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Everything posted by khelben

  1. khelben

    So So So So Sad :(

    Hmm he can time and pfa, (I always wondered if any of the other spells lik defencive shield worked as well as pfa) and at 117 can take out 180+++s I would take it as Wildchild being Pro and the guys he is talking about being newbies, Think Crimson from ./hack japan anime said it best while talking to Sora. "There is only so far you can get with levels stats and equipment every thing else is skill and skill alone." BTW wildchild you try out my farming trick yet? May want to look it up might give you some twisted ideas.
  2. khelben

    So So So So Sad :(

    WELCOME BACK WILDCHILD!!!!!!!!!! nuf sid.
  3. khelben

    Rule #9 Continued

    Something people are forgetting in this conversation is that the GMs now how access to the logs. Those logs can show everything from dropped items to what they killed to when the last time they said anything. To what they equipped. (macros are real nice and easy to see due to this because the timing repeats so quickly.) (as for afk or button down it also shows up in the logs as inactivity) The gm catching the person standing in the pit is just step one of what they have to look at to justify a ban. Any and every ban can be backed up from the logs Trust me the inital look can make a gm curious but just enough to look at the logs, at that point they do look at the logs and the person gets banned. And I would doubt very much this current crop of gms would even attempt to fly by the seat of their pants they back up every move they make with the logs. On a diffrent note Legion Please if the BIG BOSS aka farjat closes a topic dont go an reopen it by makeing a new one it just upsets him more. <topic Closed to follow suit of how admin had handled topic before> Khelben.
  4. khelben

    Crusade Hunting

    Sades best time to go soloing demons if your pure warrior. You got the boost to your damage as a soldier. Also the whole you dont drop your goodies during a sade, So what if the monster xp drops though the floor. The ability to kill more faster using your good gear balances it out which of course gives you better chances at getting a drop. Then of course if your not in a guild you cant do constructor or anything along those lines and the actual sade war is more for guilds anyways. <sarcasm> Some people shock of all shocks use the sade for their EKing hmm should we disable that also why not disable eks during sade also so people will focus on winning the sade, heck lets fruit the server and close off all the maps that dont participate in the sade during it to force people to play in it. </sarcasm> Khelben ps farjat dont take what is between the sarcasm tags as what I want I am just making a point about changing things to force behavior is fruit.
  5. khelben

    Where Are The Unicorns?

    I think also that skins are not allowed in server. Yep your dead on I was just trying to find a nice classy way of saying that... And suggesting a functionality fix at the same time so if farjat ever does decide to tinker with it he can... After all an in game skin switcher hmm that would be nice. I think along time ago someone taught me that stating a problem with out offering a fix is just Bitching, and I prefer not to bitch if I could avoid it.
  6. khelben

    Where Are The Unicorns?

    Hmm Natanoj got a serious question, did they enable the in game theme switcher yet or is that a theme you installed yourself????
  7. khelben

    Pack Editing Checks

    nope it is not allowed
  8. khelben

    To Many Unicorns In Garden

    UNICORNS DROP KLONES WEAPONS Kill the corns get something that is x10 the power of rightious weapons get your guild and slaughter wholesale Maybe the spawn rate of the unis while bugged will drop down Dont make farjat delete the unis they are rare to see on any other map THIS IS OUR UNI PITS Thin the herds by sword and spell....
  9. khelben

    Gm List

    SHHH king I may get put back to work.... Let me be a player plz.... Farjat, Frost and hunter cant get away with being just a player and they get slammed with alot of responisblity and head/heart ache As more people forget me the more freedom I get.. SHHHH
  10. khelben

    Gold Has No Value!!

    Hmm we need something that would act like a gold sink.... Fancy clothes that are two tone on color (first pot does one layer second pot does second color, third pot does first layer again so forth... Price these at prices in the Mils. Off color dyes in the 5 to 10 mil range dependeding on the dye an npc you can throw money on toward a trinket for the town with the highest donations something like a fountian or a statue in city square. Guild halls that charge 100k per month per guild member in the guild.... (just a place for that guild to hang out and hide in. would give avantage of one shield per guild house in sade.) Super pots at the cost of 10mil a piece. Things like that may bring gold back in line with out adding stones to the menu thus devalueing stones.
  11. khelben

    Some Server Fixes.

    Hmm by disable the random in town you also make the orcs in town quest impossible unless you make an orc pit in town. And for some reason the gaurds are straying to the slime pits.
  12. khelben

    Game Improvement: Off Topic

    I am moveing posts that are completely off topic here. Kayo I agree that suggestions for fixes need to be made but 101 is being kept on topic I quoted your comment here so it would not be lost.
  13. khelben

    Ek Announcer

    I have looked around at ek announcers, they are extreamly annoying when they are global but if you could limit the announcements to a place where people sit an chat and sleep then you would wind up with something that may work This is where the Pub/Bar so comes in handy. if you tie the ek announcer to say an NPC in the center of a place like the abandoned warehouse. That would bring people to those parts of the towns and meet the call for an announcer. Ok dreaming aside farjat said he was working on a way for us to see the ek logs on the website, ((I am not a fan of anything that is outside of game, if there was a way to put the forum inside game I would so prefer that))
  14. khelben

    Up Skill Point 700 To More!

    acctualy I dont play world of warcrap, I pulled all of them from the best game system system aka AD&D 2.0 players handbooks, I looked for what could be converted easly from there into a mmpog. Though I guess I would have to look at warcrap as is. see how they did the conversions. Looks like blizard took from the same sources.
  15. khelben


    voted rated and reviewed
  16. khelben

    Up Skill Point 700 To More!

    I personaly can see this total raised to 1000 points in skills on One condition and one condition only, if there were more skills to cover. aka Crafting - as a skill instead of the broken way it works now. Taming - as a skill Scribeing - as a skill (can you say blizzard scrolls for warriors) Taylor - as a skill to cover the items manu and crafting miss like robes and close after all what mage would die for a Manu robe 150% Skinning - a skill garonted to get you a monster part drop... at a certian % for diffrent monsters. Hmm alchys would love this skill. so would taylors Pick pockets - at low % works only on npcs but at 100% works on players, maybe a small notice screen stating your getting picked if you dont click you get picked and if you do they get crim and go to jail... Barter - wouldnt you just love to be able to haggle that 20 pot purchise or the 15k armor repair down, or the price offered for goods sold to npcs to be higher. Elemental Resistances - 4 diffrent flavors fire ice electricity earth(poision), talk about spending your points to ensure your saftey Elemental Bonus - Fire ice electricity earth, boost your favorite style spell by 10 to 20%. Two weapon skill - Extra hits for well trained warriors or those nasty dagger wielding mages. and dont forget the fencer. Shield Bash - an off shoot skill of two weapon skill make your shield do double duty. Stealth - ability to make your self silent and dim (not completely invisible just real faint like transparent almost) Rage - Raise your attack damage by so much when skill is active (barbarians any one) and that is a small selection of options raising over 700 any other way would be as farjat Calls it FRUIT. and we dont need raisin brand for helbreath.
  17. khelben

    Guess Whos Back!

    Rayne coming back??? Yeahs
  18. khelben

    Getting 2 New Gms

    congates elg and colo
  19. khelben

    Hero Set

    after wearing someone elses gear for so long your regen will act in reverse instead of regen you get poisioned with out a green cloud. You get the graphic with out the bonus and as for taking up your poor little hot keys remember this type of player has victim written all over them, can you say easy to para easy to kill The armor backfires that is why you dont borrow bound armor.
  20. khelben

    Raise Blizz Dammge?

    psst what do you have trained ? what stats did you pour into it? int and mag effect it diffrent ways Magic% is a must bonus for staff% Fist% is one of those that is suspected but dang hard to prove. try ews btw little less damage but alot less healing.
  21. khelben

    Requesting Lvl 3 Admin .

    Mwahaha I succesfuly disapeared off the list at the time that nem1 vanished and it would take an act of sexy or farjat to get the warlock to come back to duty. lol aka they have not asked yet.
  22. khelben

    Unicorn Quest Tree

    wll I figured this would be a fun way to get the unicorn items into game after all you got to 1. travel to 10 diffrent maps 2. easly kill close to 300 to 400 diffrent mobs 3. Piss off 10 enemy guildsmen (most likely at least 5 guilds) 4. Thin herd of unicorns by at least 100 to 300 5. Slaughter enough demons to collect 100 hearts. 6. Land the Killing blow on a monster that otherwise keeps coming back... or you can do it the old way and kill 10,000 unicorns for a unicorn horn.
  23. khelben

    Requesting Lvl 3 Admin .

    Bier[GM] litterly teleported his self into a black hole. And the admins still have to find a way to pull him out of it.
  24. khelben

    Guess Whos Back!

    Ninda the cookie monster use to be an admin long ago. Now just a player and having fun from what I seen
  25. khelben

    Players/gms Logs

    if there were a way to make an npc like in the church who would hold the top 10 lists for levels and eks that would be more secure, then the ek logs of who killed who could be spoken like an ek announcer only in the off ware house by a bartender that would keep those things internal and remove all security risk