enough he starts dropping 4 items instead of 1 at a time this means that the ever so powerful and scary zem stones get three knocks at once


    we would only have to down him what maybe 4 to 5 times max.


    and again 0.o bliss I think that is the most you ever posted.