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Everything posted by MagicJoKer

  1. MagicJoKer


    dk set mesage at city hall is in spanish
  2. MagicJoKer

    Abby Dead !

    Doesnt matter the time u spend there, if you dont want abby hunt, u might not do it aswell, what when server pop that are in fruity servers come back, and see every1 with mass rares from couple abby hunts? you can go through the whole apoc maps clearing thinking that you have a GOOD chance of getting a rare, or you can spend the same time at frost pit, knowing that u have a REALLY LOW chance of getting a rare, you decide how to spend your time, we already raised the abby drop rate twice, if it was like it used to be, u could be sure ud have to hunt 2 months to get a rare
  3. MagicJoKer

    Mass Illution

    well, u just cant see when mass ilusion hits, but it does hits almost as much as mim or just as much
  4. MagicJoKer

    Berserk Wand Dmg

    letrita, IF u got roam and zwand, and do a 4 hits blizz (assuming the dmg is added after, i dont know) ud do total of 5 more dmg, in 1 hit it would be smth like 1.2 dmg, so how 1.2 more or less dmg makes it stupid?
  5. MagicJoKer

    Please Bring Back The Ettin Pit!

    a ettin pit at bf would be a 'safe' spot to hunt, where u cant be raided, so there would be mass rares coming from it
  6. MagicJoKer

    Why Is It So Hard To Make A Trade?

    Problem is, lots of players plays just for raid, they dont like hunting or doing any activity that can get u gold, if they have to start selling their itens to repot/repair, most likely they stop playing here and itens dont drop? lol, this makes no sence, how would there be so many item whores if items didnt drop? ur just not hunting at the right spot, and/or u have bad luck, valkyrie is a good example of that, shes got lots of rares hunting, and nice armors too
  7. MagicJoKer

    Ati Radeon some say that disabling fks up the video, anyways this works very nice for me
  8. MagicJoKer

    Ati Radeon

    Look at TheGambler post some months ago, its nvidia, but should be very close to it
  9. MagicJoKer

    1 Thing

    2 weeks ago koreans activated me xelima, i just ran, when it was over, they pass it, but i knew who had it, so when he stoped, i blized him and he droped xr cuz he got flied, i couldnt get it because i started getting critted, but if i wasnt alone they wouldnt have xr now, passing it is a clear risk, if u know who used it previous, atacking that person can get u a very good iten
  10. MagicJoKer

    Sadetype Enemy Marks Always

    I dont like it either, lol it reminds me of hacks of old hb versions
  11. MagicJoKer

    Dkhelm's Sprite For Next Update

    i like the full helm for the set also, look nice =) jun, use str 10 angel and u can be full hero, but until the day u get full hero.... =p
  12. MagicJoKer

    Inactive Privet Masage

    We (staff) had an idea like that, but it never got developed, cant remenber why
  13. MagicJoKer

    Dkhelm's Sprite For Next Update

    I think the full helm match the other armors, its good the way it is
  14. MagicJoKer

    Armor Attribution

    Max is 36? not 39?
  15. MagicJoKer

    Felicitaciones Hbna

    Se sempre q el abby murise, se dropeasen itens, todos lo matarian toda seman y los 2 servers se quedarian llenos de rares, pero se ni siempre dropea, muchos perden la gana por algun tiempo, y demoran 2-3 semanas a matar de novo, asi el server continua con medios rares. Felicitaciones por matar el abby, esto era lo punto se comprendi bien lo otro topico, la mayoria no se importava con los drops, y si en saber q podrian matar el abby mismo com baja populacion
  16. MagicJoKer

    Felicitaciones Hbna

    en el int se cayo como q 10 veces, no se al cierto, huve varios drops malos, pero tanbien hubo 1 xr, 1dark exe + ms30 wand, 1 mfs + light elemental neck, merien plate + demon slayer. Claro q ni siempre se dropea, pero q vale mas,cazar gagoyle por 6 meses y no saber se cae algo, o cazar abaddon por 1 y tener certeza q cae algo? Te lo garanto q en 2 mas abbys vas a dropear algo.
  17. MagicJoKer

    Hat And Cap For Mages

    dk15 sword is very good pve, if u want a sword to crit with 130 str get a good ancient GS/flam. There's been lots of complaing about mages being overpowered and blah blah blah, stated cap would only make them stronger, sacrificing 12 points to be able to use helm is ok
  18. MagicJoKer

    Vayamos Por Abaddon!

    Feded, ni jugas al arg, asi q de deja de spamear
  19. MagicJoKer

    About Selling Accounts On Forum

    if they regret so muhc, why not getting the same money they got from the selling, and re-apply it into nemesis server? they always regret, but dont even come across their minds buying something with the same money he got from selling
  20. MagicJoKer

    2 Suggestions

    if this ek ratio appears, people will recall even more times, so they dont get killed and screw their ratio
  21. MagicJoKer

    About Duriancity Server !

    probably due to some problems related to the crashs
  22. MagicJoKer

    Personal Request

    if i can remenber frm white's post, MC is the same as cic, not 17 or 11, but 13
  23. echo stop spamming topic with off topic
  24. becaue all the FNDA guild was crying about how they got jacked, and scammed and blah blah blah, and than changed idea and said the best thing to do was fging it again, it was 3 am and i had a test 8 am, so i just said, whatever also, making clear, i was on the player Djhones, some people confusing my gm roll with player, being on Djhones or wtahever char, im just another player