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Everything posted by gorefest

  1. gorefest

    Is Server Down?

    Yes! Sever down....
  2. gorefest


    Lol , jking.. but , WHATTAHELL!!! I cant even play today... already got like 20 discconcts , LOADS of lag. Today was funny , tryed to log in to TRY to get the ek that i has paraed with my friend , 6 dc consecutive........ some1 need to help us please , solve this lag problem. I do anything to help.
  3. gorefest


    I know frajat =) , we just need to get that non serious and make some joking to dont few agry , agree?? hehehe Talking about Scatt , he asked me to do some thing on ping and also ask my friends to do it. I followed the request , just need new orders. Tell him to send me p.m.? Im totally porntied to help on everything to sold or at least minimize that lag issue.
  4. gorefest

    No Life?

    I love hypocrisi. Most people say here that only uses bs itens.. BULL SHIT! stop with that hypocrisi , uses bbh+ x , doesnt matter how much , and ring , at least demon and dm y , at least 3. Mages with rom/ms14 or , if uses zem , rogm. NICE bs itens.
  5. gorefest

    For Brazilians

    sim sim.. qualquer duvida so me mandar um p.m. Vlw galera.. esse lag vai em bora de uma vez por todas =)
  6. gorefest

    For Brazilians

    Hello guys , dont get pissed plz , is for brazilians. Ae galera , ta ae a SS , gm scatt pedindo ajuda para resolver nosso problema de lag!! UHU!! finalmente vai acabar! heeheh olha ae http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/247/nem...514035936ma.jpg Me mandem um PM no jogo e eu falo exatamente o que tem que fazer se nao conseguir a partir desse post. Vai no iniciar , e entre no executar. Digite "cmd" e abrir? uma caixa preta de dialogo. digite o seguinte , exatamente desta forma : ping -n 20> file1.txt (aperta enter e espere) ping -20 www.helbreathnemesis.com> file2.txt (aperta enter e espere) tracert> file3.txt (aperta enter e espere) tracert www.helbreathnemesis.com> file4.txt (aperta enter e espere) Ap?s tudo isso , v? ao meu computador , c: , abra a pasta "document and setting" , l? ter? esses 4 documentos. Abra seu email , coloque como t?tulo "Lag brazil helbreath" , anexe os quatro arquivos e coloque como informa??o seu personagem e IP e envie para scatterp321@yahoo.co.uk. Para falar a verdade eu nao sei no que extamente isso se aplica , mas o Scatt pediu para mim fazer e , se possivel para agilizar , para eu pedir para outros BR's fazerem. A an?lise r?pida dele foi que tanto faz qualquer um dos dois locais de host do server , o antigo ou o atual, estamos com lag. Podem tamb?m se quiser fazer o seguinte : mande um "ticket" cn o seguinte t?pico : Lag Brazil ATTN scatterp ; e se disponibilize para resolver nosso problema de lag. Coloque seu nickname para ele te procurar ingame tbm, que ele pessoalmente pedir? para voc? fazer exatamente o que descrevi acima. Obrigado a todos.
  7. gorefest

    For Brazilians

    That was exaclty what scatt asked me to do , for checking diference on both servers
  8. gorefest

    Server Moved To New Host.

    Ty GM team , always doing great job in server maintense.
  9. gorefest

    Login Server Is Down

    True. Something rly bizarre happened here , the screen just freezed and some graphics distorced. The magic scroll has been bugged. But i could at least log out. Now just dont log anymore.
  10. My sugestion is : delet itens duped , and also the REAL itens that has been used to dupe. Other way punish then even more if possible. Rollback problens we solve laters. Thx
  11. gorefest

    Server Down

    Server down.. so , cya tomorrow guys Elvine PS: if any1 just have any baxe and wanna donate for me =) , contact me : [Gorefest] Cya soon
  12. gorefest

    Logs Down Again?

    ops.. no.. just 3 consecutives dcs
  13. gorefest

    Logs Down Again?

    down again
  14. gorefest

    Question About Login Problem

    Sorry .. making another post for the same question , but the others are closed. Any GM can give me an estimative about when it comes on again? Thx a lot. :D
  15. gorefest

    Question About Login Problem

    Would be nice i log in again and get lvl 100... ahahaha.. started today ^^