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Posts posted by khelben

  1. ****Even if these spells place or win pass the reward down the chain to 2nd and 3rd or so on. *****


    me thinks it is almost time to break out the 3rd edition spell books and see what could translate into a game cleanly (oh wait that has been done by every other rpg out there)


    Point to Point teleport. (Bamf)

    Source: Slide spell (ad&d)

    circle 5.

    cost 50 sp

    int 100


    click spell click target spot, if spot is a ligit square you bamf. perfect spell for getting out of the gardeners trap and breaking the agro of a monster train.


    Point to No point Transfer (poof)

    Source: Fly wing (ragnarok)

    Spell level 4

    cost 25

    int 50


    Click spell and poof your in another location on the same map random set point location. great for breaking garden wall and the agro of monsters. the poof points are already set on most maps as waypoint locations this is just a spell that harnesses them.


    there I even quoted sources so no one could comeback with the ohhh that is this from this game. Come on folks the Idea is what would make Helbreath Nemesis Better, and if it is a spell that has been done before else where so what if it is done right here then it is something that can only add to the flavor that is nemesis. And not everyone got to play on some of the places some of these spells came from before those places had vanished. So a couple of these ideas could be honestly fresh. (heck I know one of those spells listed above is a remake of one of the spells I myself created for an earlier contest back on neme1 but then the neme1 forums are either picked over or preferely gone by now so let it stand as that persons new idea.)


    by the Tussin DM works great on those nasty coughs.







  2. ::Breaks Radio Silence::


    ok under the current set up the gold jumped directly in proportion because the xp jumped the shark. Players have a distinct love for the xp so dinking with the gold could effect the the xp and other drops which would be a bad thing... so lowering gold would have drastic effects and side effects (remembers when ogres in Nem 1 would drop one gold and how twisted the drop tests became going in and out of test mode to fix the tables.)


    So here we are with the problem of no one wants to use gold because it is all but worthless. A unilateral price raise of 25x might sink a little gold out of the stock pilers but not much considering they already have all their spells and their dk gear. The ones who get hurt the most with that are those who are influxing into the game who have no stockpiles. Again another bad solution witch would be a knee jerk fruit answer.


    Now giving it some thought there are somethings that could make a market adjustment for example.


    Big Red and Big Blue pots do need to go up at least x15 maybe x20 this would be a start on bringing the gold back inline, the other items would need to be looked at hard for adjustment. mayhap the skill manuels x25 the dilution potion and magic resist manuel would need it also.


    The Dyes and the clothes and the below goldie armor do not I repeat do not need to be touched. same for all weapons under the level of the flam or the two handed battle axe need to be left alone also... Anything with Knight or wizard does need the price bump.


    The spells above say circle 4 would need at least a 10x bump.


    Repairs need a major bump aka maybe 30x this would start to sink out those who have the warehoused gold...


    But these price bumps really so hurt the newbies ... not, there is something the newbies do that the oldies dont they try their hands at money making skills, so make the sale price of fish fruit and stones be worth say 20x what they are now. Notice the tools to use these skills did not bump only the skill scrolls did.

    That alone would start gold going the right direction but not enough to make it worth what it needs.


    The problem is the storehouses, those with the gold would start sharking the newbies and that is not going to help anything.


    so how to handle those with all the gold.


    a.> Wipe the gold (YUCKY YUCKY BOO HISS HISS he did not just say that did he). Problem is a gold wipe pisses people off in very bad ways.


    B.> Gold sinks. Difficult to do but worth the time and investment.


    In the place I have moved on to I have found a class of char that is a pure money sink, this class of char has a skill that they can dump 100,000 gold for 1,000 points of damage (in helbreath that would be an ek instant so it would need to be adjusted properly where I am the monsters easly have 300k hp.) A spell that would do the damage of blizzard but instead of eating mp would eat gold out of the bag at 5 gold per point of damage would be nice. (btw if the spell contest is still on feel free to steal this idea from me)


    Another gold sink would be enchanted arrows like the posion arrows that were never developed but show up in the graphics... at a cost of 1k per arrow this one weapon would change the whole layout of the game... and talk about a sink for warriors.


    Then there is fancy two toned clothes, something that would defently be a sink with out effecting play. First time you dye them one part changes then second dye changes the second part third dye dyes the first part again and so on. Think of the rush of people buying two toned clothes to look cool for the afk crowds in the shops. the two toned clothes could sale for 50x regular one toned clothes. can we say SINK.


    Also a shopkeeper who does other things like say sex change, hair change, skin tan/bleech, and hair dye. at 10k per change per change. (can be costly if you want green hair and are at red which means going round the color wheel.) SINK


    just a start of constructive ideas on how to fix this thing with the gold values.


    BTW Farjat check your hotmail email sometime I sent you a suggestion that may fix your tutorial idea (in all modes of speak you want.)


    As for where I went a couple people found me and I asked them no to tell. and farjat knows becuase I emailed him.


    But come on people give the bossman here some feedback and ideas tis the only way he is going to get things done, Stateing a problem with out suggesting a fix is just bitching and how many are bitching and how many are looking to fix.





  3. Just a question here to play devils alvicado here for a bit,


    All of the arguement comes from how BBH works, one thing to think about is the bbh is the one trick pony of the warrior like Blizzard is the one trick pony of the mage.


    What is so funny is I see a very heated argument about NERFing the BBH since the DK set Got Nerfed or UNNERFing the dk set which would mean only thing that could get through it is the blizzard.


    I garontee you King if some one were to say NERF blizzard you would be on the front lines screaming No no no. Stop and think about it.... How many mages know their full arsonel of spells much less how all their spells work together with their other skills. Maybe a handful at best. all the rest are para/bliz and that is all they know.


    I personaly am all for Gank both BBH and Blizzard and see what takes its place as the top weapon and top spell, or would we duh duh dum wind up with diverstity amoung players.


    welp back to my stairs


  4. Should I stay or should I go now?

    ?Yo me frio o lo sophlo?


    The Trill is gone.


    I have Finally got my fill of the worlds of Helbreath.


    To me I feel there is no More secrets to be seen no more truths to uncover No more riddles to find.


    A while back Ago I listed the personality types that play games


    Socialite - One who comes just because they feel comfortable around those who they play with and use the game more as a way to comunicate...


    I never was one of those types...


    Killer - One who comes to raise hell for others. Usualy by living for the PK or EK of it.


    Again Nothing for me here (this task would be way too easy to try it)


    Adventurer - One who is goal driven to hit end game


    That paticular thrill in Helbreath for me ended long ago... Infact I went so far as to push for the opisiate end of that and see how much I could do at the lower levels and stay lower level doing it.


    and Finaly Explorer.


    One who digs for secrets and trys to find out everything they can...


    Helbreath no longer has any secrets for me...


    I perso*spam*y do not forsee anything truely New Here or on any helbreath server be it pay to play or free to play.


    Inovation and creation are flavor but this games goose is cooked and it is dry and bland (the whole title not just nemesis) Sad thing is the game died long before the valaint efforts of Good people like Farjat or Sexybitch made any attempt at keeping it alive.


    I have decided to move on finaly....


    If anyone happends to see any of my more common names in other games ask if it is me who knows might just be.



    Khelben H. Vasq










    I will not be telling anyone from nemesis where I went on the net I see that as a betrayal by drawing players from a great private server. But I do not disparage those who find me on their own.


    TO helbreath in whole


    Thanks for the memories, and the laughs


    and remember to try to think around those corners while you can.






    as for my characters Qua has possesion of my Log in and password dont know if she will stay when I am gone but I hope she does for a while and makes some good friends.






    PS Farjat since your giving out bans so frequently now Please put my Ip on the ban list. For both forum and game so I can not return. LOL hold on I think I may be able to do it to myself if I dont then please do it for me.

  5. I miss my little ponies, :(


    I would love to see them return to the garden,


    since the unicorns were removed from the list Way too many canible plants have moved in....


    can we please have unicorns spawn in gardens again


    even if it is very low rate of them like a pit of one with a limit of one size of the whole map... that would work....


    that way there is always one unicorn to hunt...


    something like


    spot-mob-generator = 1 1 X:Y x:y ?? 1


    the ?? be the code for the unicorns the X:Y be the top left most square players can stand on the map the x:y be the bottom right most square.


    this would make for one unicorn in the garden (not a whole herd) Tis not that much to ask for... :)


    also the bunnies and cats could be brought back to town this way by making their pit the whole town and limiting them to like 10 bunnies and 5 cats.

  6. Points I see from my point of view,


    Yes he stole the files


    Yes that is wrong


    Yes this guy was a coder for HBII in its day.


    Memory serves and I will admit it I looked at HB II real hard due to it having inovations I liked seeing in a game, the only thing that encouraged me to stay with Nemesis was that Nemesis was stable where HBII went down more then a Recurit in basic training.


    Aside from the Breif life of HBII I am worried about the Betrayal of trust this gentalman showed.


    Farjat I just have two questions


    1. does he have staffroom access, (if so can you remove twisted infinity to a protected spot since I can not get in there to update it since the password change with what I have over here)


    2. Did your private files have a copy of the User passwords from nem1 or nem2 if so could you tell us so we all can cycle our passwords, OH HECK everyone cycle anyways.


    As for Jaap on staff I would say let him send you his fix ideas get someone else to go over them looking for bugaboos (like Megatron-GM if you can still reach him) test them privately and then if they work good include them and give him the Credit for the changes.


    As for him flooding the private servers with Nemesis code All the better to get the broken Snoopy code out of the way. Secondly even if they have nemesis code none will be hosted as securely or as stable as nemesis, something for anyone who looks and says ohh ah, I wanta go, remember most everyone of them will be fruit and flyby night. And haveing the source out there may revitalize the interest in the game in ways that we never thought of... After all the race to develop better content will now be on.


    On a personal note,


    I do think how he went about getting the source was wrong.


    (though now I so wish I could get a clean copy to start seriously tinkering LOL)


    As always


    In the Shadows



  7. hmm if only there was a way to trigger it with a map change instead of a whole reload...


    after all doesnt it need to redraw the screen when you change certian maps?


    but then reloading after clicking button to enfect the change


    that would also work...

  8. Farjat hold a contest for people to design skins


    then the top 5 program them into the control panel on the f12 key in the slot that says game tip since that option does not get used


    (could allow you to cycle though all five skins)


    Serioulsy a toggle skin button could work


    and it cuts down on the gripes


    then next year you can hold a second contest to see if anyone can top the ones already programed.

  9. Well Here is a shot at trying to do a fix that would increase players exploring maps


    QUEST for the the pieces.


    Use the simple Cordinate Quest system


    The city hall guy could say something like,


    "I have been hearing strange tales of Monsters in the area <insert Map> around <insert cords> Could you go check it out I could Reward you with this <insert DK item> "


    That way the players learn the maps a little better and also get their Choice of DK items (also sets up a way to introduce other DK items) with out making it hard for a lv 180 to go get their armor


    looking at the quest coding that would be simpler then trying to get a command like /dkset or an automatic trigger working.


    Plus you could have it like for an elvine go to silent woods for your helm go to durican city for your plate, go to death valley for your hat, go to d2 for your burk, go to toh3 for your sword, and so on.


    This way players could get a better education on where things are get the set parts they want and everyone is happy.


    and since it ties into the 180 quest tree those who already have sets can get the pieces they are missing so less gripes there


    and again if you were to release new dk items like dk kite shield or dk Axe that would make the draw even bigger for people to take the quests.


    Just a suggestion for you to consider farjat.

  10. Hmm he can time and pfa, (I always wondered if any of the other spells lik defencive shield worked as well as pfa)


    and at 117 can take out 180+++s


    I would take it as Wildchild being Pro and the guys he is talking about being newbies,


    Think Crimson from ./hack japan anime said it best while talking to Sora.


    "There is only so far you can get with levels stats and equipment every thing else is skill and skill alone."


    BTW wildchild you try out my farming trick yet? May want to look it up might give you some twisted ideas.

  11. Something people are forgetting in this conversation is that the GMs now how access to the logs.


    Those logs can show everything from dropped items to what they killed to when the last time they said anything. To what they equipped. (macros are real nice and easy to see due to this because the timing repeats so quickly.) (as for afk or button down it also shows up in the logs as inactivity)


    The gm catching the person standing in the pit is just step one of what they have to look at to justify a ban.


    Any and every ban can be backed up from the logs


    Trust me the inital look can make a gm curious but just enough to look at the logs, at that point they do look at the logs and the person gets banned. And I would doubt very much this current crop of gms would even attempt to fly by the seat of their pants they back up every move they make with the logs.


    On a diffrent note Legion Please if the BIG BOSS aka farjat closes a topic dont go an reopen it by makeing a new one it just upsets him more.


    <topic Closed to follow suit of how admin had handled topic before>



  12. Sades best time to go soloing demons if your pure warrior. You got the boost to your damage as a soldier.


    Also the whole you dont drop your goodies during a sade,


    So what if the monster xp drops though the floor.


    The ability to kill more faster using your good gear balances it out which of course gives you better chances at getting a drop.


    Then of course if your not in a guild you cant do constructor or anything along those lines and the actual sade war is more for guilds anyways.



    Some people shock of all shocks use the sade for their EKing hmm should we disable that also why not disable eks during sade also so people will focus on winning the sade, heck lets fruit the server and close off all the maps that dont participate in the sade during it to force people to play in it.





    ps farjat dont take what is between the sarcasm tags as what I want I am just making a point about changing things to force behavior is fruit.

  13. Hmm Natanoj got a serious question, did they enable the in game theme switcher yet or is that a theme you installed yourself????



    I think also that skins are not allowed in server.


    Yep your dead on I was just trying to find a nice classy way of saying that... And suggesting a functionality fix at the same time so if farjat ever does decide to tinker with it he can...


    After all an in game skin switcher hmm that would be nice.


    I think along time ago someone taught me that stating a problem with out offering a fix is just Bitching, and I prefer not to bitch if I could avoid it.