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Posts posted by gorefest

  1. Items on "reserve" mode means: One step from been sold, they have been offered already and the deal is getting close to concrete.







    Items to get sold:


    xelimablade.gif XELIMA BLADE +1 (best offer 550$)


    Righteous Battle Hammer HP70 +1 (best offer 80$)

    Ancient Battle Axe HP28

    Barbarian Battle Hammer +4


    ms10 wand hp84


    Light 16% PA15 Tower Shield+1 (33 str to use)

    Light 16% PA18 Lagi Shield+1 (25 str to use)



    MP 42% Chain Mail [M] Light 16%+1

    MP 35% Hauberk [M] Strong 14%


    Ring of Grand Mage







    Items already SOLD:


    Selling account (Scofield) SOLD


    HP 84 Targe Shield Strong 35% SOLD

    MR 21 cape cic1% SOLD


    MA 39% ChainHose [M] Light16%+1 (best offer 130$, on reserve) SOLD



    MP 84 Horned Helm [M] Strong 21% (best offer 30$) SOLD

    HP 84 Hauberk [M] Strong 14% (best offer 50$, on reserve) SOLD




    MP 77% ChainHose [M] Strong 35% (only for hose, best offer 70$, on reserve) SOLD


    Payment Method: only Western Union.

    If paypal, I will ask plus about 8% dealt to paypal outgoing with taxes.


    Thx and enjoy.

  2. "Do not comment on someone's items

    Do not make recommendations about someone's trade topics"

    "1- There is to be NO SPAM on this board at all."

    "Any type of spam post, insult, jokes, nonsense (even on your friend's topics) will result in a 3 week ban

    from the forum no matter what your warning level is."


    Fixed for u mate

    reputation (rep): noob , puller, buyer

    u take items ?

    I beleive its clear that this is a "selling" section area, me and other players doesn't except threats like yours here. So manage your words please above this area. I've repported your behavior.

    Im sorry about commenting/posting it here, dont take me as a spammer. But Moha should have 6 weeks forum ban already?

  3. Fixed for u mate

    reputation (rep): noob , puller, buyer

    u take items ?

    I beleive its clear that this is a "selling" section area, me and other players doesn't except threats like yours here. So manage your words please above this area. I've repported your behavior.

  4. ###############################################################################




    Selling account (Scofield)


    Dark Knight Wand +15

    Dark Knight Sword +12


    Warrior, with full hero M warrior and mage (combatant cape as well)!


    182 str

    191 dex

    115 vit

    59 int

    50 mag


    reputation (rep): +1161


    skills (all 100%):

    Long Sword


    Axe Attack


    Poison Resistance


    Magic Resistance







    Items to get sold:


    XELIMA BLADE +1 (best offer 550$, on reserve)


    Righteous Battle Hammer HP70 +1 (best offer 80$)

    Ancient Battle Axe HP28

    Barbarian Battle Hammer +4


    ms10 wand hp84


    Light 16% PA15 Tower Shield+1 (33 str to use)

    Light 16% PA18 Lagi Shield+1 (25 str to use)


    HP 84 Targe Shield Strong 35%

    MR 21 cape cic1%



    MA 39% ChainHose [M] Light16%+1 (best offer 130$, on reserve)



    MP 84 Horned Helm [M] Strong 21%

    HP 84 Hauberk [M] Strong 14% (best offer 50$, on reserve)



    MP 42% Chain Mail [M] Light 16%+1

    MP 35% Hauberk [M] Strong 14%

    MP 77% ChainHose [M] Strong 35% (only for hose, best offer 70$, on reserve)


    Ring of Grand Mage


    Payment Method: only Western Union


    Thx and enjoy.

  5. add guard captain. put him at shop and CH tp. give him couple better spells (mfs/para/armorbreak) and make him anti magic with more freeze resistance. damage like unicorn. maybe give him horn helm instead of penut to show he's the captain.


    Dont forget the fact they should have somehow a system to prevent they from been lured away.. else there is no propose at all, just a little harder to lure out but still it will be possible. That would brake the pragmatism of closing a town tp.

  6. best player: Elvine MaynarD Aresden Du4L

    biggest talker: Elvine Julieth/stephan Aresden TheAvenger

    biggest cryer: Scofeild

    best support player: Elvine MaynarD/CillaBlack Aresden: matiasPoop

    best war: Elvine BlooR Aresden Du4L

    best mage: Elvine MaynarD/Stephan Aresden

    best bmage: Elvine AmorAmarth Aresden DjHones

    worst player: Elvine tonycheng Aresden p3p3

    best guild: Elvine Argenlandia/hachis

    worst guild:Inception



  7. Make guards stronger, with more hp, regen and dmg. During the time i came back, i realised that is common a town have more population than nother, and use summons as a way to force a battle, which occurs aways in disavantage, i.e., 12 elvines (ares) go to ch tp, lure guards away and make massive summons. That way any ares (elv) that comes to recall will be forced to join the fight OR will die like free and give zem away. That is homosexual tatics in my opinnion, that should be changed.

    Maybe should make guards suicide each minute, and respawn each minute as well. That would avoid luring guards away. Make they a little stronger, they should have much more hp than what they have got right now. Dmg, only a little better. Also, they could spawn in bigger numbers for each TP, like 5 or 6 for each (considering that this "suicide" and "respawn" system can be done propery).


    PS: when i mean suicide and respawn system, can put a cronometer in each guard (like summons made by players), but with less time of life, like 60 secs.

  8. @moha: you can use summon pots as you wish, same way as your enemy team could possibly use tamers to oppose your summons.


    @gorefest: the website calendar indeed shows an 'event' on the 31st of march, it is there to indicate the end of the registration period. If you'd read the event details you'd see that it links to this topic which explains all.

    31st the registrations close. After that date (probably april 1st or 2nd) I schedule all fights and each team has aprox 24 hours to request a re-scheduling of their fight. Probably first fights will occur around april 3/4 and probably after april 9th (cuz of easter weekend).

    @moha reply: I dont agree with this, everyone who has a summon pot worth using (uni/demon) has obtained it from lucky tickets and not alchemy. So saying that taming is the answer is unfair because the tamer has to earn the ability. also tamer needs 50 charisma or something like that right? And a pot from a lucky ticket requires no skill% or stat points.


    Considering some remarks of experienced players in nemesis, summon potions have been forbidden in the event.

    Me and other players explained that to white, and he has changed his mind about the summon pots.

  9. Im not suggesting anything BIG. Im just getting tired of the unbalance that server faces, and worst than that: there is nothing we can do, neither recall inside town... i've already faced tp box a lot of times. So, i go with a group in ML for a fight and get powned because we dont have numbers to fight, then we decide to recall. Recalling some of us end at CH tp, where many elvs are there, boxing with summons (result: you are dead). If you atempt to run, they xelima you (considering that you already have MIM casted on you, result: dead). And finally if you do recall by any miracle, you end in shop tp where there are still some others elvs trying a summon box as well (smaller one), but anyway those call the others and you cant do any shit. Entrances boxed... the best you can do during this times is AFK at REVIVAL, because there is the only safe place i can set my character... that's SAD.


    Maybe change towns back to the original map (whose had 2 wh each). They were bigger, possibly allowing stronger guards without interfeer at pvp actions. Also giving the possibility of better ninja scapes.


    @Genius, maybe your time zone doesnt show you how often that happens.

  10. Make guards stronger, with more hp, regen and dmg. During the time i came back, i realised that is common a town have more population than nother, and use summons as a way to force a battle, which occurs aways in disavantage, i.e., 12 elvines (ares) go to ch tp, lure guards away and make massive summons. That way any ares (elv) that comes to recall will be forced to join the fight OR will die like free and give zem away. That is bad tatics in my opinnion, that should be changed.

  11. White, as I know that's a bug that somebody is trigging and getting the map offline. Maybe its somebody doing it on propose? I dont know, but i have saw already some bugger crashers working in other server, and it looks pretty much the same. I cant add much, maybe because these servers were coded in txt (not in sql like nemesis) which enable a more variety of bugs/hacks, etc..