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Everything posted by daniel

  1. daniel

    Selling Some Stuff

    close post plz
  2. daniel

    Selling Some Stuff

    Selling rodragon, shield ma21, dm 4 pm whit offer Acept WU
  3. daniel

    I Cant Create A Account

    the mail is never recivied.
  4. daniel

    Player's Opinion: Nemesis 3 And Buffs

    i think the bufs icon gave bad hb experience we lost a lot of fun fights when u need time ur self and ur team thats icon and bufs need go out
  5. daniel

    Roll Back

    we wont resettttttttttt
  6. daniel

    [Event] Spring Guild Vs Guild Pvp Tournament !

    wowwww the first fight its the best!! hahaha
  7. daniel

    [Event] Spring Guild Vs Guild Pvp Tournament !

    white i think may be the first place may be cool 1 dye pot for each ppl from the guild. and they need use last the event
  8. daniel

    Donation Idea

    dont like these idea
  9. daniel

    Sale La 2 ?

    Virgo dario esta usando la cuenta de rodri??? :rolleyes: Quiero volver a tener un server digno y respetable donde pueda jugar no spameen mas .... VIRGO +1 dario+1 +1 jajaaj vamo q sumaaaaaaaaa
  10. daniel

    I Quit

    eeee porq!! q ondaaa
  11. daniel

    Best Trade U Ever Do.

    jeje i scamed 1 time whiteangel- on trade: mr 42 berk w for anc gs hp63+ crit gs crit11 rep7 i dont see the scam whiteangel bigger scam!!!+1
  12. daniel

    Criminal Penalty

    +1 jajajajaj y a este que bicho le pico donde andas saitam q tenes tantos enemigos LAMMER jajaja
  13. daniel

    Criminal Penalty

  14. daniel

    Remove Dk Set

    dude these s crazy the mages got mass magics mass dmg. mage got more advantage then war. hf, cancel, pa, fury of thor now. war only got dmg
  15. daniel

    Old Map Request

  16. daniel

    Something Has To Be Done.

    dude if i got people to can trust to pass ice or xr its not problem... its problem from dont trust in no body. and mim its ok the time. the ilussion 30 sec and to use mim u need 200 int for more time. ilussion stay for that
  17. daniel

    Something Has To Be Done.

    its part of the game!!! these s bullshit. how u can do that? im not give me ever invi and i agree whit u in that... but its to crazy that changes. and mim its okay so ppls whit mass items u need mim to kill him.
  18. daniel

    Quest Upgrade :)

    nice idea like it!
  19. daniel

    Kill Pk Ppl

    exactamente hay q avanzar y probar nuevas modificaciones que lo hagan mas divertido al server
  20. daniel

    Kill Pk Ppl

    estaria bueno que si matas a un pk t de rep se me acaba de ocurrir que se yo 2 de rep will cool if u kill a pk ppl u get rep+ for it may be +2 rep
  21. daniel

    Kill Pk Ppl

    it would be awesome if being crim would give you something extra... for example. anti-hero elvine/aresden set maybe it could be like hero set but with less dmg/hp bonus.. and easier to take. or it could have more damage and hp than regular hero set but you would need like 50 pks to get each part.. and if you get killed by anyone your pk count goes back to 0 and you have to start killing ppl all over. i like that idea but the pk fh need got low endurance hp then good fh
  22. daniel

    Kill Pk Ppl

    but if any wanna lam rep that u can see if he get rep+ killing pks its more easy find lammers
  23. white u repaired the bug of guild? i cant see whit gm that. taming its ready i lvling to 20% but dont like 3 hours training to 21% and nothing
  24. daniel

    Server Down? [fixed]

    need to kill me first. thats my dude gogogogogo farjat pro! hahaha
  25. hola tengo un problema con la codificacion de c++ en un programa importante que necesito para la universidad. por favor espero que me ayuden hace 3 dias que estoy buscando la solucion y nada Hi I have a problem with the encoding of c + + on a major program I need for college. I hope please help me 3 days ago I'm looking for the solution and nothing codding: #include<iostream> using namespace std; //-----------------CLASE FECHA POR AGREGACION----------------------- class Fecha{ public: int iDia, iMes, iAnio; Fecha(int iD=0,int iM=0, int iA=0) { setDia(iD); setMes(iM); setAnio(iA); } void setDia(int d){iDia =d;} void setMes(int m){iMes =m;} void setAnio(int a){iAnio =a;} int getDia(){return iDia;} int getMes(){return iMes;} int getAnio(){return iAnio;} void mostrarFecha(); }; void Fecha::mostrarFecha() { cout<<getDia()<<"/"<<getMes()<<"/"<<getAnio()<<endl; } //--------------------CLASE SOCIO------------------------------------------- class Socio{ string sNombre, sDNI; Fecha *fAsociacion; int iSocio; static int iCantidad; public: Socio(string sNombre, string sDNI, int iSocio){ setNombre(sNombre); setDNI(sDNI); setSocio(iSocio); } void setNombre(string n){sNombre = n;} void setDNI(string dni){sDNI = dni;} void setSocio(int s){iSocio = s;} string getNombre(){return sNombre;} string getDNI(){return sDNI;} int getSocio(){return iSocio;} Socio(string,string,int,int,int); virtual void mostrar() = 0; }; int Socio :: iCantidad = 1000; Socio :: Socio(string nom,string dni,int da,int md,int ad) { iSocio = iCantidad; iCantidad = iCantidad+2; sNombre = nom; sDNI = dni; fAsociacion = new Fecha(da,md,ad); } void Socio :: mostrar() { cout<<"\nNombre:"<<getNombre()<<endl; cout<<"\nDni:"<<getDNI()<<endl; cout<<"\n Nro. de Socio:"<<getSocio()<<endl; cout<<"\nfecha de asociacion:"; fAsociacion->mostrarFecha(); } //------------------------CADETE ---------------------------------------- class Cadete : public Socio{ int iCuota; static int iValor; public: Cadete(string sNombre, string sdni, int da, int md, int ad,int iCuota) : Socio(sNombre,sdni, da,md,ad){ setCuota(iCuota); } void setCuota(int c){iCuota = c;} int getCuota(){return iCuota;} void mostrar(); }; int Cadete :: iValor = 5; if(Cadete.getAnio()=<1999){ iCuota = iValor-3; } else{ iCuota = iValor; }; void Cadete :: mostrar(){ cout<<"----------------SOCIO CADETE-----------------"<<endl; Socio :: mostrar(); cout<<endl<<"\nValor de Cuota: $"<<getCuota(); }; //-----------------------ACTIVO------------------------------------------ class Activo : public Socio{ int iPago; static int iaCuota; public: Activo(string sNombre, string sdni, int da,int md, int ad, int iPago) : Socio(sNombre,sdni,da,md,ad){ setPago(iPago); } void setPago(int p){iPago = p;} int getPago(){return iPago;} void mostrar(); }; int Activo :: iaCuota = 10; if(Activo.Anio()=<1999) { iPago = iaCuota - 3; } else { iPago = iaCuota; }; void Activo :: mostrar(){ cout<<"----------------SOCIO ACTIVO-----------------"<<endl; Socio :: mostrar(); cout<<endl<<"\nValor de Cuota: $"<<getPago(); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- error: 86 G:\programas facultad\ej. prog 2\ej4.tp9.cpp expected unqualified-id before "if" 86 G:\programas facultad\ej. prog 2\ej4.tp9.cpp expected `,' or `;' before "if" 89 G:\programas facultad\ej. prog 2\ej4.tp9.cpp expected unqualified-id before "else" 89 G:\programas facultad\ej. prog 2\ej4.tp9.cpp expected `,' or `;' before "else" 113 G:\programas facultad\ej. prog 2\ej4.tp9.cpp expected unqualified-id before "if" 113 G:\programas facultad\ej. prog 2\ej4.tp9.cpp expected `,' or `;' before "if" 117 G:\programas facultad\ej. prog 2\ej4.tp9.cpp expected unqualified-id before "else" 117 G:\programas facultad\ej. prog 2\ej4.tp9.cpp expected `,' or `;' before "else" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- como pueden ver los errores estan en los 2 "if" As you can see the errors are within 2 "if" espero su ayuda gracias