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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Why Server Down?_?

    Sexy is booting the game server now, nemesis will be back online within 5 to 10 minutes. cya in game guys !
  2. WhiteFang

    Why Server Down?_?

    I've managed to contact Sexy, she submitted a ticket to make the server computer reboot, once this is done nemesis should be up and running again. Icy, if you made the trade early or found it early today/ysterday and logged out before server got offline, it should be there. The best way to make sure is to login into your account at the website, and there you can easly see if the GBH is in your bag/wh :)
  3. WhiteFang

    Why Server Down?_?

    I wanne play some nemesis too, but server is still offline... idk why, or how... but i'm trying to get a hold of an admin to get it up again...
  4. WhiteFang

    Look At This Whiner

    I have vista too, the moment angels appear in my screen, it's all screwed... otherwise I go at a constant of 260 FPS (even when running and being invi !) (the way to kill me: ANGELS) XD
  5. WhiteFang

    Level 140 And Under Pvp Event

    I meant Raider... sorry XD (typo's, sigh !) anyway, as it states FFA, so I guess slates allowed then... *invincibility slate 15 minutes*
  6. WhiteFang

    Does The Vit Formula On Hbportal Work Here?

    I made the calculation and it seems to be correctly, though it's unconfirmed and this formula is only a rumour, perhaps there meight ba another formula giving the same results...
  7. WhiteFang

    Level 140 And Under Pvp Event

    Hunter, I don't have a pl raider, so I offer you my assistance as GM onto this event (if nothing unsuspected comes inbetween... nosrmally shouldn't, but you never know...)
  8. WhiteFang

    Does The Vit Formula On Hbportal Work Here?

    raMz, as far as I know this formula do is applied as said above... my tanker first had 200 vit, I removed 2 vit to put on int to have 59 int for zerk, and I lost 2 * 3 HP (being 6) ... from 935 to 929... so the vit * 3 is correct, but the rest doesn't seem to be matching...
  9. WhiteFang

    Happy Birthday Zariel !

    happy b-day Zariel
  10. WhiteFang

    Olympic 08!

    w00t nice :) I hope belgium wins more medals :D I gave mini-event cuz they won xD
  11. WhiteFang

    Olympic 08!

    W00T !!!! BELGIUM DID IT !!! We got Silver on the 4x100 meters for woman !!! first belgian medal, i'm so happy !!!! finally we got one medal :D
  12. WhiteFang

    I Need Help

    I do lagg when alot mobs on my screen, mostly during summon events I lagg alot, DC about 2 to 3 times, and die 3 to 4 times due to lagg... But other then that I run at 270 FPS constantly (even in motion)...
  13. WhiteFang

    I Need Help

    it works fine for me though (I use vista).... only my FPS stick to 60 when an angel is on my screen...
  14. WhiteFang

    I Need Help

    in vista you can't change the hardware acelleration level. it fixes the FPS again if you could, I tried even with register edited, but still didn't work.
  15. WhiteFang

    Help In Getting Hb To Go Full Screen

    perhaps change compatibility to win XP or win 98 to run helgame.exe ? normally it should auto. go to full screen at 800x600 so perhaps try to change some stuffs i nthe compatibility settings to see what happens..?
  16. WhiteFang

    Where The Fux Is Hunter?

    wat happened! wtfux farjat leaves it up to hunter to come and tell it when he feel like, and so will I. :D
  17. WhiteFang

    Where The Fux Is Hunter?

    the story is so amazing, I still can't belive that such thing has happend to hunter, such a nice guy, with such a bad luck :(
  18. WhiteFang

    Nemesis Scavenger Hunt

    here are the items I collect, hopefully good enough for a thirth place ! thx to those who helped me, when I win 3th place, stones will be shared amongst those that helped and to which I promised to give a reward to. the SS is taken from nemesis website for the character HeLLArmor. contact WhiteFang, WhiteFank or WhiteFanz in game, i'll log onto the char and show you the items whenever you ask me hunter. or just check the char trough the website... Greets, WhiteFang
  19. WhiteFang

    Apocalypse Hunting

    well, server has just been rebooted, and slightly i'll start killing monsters with a group of people one by one... if you're up for killing some, contact WhiteFang, WhiteFank, WhiteFanz or in really hard needs White[GM].
  20. WhiteFang

    Apocalypse Hunting

    As a player i'd like to know who's up for playing the Apocalypse aka killing the Abaddon? I ask this as a player, not as a GM. I'm up for it, later on whe nwe reach the Abaddon map, I coudl tank HC's and TW's with my tanker char. Other maps I can help to clear with my war. so who's up? [edit] could someone give me a translation in spanish or other languages that are often used on the server?
  21. WhiteFang

    Change Towm

    I don't understand any spanish, but topic title tells all... if someone could translate this to spanish for me, i'd be thankfull: town changes has been made possible, you can donate an amount of money and then we'll town-change your character for you. You can read all about it in the donations forum-board.
  22. WhiteFang

    Druncian City

    my suggestion is/was to make yo uapear right outside DC in IB next to the portal. then the apo being closed doesn't matter anymore, and the route to the abaddon wouldn't be that hard to travel then, you passed by ML and IB already :)
  23. WhiteFang

    For Gm's

    raMz dude, i'll make fun with you all day long on BI with me med chasing you and things like that as long as you stay :) I don't like to see good people leaving, mostly not when their names are raMz XD and to be true raMz, i'm getting into the "being bored of hb" stage too somehow... I got 2 chars at 180... a mage which needs training, but is hard due to raiding and being mage... and I got this GM char to use and do my duty on it and help the players, that still fun and challanging to do :) I know for one or another reason that i'll soon get some kick from somewhere, something or someone which will encourage me to play more... Currently I kinda play to hunt and try and get rares, but it takes ages I think XD But well, I try to kill my time inbetween the boringnesses by helping nemesis to become even better then it already is and by going out XD *Sigh, I really need a GF again*
  24. WhiteFang

    Apocalypse Hunting

    yeah indeed, there I agree, it wouldn't be fun at all to DC there and requiring to run back... I'll make a suggestion for a slight change onto this...
  25. WhiteFang

    Apocalypse Hunting

    If I'm correct, hunter said me he was up for doing cooridation onto this, assigning people who take all the drops, and at the end hide drops under food in a hidden location, and all who helped gets teleported there, can pick one food and that item you get. or multiple, depends on how many participate and how much drops we got.