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Everything posted by gorefest

  1. gorefest

    Make Guards Stronger

    Make guards stronger, with more hp, regen and dmg. During the time i came back, i realised that is common a town have more population than nother, and use summons as a way to force a battle, which occurs aways in disavantage, i.e., 12 elvines (ares) go to ch tp, lure guards away and make massive summons. That way any ares (elv) that comes to recall will be forced to join the fight OR will die like free and give zem away. That is bad tatics in my opinnion, that should be changed.
  2. gorefest

    Make Guards Stronger

    +1 Dont forget the fact they should have somehow a system to prevent they from been lured away.. else there is no propose at all, just a little harder to lure out but still it will be possible. That would brake the pragmatism of closing a town tp.
  3. gorefest

    Make New Nemesis Awards

  4. gorefest

    Make Guards Stronger

  5. gorefest

    Make Guards Stronger

    Maybe should make guards suicide each minute, and respawn each minute as well. That would avoid luring guards away. Make they a little stronger, they should have much more hp than what they have got right now. Dmg, only a little better. Also, they could spawn in bigger numbers for each TP, like 5 or 6 for each (considering that this "suicide" and "respawn" system can be done propery). PS: when i mean suicide and respawn system, can put a cronometer in each guard (like summons made by players), but with less time of life, like 60 secs.
  6. gorefest

    [Event] Spring Guild Vs Guild Pvp Tournament !

    @moha reply: I dont agree with this, everyone who has a summon pot worth using (uni/demon) has obtained it from lucky tickets and not alchemy. So saying that taming is the answer is unfair because the tamer has to earn the ability. also tamer needs 50 charisma or something like that right? And a pot from a lucky ticket requires no skill% or stat points. Me and other players explained that to white, and he has changed his mind about the summon pots.
  7. gorefest

    Make Guards Stronger

    Im not suggesting anything BIG. Im just getting tired of the unbalance that server faces, and worst than that: there is nothing we can do, neither recall inside town... i've already faced tp box a lot of times. So, i go with a group in ML for a fight and get powned because we dont have numbers to fight, then we decide to recall. Recalling some of us end at CH tp, where many elvs are there, boxing with summons (result: you are dead). If you atempt to run, they xelima you (considering that you already have MIM casted on you, result: dead). And finally if you do recall by any miracle, you end in shop tp where there are still some others elvs trying a summon box as well (smaller one), but anyway those call the others and you cant do any shit. Entrances boxed... the best you can do during this times is AFK at REVIVAL, because there is the only safe place i can set my character... that's SAD. Maybe change towns back to the original map (whose had 2 wh each). They were bigger, possibly allowing stronger guards without interfeer at pvp actions. Also giving the possibility of better ninja scapes. @Genius, maybe your time zone doesnt show you how often that happens.
  8. gorefest

    Ancient Barbarian Hammer +1

    Ancient Barbarian Hammer hp28 +1. LoL, jun, u kinda crazy, dontcha? ABBH hits much more than abh ns. Who posses a ABH know what im talking about. ABBH hits harder than KA, for example. Also, it has increased armor brake %.
  9. gorefest

    [Event] Spring Guild Vs Guild Pvp Tournament !

    White, the date for the progress of the event will still be scheduled, or its gonna happen today? At nemesis website calendar apears that today (day 31) is the day scheduled for the event. How its gonna happen exactly? Only during saturdays, at chosen "Online Time" field, during the entire spring?
  10. gorefest

    Cant Log Into Aresden Again 21/3/12

    White, as I know that's a bug that somebody is trigging and getting the map offline. Maybe its somebody doing it on propose? I dont know, but i have saw already some bugger crashers working in other server, and it looks pretty much the same. I cant add much, maybe because these servers were coded in txt (not in sql like nemesis) which enable a more variety of bugs/hacks, etc..
  11. gorefest

    New Spells.

    Would be nice some kinda of spell that curses enemy decreasing his magic and melee defenses (like decreasing both, mr and dr by 50 each), as a buff (such as ds, pfa, pfm, gds or amp). It should be something from mid circles (but not allowing 59 int warrios to use it) for relativelly small mana cost, for mages/bmage use it proposetly on the enemy insteed as it is now a days (when we want to kill somebody, use pfa/ds on him for negating amp use). Maybe circle 7, idk. But, as side effect, the target buffered with this magic cant be paralised or holded untill it expire.
  12. gorefest

    New Spells.

    i can imagine massive elv mages at safe healing friends using this "area effect healling" =X poor spell in my opinnion if it follows the same procedure for GH and healing spells mana shield can be a possibility for the pvp balance between mages and wars if it goes for a correct way of coding.... I mean, the problem is: how you will be able to propery use its effect for self defence propose? That would demand a new malock space in characters actributs, like "poisoned", etc.. new skins for showing that he is under this effect, also should have something like "ativation" presetted time for using it, once its very powerful (maybe effect for 1 min and delay for 4 mins). Also, i dont really beleive its a nice option as it is stated right now (been possible to use it as attack spell), can be dangerous shit. Like: using it on the enemy's warrior for leeking mana, insteed of using "spell burn" magic, you know? Way too powerful like that. It should be stated like "you can only cast this spell in friendly units", not so difficult to code that as well tho (resurrection is stated like that). It could be a mid-rare spell or a mid-rare wand with that hability, not avaliable at magic shop. 110 int its kinda way too low for it as required. Bmages 112 int are already very powerful if well done on stats. Using this they can be litteraly imortals. Maybe 160+ int requeired would be nice (like 169 for meteors), or maybe the same int as the first spell of the class "powerful spells", like FOT (182 int).
  13. gorefest

    Tired Of Those Spies ...

    I never used any kind of spy or spionage tatics, even tho I was elvine before playing aresden (where im currently playing now) and have chars assigned in the two biggest elvine guilds. Also, i dont care if people that use spys are posting here as well, as soon they give some contribution on the process. You guys shouldnt care about it as well (at least not here at this topic). Seens its just common sense that it should be fixed in next updates. Just suggesting some options for the good of the server is healthier then personal attacks and flamming at this threat. Keep it clean please.
  14. gorefest

    Moving A Few Elvs To Aresden.

    Moving entire HHB or Hachis guild would unbalance the server agaisnt aresden favor, we all know about it. But still, the server is unbalanced and farjat took the correct actions i beleive.
  15. gorefest

    Tired Of Those Spies ...

    I never used any kind of spy or spionage tatics, even tho I was elvine before playing aresden (where im currently playing now) and have chars assigned in the two biggest elvine guilds. Also, i dont care if people that use spys are posting here as well, as soon they give some contribution on the process. You guys shouldnt care about it as well (at least not here at this topic). Seens its just common sense that it should be fixed in next updates. Just suggesting some options for the good of the server is healthier then personal attacks and flamming at this threat. Keep it clean please.
  16. gorefest

    New Spells.

    Hard coding for this spell, even more because players has different stats. But that idea is very cool. If that can be implemented, would be a nice and fun spell, even more because its a rare spell with same tatical results as sleep. Works for both sides (support and attack). The caster is commiting a sacrifice or swapping his low hp with some1 along him with full hp. Mana cost should be something around resurrection, so circle 10 my opinion. Also, it shouldnt trespass pfm. cool ideia also, mana leek would be nice in helbreath. That would change the pvp for a nicer level. mass effect healing sux, i disagree with that spell. isnt GDS coded for 50 defence points? GDS is great already, try it during a pvm for example, it helps you a lot. I disagree with boosted GDS.
  17. gorefest

    Tired Of Those Spies ...

    White could make a new system, just an ideia (maybe i should post at "Suggestions area", but here it goes). Why that kinda of spionage didnt exist during my HB usa times? Because the accounts were bounded to only one town (that means that in same account you can only make chars from same town) and it was pay to play, so you wouldnt pay 2 accounts to leave one (from the other side) logged in and paying for both. Well, considering that, could be done something like bounding town by email. That means that, after the first choice of town (which are totally random at begining, or they should be random at least), you cant make anymore any character ever at the oposite town. You can still travell with your traveller characters, but you cant spy as before with that anymore. If you request citizenship to the CH officer, a message could be displayed containing those informations (you arent allowed to play in both towns) and the request is denied. Also, could have some sort of IP tracking system that recognizes which email is that IP attached for (i.e. IP related to which town side?), and only allow connection between IPs and accounts that are currently playing in same town (which would still give the possibility of account sharring). The coding for it wouldnt be that hard. Also, if you want to change town for all, you can simply restart your router, wait for 5 mins untill IP change done, make new account and attach that to this new IP and there you go, new fresh account.
  18. gorefest


    i couldnt take any ss of this fact, but baxes has hidden dmg. What i mean about it: when you hit somebody, the visual effect is like you had missed the person, but he actually took dmg below 40 (mostly often around 17) which doesnt show above the head but it will count on the player's damage indicator.
  19. gorefest


    Version only in potuguese. Subject: explanation of how anti-pulling system works. Portuguese: Cara, o TheAvenger pode dar pull quantas vezes ele quiser. Assim como você, eu ou qualquer outro personagem também pode! Isso vai da consciência de cada um (não dizendo que você tenha dado Pull). A chance de alguem ser banido por PULL está explicitado pelo que o white falou (ou seja, muito baixas): Potuguese translate of white's speach: "O sistema atual de anti-puller requer a confirmação de algum GM durante o ato ou então um vídeo extremamente bem gravado. A nova versão do sistema anti-puller (a ser implementada) dará a possibilidade de GMs verificarem se ocorreu PULL ou não sem a necessidade de ter presenciado o ato. Por enquanto o desenvolvimento desse sistema escontra-se arquivado, uma vez que minha vida pessoa está bem atribulada. Acredito que eu terei tempo a partir da semana que vem." Quote White[GM]. Mas, o meu ponto é: as pessoas somente são banidas hoje em dia por pull quando existe alguma prova circunstancial de pull, como um vídeo (link http://www.helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=32855&pid=370814&st=60entry370814 de um tópico somente sobre isso) ou simplesmente com a presença de algum GM no ato consumado. Se qualquer jogador der pull na frente de qualquer GM (da mesma cidade do GM ou não, mesmo que sejam amigos, não importa) ou se alguém filmar ele fazendo isso e for substancialmente contundente, então ele levará ban do mesmo jeito.
  20. gorefest

    Discussion: Mage Vs War Pvp - Dk Set & Strip

    bump, waiting for new ideias or reply
  21. gorefest

    A Way To Obtain A Used Special Magic Scroll

    http://www.helbreathnemesis.com/donations/services.php 150$ and there you go!
  22. gorefest

    Discussion: Mage Vs War Pvp - Dk Set & Strip

    Svafnir, you know what is sad? Wood/targe lasting for 3/4 paralises! Those shields are the first ones in the grade of shields. Try gear urself with hoses or berks (normal ones, not DK) and see how long it last in a fight, even agaisnt a 156str hammer! It wont last long. Shields are still overpowered, I do still beleive that axes should have strip rate bonus for the next update. Axes need to be fixed: If I could vote in something, that would be for 100% sure add shield strip rate over every axe. Make battle axes between 40%-50% shield strip rate (I would say 45%), and other axes in scale according to the number choosen for baxe. As well, for kloness axe I would recommend about same shield stripping rate than baxe. KA requeirs only a 1 speed more than baxe for full swing (182 str full swing), have a huge boost of damage in comparison with baxes (been probably the more harmful weapon in game, more than bbh+5, ancient bbh, or any other). Maybe (if baxe set into 45% strip rate) fix KA with 48%-52% shield strip rate, but something close to baxe's strip rate for the balance. Possible changes: Decrease bbh strip rate only for a little, maybe stack it in 45% insteed of the actual 50%. GBH I can't opine much, its a rare weapon and that should be discussed (its a rare weapon which doenst do much damage compared to others bh's, like ancient; differently than KA like discussed above, GBH should have for sure a boost of strip rate in comparison with the other hammers... maybe make it like 55% strip rate or keep it like it is right now). Increase DK gear endurance ONLY for berk and hose (0.5k each) if that's really necessary, leave the other parts with same endurance as it is right now (helm/plate/chain/cap). Look that this opinion is taken under circunstance that hammer's strip rate are lowered. Observation for those that want chain DK endu increased: Plate mail have 100str weight, full helm 85str. Chain mail its only 30str requirement. Of course that platemails and helms should last longer during fights, their's requeirements for use must be compensated in terms of defense, pa and endurance as well. Also, we have to keep in mind that mages have advantage over stats, in respect of: they have int necessary for AMP so 90% of the time they are using dk once they are fully protected by spell and can self-protect themselves from it, unlikelly wars; and they have more vitality than most of wars. A typical BBH war have about 90-100 vit, while mages can reach between 120 to fucI<ing ultrageous 160 vit (considering many builds possible, they could be dex-mid vit-blizz, vitter-blizz, low int-dexer-vitter). So, for a warrior, having his armor stripped out is critical, while for mages that's not as hard as it could be.
  23. gorefest

    Discussion: Mage Vs War Pvp - Dk Set & Strip

    +1 to be honest, been a long time since I don't get a mage killed on my war for making the armor or shield stripp, aways happens on stun action.