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Posts posted by gorefest

  1. Hi! =)

    Take a look at my post: http://www.helbreath...showtopic=32619

    BMAGE comes with full hero, plus 3 rare spells. Awesome itens (even for warrior, like ancient gis rep4, sharp baxe hp77, ice sword, VERY high mr/ma/hp/dr sets, etc etc etc). And the price im asking is below what you want to afford, asking only 620USD all. We can discuss prices for single itens also if you want to buy'en separatly, but i beleive that the ALL IN pack and price is just awesome. Check it out.



    If you want to, log in ingame, and meet me there. I ensure you that you gonna love the character.

  2. Follow my itens/char in sell, in adictional with prices:




    Bmage (W) dk15 wand dk15 great sword, FULL HERO Mage and Warrior plus 216 eks. Have hero cape+1 too. Comes with Ice Storm, Blood Shock Wave and Mass Fire Strike. WH have many zem stones and couple xelimas/meriens. (120 USD)


    112 int

    104 str

    50 dex

    200 mag

    138 vit

    10 char


    rep = +24


    Skills: all 100% pretend corpse, magic, magic resistence, poison resistence, shield, long sword, staff atack






    DM+5 necklace SOLD

    MS18 necklace SOLD

    Sharp Battle Axe hp77+1 (40 USD) SOLD

    Sword of Ice Elemental+1 (80USD) SOLD


    Ancient Giant Sword rep4 (40USD)

    Light (16%) TowerShield PA15%+1 (30USD)

    Ring of Dragon Power (offer?, maybe 25 USD)

    Ring of Grand Mage (offer?, maybe 20 USD)

    Angelic MAG+7 (offer?, maybe 25 USD)

    MS(10) Magic Wand hp63% cp14% (offer?, maybe 10USD)


    (PACK OF 3 GS = 40USD)

    Critical Great Sword (crit+12) Rep7+1

    Ancient Great Sword rep7

    Ancient Great Sword hp70




    DR set (W) (40USD)

    Strong (35%) PlateMail (W) DR56%

    Strong(21%) Hauberk (W) DR56%

    ManaConvert (2%) ChainHose (W) DR63%+2

    MagicSaphire purity 80%



    MA set (W) (100USD) SOLD

    Light (14%) ChainHose (W) MA21%+1

    Light (40%) Hauberk (W) MA15%+1

    Light (16%) ChainMail (W) MA21%+1

    Strong (14%) TargeShield MA24%

    MagicEmerald purity 81%


    MR set (W) (70USD) SOLD

    Strong (21%) FullHelm (W) MR 35%

    Strong (21%) PlateMail (W) MR63$

    CritInc(+2%) Hauberk (W) MR63%+1

    Strong (14%) ChainHose (W) MR56%

    CritInc(2%) TargeShield MR84%+1

    RM25 necklace


    HP set (W) (100USD) SOLD

    Strong (14%) Full Helm (W) hp56%

    Light (16%) PlateMail (W) hp77%+1

    Light (16%) Hauberk (W) hp63%+1

    Light (16%) ChainHose (W) hp56%+1

    Light (8%) Cape hp14% (no special colour)


    MP set (W) (60 USD) SOLD

    Light (16%) FullHelm (W) MP35%+1

    Strong (14%) PlateMail (W) MP56%

    Strong (35%) Hauberk (W) MP42%

    Light (16%) ChainHose (W) MP49%+1

    Strong (14%) TargeShield MP84%


    Accepting PayPal debits.


    EDIT: Alright guys! Thanks so much for playing beside me or agaisnt me! That was an very unique time playing on this AWESOME server. Too bad i dont have anymore the life i've used to have. If i could ask something to God, i would ask to never grow up, so that way i would be able to spend more time with hobbies and having fun here in HB NEMESIS with my loyal friends.

    Only few itens remains. Almost everything (as you can see) got sold, and delivered to the respective new owners.

    Day in, day out i have an new p.m. at my inbox, so dont loose that oportunity!


    Disgree with the price? PM me. Im openned for deals discussions.

  3. Brazil data:


    Microsoft Windows [versão 6.0.6002]

    Copyright © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. Todos os direitos reservados.




    Disparando com 32 bytes de dados:

    Resposta de bytes=32 tempo=172ms TTL=110

    Resposta de bytes=32 tempo=171ms TTL=110

    Resposta de bytes=32 tempo=171ms TTL=110

    Resposta de bytes=32 tempo=170ms TTL=110


    Estatísticas do Ping para

    Pacotes: Enviados = 4, Recebidos = 4, Perdidos = 0 (0% de


    Aproximar um número redondo de vezes em milissegundos:

    Mínimo = 170ms, Máximo = 172ms, Média = 171ms




    Disparando com 32 bytes de dados:

    Resposta de bytes=32 tempo=158ms TTL=112

    Resposta de bytes=32 tempo=157ms TTL=112

    Resposta de bytes=32 tempo=159ms TTL=112

    Resposta de bytes=32 tempo=156ms TTL=112


    Estatísticas do Ping para

    Pacotes: Enviados = 4, Recebidos = 4, Perdidos = 0 (0% de


    Aproximar um número redondo de vezes em milissegundos:

    Mínimo = 156ms, Máximo = 159ms, Média = 157ms

  4. Its only me or server is lagged ultimatly?

    Im not sure about that, i've been lagged since nemesis changed host location (like 2 years ago).

    But ultimatly seens that this got worst than ever. And i see other ppl complaining about it too.

    Any feedback?


  5. lets imagine rep reset is us$ 100


    Someone with -754 rep will want this reset.


    Why he should pay same amount than u !!!

    You do that policy to exchange gender of armors? Lets say, merien armors will cost more than other itens?

    All services offered on the "donation" system is a fixed price.

    Although, i was wanting rep reset for a LONG time ago. I did that thing because was something like an possibility of reseting my rep in a easyer way. That didnt happened. Before the "lame criminal" thing, i had a much lower rep. But it was already max damage for kloness weapons (over 3k).

    Also, 754 negative rep? I beleive that this is an easy amount of rep to heal. In less than 2 weeks with 2 chars logged and exchanging rep only with one of'en u can get over 1k reps.


    ADD: and, the service offered is "rep reset", not giving rep away. No one using this system will have an fresh char with HUGE rep, ready to use kloness/righteous itens. Is just an reset to 0, just like making a new char. Making a new char means it comes lvl1, 0 exp, dont? So make this penallity over this system. You will get your rep reseted, but your exp will become 0.


    Maybe do some fix value per every point of rep. Just to put an example: $0.10 every point of rep?


    But, for values above -3000 or so it would be to much, to pay $300. Maybe put a top of $100, 150 maybe? So if you have beyond certain high amount of negative rep, you wont pay $1000 to reset from -10.000 to 0. But if you have for example, -754, you would pay $75.


    I just cant understand why make something like rep (b4nal if u put at same side as Majestics, dye colors, town change and so) SO EXPENSIVE! Its just something like uhhh? Why? Understand?



    Idk why you guys want me paying so big amout for a rep reset, didnt i got hamn enought? My exp is going to 0 right now on decrims :)

    And my atempt was to heal my rep. So, i got the worst rep in server and my exp is going to 0.


    Anyway, you guys want a suggestion?

    Rep reset comes with exp reset (goes to 0) and should cost something like a normal price, about 50 USD.

  6. Hello guys. Just an MYTHBURSTERS post.

    "GM: if i get over -10k rep, i get my rep reset"

    Well, me and my staff gone to our studios in Middle Land, and took some pictures with HIGH resolution.

    Conclusions: MYTH BUSTED! I never had read the scrip on hb, so i didnt really knew if there was any kinda of exception for this rep overflow. Int type should be 2^36, what means that is much larger than the -10k expected.

    Anyway, i already had around -6k rep, what virtually means that i take MAX dmg on kloness weapons already. So i had to try -10k rep, because it would makes no diference for me anyway.

    Some picks to prove it out:



    IPB Image


    IPB Image


    IPB Image



    Hope you all have some fun =D

    Come to elv, lets kill me some.



    Let me enjoy this topic and ask: now that i got the WORST rep ever, and lost time-exp doing that, there is anyhow how i can reset my rep? =P

    I have already tryed the best option i had to do, and got worst than possible ever. FAIL+1! Actually, +550! hahaha

    I see that donations list have none listed about rep reset. Hope we have some answers =P


  7. I dislike the ideia on changing recall system. I disgree with it like 100%, but im only one guy and i cant make my will if the hb comunity wants it.

    The good on HB that makes it diferent from every RPG game is the dificult on making good kills on pvp. Part of that is dealt because the recall spell. I like it, i love it. Is SOOO funny when an enemy just recall in front of you. And is even more funny when you ninja scape from activate whores, like xr + twice ice.

    But there is nothing to do unless accept it. Once ALL gm staff, except farjat, want this recall system changed, so its time to think not about "its going to happen", once its already 100% sure is going to really happens. Its a matter on how its going to happen.


    Concluding: YES, i oppened this topic giving suggestions on recall system change. Do i want it?

    DEFNETLY NO! Hope this very clear to every1. But if things are going to be changed, i woulda really want that this is gonna be for improvements. HB is good as manner as it is right now, OLD school mood.

    All the point of me making this topic is: DONT COPY RECALL SCROLL. Do something a bit more diferent. Inovate. Make it worth the change.

    Thx all

  8. hello,


    To me that says people attacking will always get there ek and person being attacked has little chance of fleeing.


    if recall is fixed to what people want then all us noobs who have only been playing for a short time are just goin to get set apon all the time with hero charaters, and if that happens then no one is goin to join nemesis when the people who been playing for a long time just gain ek after ek because they have skill in playing the game and also as they have good and awesome items. ( thats what i think, i probly wrong tho)


    iam only new to helbreath in general i only started playing nearly a year ago ( more like 10 months), and in that time the people who seem to complain about recall are full heros and people who have awesome items who dont like it when a noob escapes them.


    sorry if i offend but that what i think...


    anywho have fun


  9. But my point is: with the atual system, there are some issues that most players point out as a problem. These are delay and the possibility of ninja scapes. I dont see much problem on this, for me its a normal thing from the game, not an issue that makes me mad. When i want fights without ninja scapes i search for fights in my own town.

    But, if the HB nemesis comunity want it both fixed, something likelly what i said must be used. Else, using the 10 seconds without dmg coldown is just an copy over the recall scroll and wont fix anything from the delay problem (reminder: what i mean from "delay" is what i've expalined above on the first topic, "doenst matter if u take dmg or not, ur spell will not get interrupted because the delay").

    The method i've explained isnt really an original system. I've just saw an another post made for suggest the exactly same thing, but write with easyer code words:

    simple fix to this actually.


    after cast, include a timer.


    eg : cast recall, then on ur screen shows :


    Recalling in 4 secs

    Recalling in 3 secs

    Recalling in 2 secs

    Recalling in 1 secs


    Should any damage be taken during countdown, the spell cancels. Its same principle as logout or restart on death timer.

    I think this is an easy fix for the skilled coders this server has. Heck, with some luck i might be able to do this myself lols.


    EDIT : I think recall shld be left the way it is now though, recall having a longer recall timing would affect the newer players.


    I agree with you MJ, annoying when recalling at town. So, idk if this is possible (once when u use a scroll, you actually cast an magic [also can get magic skill points from it], meaning that if you make any changes on recall magic, it will be aplied to the scroll too), but can make this counter only for the recall casted, and remain recall scroll as it is right now? This way you could make recall scroll unlimited charges (like traveller) and bounded to every character.

    So on town recall you'd be able to use the recall scroll and wont be such anoying as waiting 4 secs for each tp, and on fights you can use any of'en.

    Hope everything gotta been understand beside my poor english.



  10. Recall scroll already have its own propieties. I beleive that most players here on nemesis want some change on the recall system. So, i have a suggestion for it.

    When u cast recall on yourself, something like an aura (anything to display that u casted recall) shows up. I though in something like an iron ball up on your head (similar to "Mana Burn" from diablo I).

    While this aura is up, you will be forced to be in peace mode (so you cant atack) and also cant cast any other spell. The aura have X seconds durations (i beleive 4 seconds is more than enought). If u dont take any damage during this X seconds, u get instantaneous recalled to your town. Else (if you take damage during this process), you will get a stun and the recall process will be interrupted.


    That ends with two problems:


    first problem (delay problem) -> major concern that ppl have with recallers is the delay (sometimes, doenst matter if u take dmg or not, ur spell will not get interrupted because the delay). So, basically, in that order, they start casting recall, they take dmg just after casted recall, they conjure the recall (shinny things shows up), and EVEN gotta been atacked (what should mean spell broken) they get recalled.


    second problem and the most dicussed over here (damage delay on recall spell) -> well, there is no much about to say. In my suggestion, while the "aura" is displayed, u will have 4 seconds to remain untouchble to get recalled.



    Comments plz.

  11. Idk, is just a suggestion posted out of the correct place. But, want to know what should be a good solution for this recall thing?

    We already have the recall scroll, that only have effectivenes after 10 seconds without taking dmg. I REALLY beleive that is NO POINT do exactly same thing on recall by spell. 100% pointless.


    SO: SUGGESTION --> It will need a bit more work from graphics, and coding.

    When u cast recall on yourself, an aura (recall aura) displays. After x seconds ( i beleive 4 seconds is more than enought) without taking dmg and with this aura on you, u get recalled. If you take dmg during this try of recall, the aura dies and u get a stun.

    I will be making a suggestion topic right now discussioning about it.




    Suggestion topic done with better explanation:
