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Posts posted by gorefest

  1. lol, and how gonna poison help against recall?


    I dont need to learn how to fight, or maybe i do, but thats not the problem.


    You cant train how to kill recallers cause you dont know when theyre going to recall. And anyways, its lame.


    Im mage, and im sick of wars recalling in 1 vs 1, and sometimes when im 1 vs 2+.


    No matter what ppl say, recall needs to be fixed.



    Poison Resistance: 80% max.

    Recall: 10 seconds after taking damage. If you are poisoned you cant recall.

    DC: 5 seconds without moving. If you are poisoned you cant dc.

    Poison Resistance: 80% max.

    Recall: 10 seconds after taking damage. If you are poisoned you cant recall.

    DC: 5 seconds without moving. If you are poisoned you cant dc.

    WOW!! that's somehow strange.

    10 seconds no recall? That will mess up with pvp actions, with pve actions. Do the delay on recall by dmg, i agree, but not 10 secs.

    DC 5 secs without moving? Wait, so, if i DC cause of the internet sux during a mass fight, im dead anyhow. Right?

    80% max skill? Where i will put the others 20% skill remaining, in my arse? If you want make something about poison, change the algoritm, not the skill tabble.

    I cant just understand why your persistance on this "poisoned cant dc/recall". Its already almost sure that they will impute a dmg timer/delay. If u get poison dmg during this count, you will not be able to dc/recall anywhy.

    I beleive that none or ur seggestions will help server.

  2. OMG! no... 10 secs too much, dont? That's about same as recall scroll, so pointless using recall (spell), faster and better using scroll. That will mess up with pvp actions. With that, all you gonna need is a bunch of clickers on you and you gotta be dead. To be fair enought, i beleive that all you need to do is block permanently some maps from recall. Do it in druncian city, infernia A and B --> just like maze and maps further. Recall is already no avaliable on raids (where the major pvp action happen).


    If GM staff want to put something like a dmg delay on this spell, no problem, but do like 4 seconds. Otherwise, that will mess up with things around. I can think about a lot of situations where this is gonna be sux.

  3. Im rly bad on writing up in spanish, so i will do that in english, just because i know i can do better and get understand better also.

    That's quite simple. Solve this is almost impossible. I can say it 100%, because, once its allowed to have characters from diferent town, i can just take a look at blue chat, dicovery something like a hunt, and take to my elv, by myself, hassering the hunt down. And there is nothing that can be done to prevent from that.


    Just simple like that: dont use blue chat. Go running to wh/shop/bs/wattever, and call ON whisper those u trust. I do that, and usually works.

  4. I agree 100%, but as a player with certain age in HB, i can see that this is somehow non aplicable. Is 100% allowed to me do 2 characters in same account is diferent towns, right? So, same is aplicable on trade chars. Inevitable, will happen that this diferent town chars, it as trade chars or watever like a civilian stood at wh; become an spy at certain point, depending on the interest of the player.

    That should just be an rule in game, ruled by the own players that know how that this is heath for the server, not realy a law to be decimated with the power of a GM. Agree?

  5. Hello! I never thought about this untill i get on a Bmage char. I dont know if it is really a suggestion or if it is just an doubt that I had today, but let me ask.

    Seens weird to have xelima blade with speed 8 (104 str full swing) and Ice Sword with speed 10 (130 str full swing). They should'nt be same str for full swing?

    Or even more weird, if you going to make full swing diferences, why put ice with 130, once its propose is only freeze? Should be xelima with the higher fswing, dont? Or at least both have same (130 or 104, doesnt matter).


    Waiting reply. Thx

  6. Abby down once more, and guess what??? JACKPOT!! =P

    Well. At least, ares died so much and was so much fun! =D

    I've been playing for like 32 hours without stop, tired a lot. Need some sleep. What started with a simples nizie solo hunt, became a infa B clear with HB guild, that turned into procella clear with hwarangs, and started a Abby hunt with mixed guildies. Started very poor, only 10 ppl, then some started to die, recall, fall sleep, ended with 5 players (have a ss of us killing TW 5 way =D).

    I didnt got much eks, IS dont give ek away =P

    Hope u all enjouy the ss's (and if im talking strange, dont worry, <<<32 hours awake usually have this symptomes).

    IPB Image

    IPB Image

    WAAAAAAAAAA, box growing up. Ares got owner in maze =P

    IPB Image

    IPB Image

    IPB Image

    Playing Safe

    IPB Image

    First Abby atempt

    IPB Image

    WANNA MESS? =D Bridge blocked

    IPB Image

    Lazy to erase the name.

    IPB Image

    Ares dream: elvines getting killed =P

    But well, that happened only with IS and Spike field.

    IPB Image

  7. I disagree with PL been 180. That will mess up with the actual ML fights, there are already only few players really fighting in ML. You almost cant see ppl hunting ML, unless troll and river. Ogre/ww/others pits are almost dead.

    This map should remain as he is right now, or:

    make it lvl160 at most. This would able new players (that came out from barraks at lvl 140) experience a bit of real HB without the cruel pvp imertion, just like they experience in ML or d2.

  8. First, i disagree with the Chain Hose been [H], should be [C]. But ok, let it pass.

    Next problem. He put Sex Change Potion as . Ok, no problem on it. But then, he also included Ogre Potion [P] and Demon Potion [P]. That's is incorrect! If Sex Change potion is , the others are [O] and [D]. Else, all 3 potions included in the list are [P]. This means that, by any chance of understand the rules, he commited mistakes. By the way, at 01:13 pm (maybe secs ago?) AmonAmrth (Svafnir) edited his posted list, with all itens correct by the understand of the laws in this event.


    So... abstract: Outlaw have an INCORRECT list of itens, he dont deserve the 3th place. Amon have it correct. He should get the 3th place.


    Hope u all read and understand this.



    Checked item logs and times, and it's actually a tie for 3rd place with Amon and TheOutlaw.

    idk what i moan, however, what is correct is correct. I just posted what i beleive is trully correct. If ur list had no problem, there was reason for me posting here? =P


    For the potions, like I said, I'm not being VERY VERY VERY strict on item names counting for certain letters, because I didn't specify in the 1st post. TheOutlaw used his HP21 Chain Hose for H, and yes, I counted it because I counted someone else using a Manu Chain Hose for H as well.


    As for the potions, again, I counted those for P for someone else, too. Why? Because there's no "D" or "O" in "Merry Christmas Happy New Year". However, I counted S for Sex change pot and I for Invis pot too.


    Like I said, next time I'll make sure it's more specific, or be sure to say that it's NOT specific.



    Very honourable! An i will happily share the 3rd place on the podium with Amon : )

    Yennifer, funny how you didn't moan to me about it...?

    That's just my point of view, I helped u during the event, didnt I? I gave you somewhat, just same as I did with Amon, PoliCiA and lots of others players. I just beleive that, what is correct, is correct.

    But, if jing agree with ur list, i have nothing to say. Congratz to all players who have won! Merry Christmass and, soon, we all hope to say each other: Happy new year!!



  9. I think this Event rule is not very clearly, and ppl keeps changing / editing their items,

    the one who got the 1st post just need to change/edit his items list and sure win 1st prize,

    how about thoes ppl who got right items but post late? they will be no chance to win the prize!


    I think the rule should be "everyone just can post once, and cannot edit in forum, if u wrong ,

    then sry u lose ur chance, because you hadn't to count ur items carefully b4 you posted"


    otherwrise, it just is a unfair event. :wacko:


    If necessary, I will check the item logs to make sure, but so far I haven't needed to.


    With Nury, for example, she had the right items already, but she posted it a little later. She was still the first person to gather all the items, and the first person to post a complete list. No problem there.


    For Mariano78, you can see yourself he didn't edit his post, and he had all the necessary items. No problem there, either.



    There's 1st and 2nd place right there.



    For the rest, I'll check item logs/post EDIT times (because you can see when they edited their post), and award prizes from there.


    I'm doing the best I can, but I'm only human.




    For what items actually count for letters, yes, I'm not being AS strict on that as I could, because I didn't put that in the first post. I only got White's message this morning that he couldn't run the event, so I took what he had already posted and tried to edit it the best I could. I obviously forgot one or two things, yes, but I'm trying to work with what I've already posted.

    I just beleive that Outlaw unning 3th price is TOTALLY wrong. He posted 01:12pm with these mistakes:

    Ogre Potion

    Demon Potion

    Sex Change Potion

    Chain Hose


    First, i disagree with the Chain Hose been [H], should be [C]. But ok, let it pass.

    Next problem. He put Sex Change Potion as . Ok, no problem on it. But then, he also included Ogre Potion [P] and Demon Potion [P]. That's is incorrect! If Sex Change potion is , the others are [O] and [D]. Else, all 3 potions included in the list are [P]. This means that, by any chance of understand the rules, he commited mistakes. By the way, at 01:13 pm (maybe secs ago?) AmonAmrth (Svafnir) edited his posted list, with all itens correct by the understand of the laws in this event.


    So... abstract: Outlaw have an INCORRECT list of itens, he dont deserve the 3th place. Amon have it correct. He should get the 3th place.


    Hope u all read and understand this.


  10. A ver si esta bien


    M: Mushroom

    E: Emerald

    R: Ruby

    R: Rubyware 81%

    y: Blood rapier


    C: Strong chain mail

    H: Ligth Horned

    R: Red carp

    i: Iron ore

    s: Skincolor por

    t: ligth targe shield

    m: main gauche 116%

    a: a ancient piece of stone

    s: Shappire


    h: Strong Helm

    a: Ant antena

    p: pligth plate mail

    p: pumpkin

    y: Romg


    n: necklace of lp

    e: Emerld ring

    w: ligth wing helm


    y: Demon ring

    e: anc esterk

    a: Ant leg

    r: agile rapier


    char evento3

    i dont see manu, neither alchemmy

  11. Should make it 1 handed weapon activate =P

    Maybe falchion dmg? That's basicaly the same ideia of the mercenaries used to exist in sades (very long time ago). They used to have 1 handed weapons, like swords or axe; and used to have unlimited crits as well =D

  12. no, dont bound it. IF itens get bounded, there will be no way to trade it.

    Anyway, my suggestion (as others suggestion as well) is to add activation delay to weapon as well. Not only the character delay =D


    That seens quite fair.



  13. Can you please upload the badword.txt for me please???Or just copy and past what is write there for me???

    I was trying to solve some problems that happens with my HB , like when im speaking in another language and the game thinks that im saying something offencive and mess up with everything... but trying to solve it i just *censored*ed the txt up.


    So now i cant log in.



    Save/Rescue me someone please??


  14. Can you please upload the badword.txt for me please???Or just copy and past what is write there for me???

    I was trying to solve some problems that happens with my HB , like when im speaking in another language and the game thinks that im saying something offencive and mess up with everything... but trying to solve it i just *censored*ed the txt up.


    So now i cant log in.



    Save/Rescue me someone please??

  15. i lost free eks xD


    Not first time that it happens... i dont know , maybe GM team and frajat should down server for a while , like 1 week , till repair all illness that is happening now a days in server. Aways dc , aways lag and not hardly server down.


    PS: i bet prefer to dont play for a week to stay playing this way.

  16. I know frajat =) , we just need to get that non serious and make some joking to dont few agry , agree?? hehehe


    Talking about Scatt , he asked me to do some thing on ping and also ask my friends to do it. I followed the request , just need new orders. Tell him to send me p.m.? Im totally porntied to help on everything to sold or at least minimize that lag issue.

  17. Lol , jking.. but , WHATTAHELL!!!


    I cant even play today... already got like 20 discconcts , LOADS of lag. Today was funny , tryed to log in to TRY to get the ek that i has paraed with my friend , 6 dc consecutive........ some1 need to help us please , solve this lag problem. I do anything to help.