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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    About Eks + Raid Time X)

    At the point of view from king, yeah, possibly good idea... but then you're NEVER safe, and you'll NEVER be able to level up in peace or make fun with your town mates... and if they really just wanne go out and kill, there are many maps available... ML...TOH...DGLV2/3/4... well, if I had FH, i'd still be playing to get better and better gear on and on... to make it better and better, hunt alot, less raid/ek, but hunt and gather rares...
  2. WhiteFang

    To Hunter Gm!

    Hunter does the best he can to organize the events. Organizing such a huge event like a PvP event for PL raiders requires some preparing and thinking on how to handle it, set rules etc. If hunter decides to cancel an event, he has reason for it. If hunter doesn't come to an event, he has again a reason for it. We GM's are all GM's on free basis, we know well enough players like events, and also this kind of events. It happend before that multiple events were organized in a short period of time or while another event is/was still running. I can't speak for hunter, but I'm still up for supporting the event and helping hunter to get it organized. so hunter, if you wanne get it done, you can count on my support ! Let me know if you need it.
  3. WhiteFang

    About Eks + Raid Time X)

    well..... 5 magues can get more than 30 eks..... :glare: just see the city when raid time is 0, scorps full of nubs , out side of wh and shop....alot of stupid kids blizzing criting happy now? :lol: pd: my english sux, i know :sleep: yeah ofc they do, cuz the time is 0, people are more carefull in the weekend, pick different training spots or do different things, you'll always see less people in scorps during weekend or in front of wh during weekend. if this suggestion would come in, well then nobody will go outside WH and less people in scorps... so less ek's, so you won't gain your EK's back I think.
  4. WhiteFang

    Bbhs Damage

    I talk with facts here. Most of you guys havn't EVER seen a source of Helbreath Game Servers, well I DID see em, and according to my copy of HB USA's Server NO SINGLE ARMOR has PA Except those who indicate the stat. There is no such thing as natural PA. PA means Physical Absorbtion. You guys go in game and test it, your damage will NOT increase when you hit sombody who has a DK plate or who has a Knight plate. You will hit more frequent (=more often), so you hit more times you try, but the armor doesn't "absorb" any damage unless it indicates it does. DK armor has very high DEFENSE, defense is the chance that the opponent MISSES it's attack. DK armor will NOT absorb damage, NEVER unless it's edited by GM's to contain the rare statted stat named "Physical Absorbtion". DF = Defense, PA = Physical Absorbtion, they arn't the same. If you don't belive me, i'm up for testing damage onto you. You equip DK plate, I hit you some times and we look at the highest damage I deal, then you equip Knight plate and I hit again and we look at the highest damage. I am 100% sure this damage will NOT be higher on the knight plate, also i'm sure I'll hit you more frequent, my hit probability is higher because knight's plate defense is lower. [EDIT] Physical absorbtion takes place if the enemy succeeds to hit you (you fail to defend), he will hit you for a certain amount from his min to his max damage (randomly chosen), once this value is chosen, and it's known you'll get hit at the moment your PA starts to work, if you have a PA set of 30% for example, the enemy succeeds to hit you (=you fail to defend -> his hit prob is higher then yours or has a 10% luck chance to hit you) for 100, you will finally take 70 damage, and "-70 pts" will be shown above your head. (70 is 100 - 30% PA -> 100 / 100 * 30 = 30, so 100 - 30 = 70)
  5. WhiteFang

    Suggestion For Gm

    perhaps that a possibility, such things depend on the admins orc. But a public SHOP (on the website) won't probably come.
  6. WhiteFang

    Suggestion For Gm

    cash shop, no. Town change is already available, read more at the donations section. (at a donation of 100$ you can change to the oopsite town, your hero will be changed too.)
  7. WhiteFang

    About Eks + Raid Time X)

    5 mages get 6 EK's... counter their EK's together... and according to the suggestion, each mage pays EK's to get 15 min raid...
  8. WhiteFang

    About Eks + Raid Time X)

    possibly you meight be able to kill fast enough to get your EK's back... if bad luck and nobody on, you just lose your ek's... It's still stupid, paying EK's to raid and get more EK's... RAID is fun and good, but it's just stupid to pay ek's to raid XD, the purpose of raiding IS to get EK's XD (<- my personal point of view)
  9. WhiteFang

    Little Problem Here

    ah, at lvl 180 you can gain exp till you would reach lvl 181 in theory, but instead of lvling up to 181, you will stay 180 but receive a Majestic point. With these points you can upgrade your DK flame, DK Wand and DK Rapier. They are also used to change stats (1 maj to change 3 stat points) And are used to buy and upgrade angels (you can buy angels at the command hall)
  10. WhiteFang

    Little Problem Here

    if you're lvl 19 and a traveller, you need to become a civilian. if you'r lvl 100 and a civilian, you need to become a combatant. if none of above is true, please post your char name and i'll take a look on what could be wrong.
  11. WhiteFang

    Make Quests Useful

    IcyMage, we do can code that. but you have to know we arn't WoW or Line Age. We are HB Nemesis. and yes indeed, while doing the quest you get exp already from killing the monsters. I'd agree on an extra purpose for the contribution points and on some changes in the quests. (<- for this we already received suggestions)
  12. WhiteFang

    Righteus Please!

    Rightious DO works. I've tested this, I had a war axe (which is 2D6+0 dmg) which hits max 12... with my little low rep (was aprox 50/60 that time) I hitted somewhere around 18/20... Though this was on a MONSTER, NOT on a player ! The rightious will work against players too, but their rep is taken in account. as monsters have no rep, their rep is 0 players sometimes have - rep, so your rep "increases" when it is being calculated what your max range is. (this is how I think it goes, this isn't verified !) [EDIT]: After some verification, I figured out that HB USA makes no diff if your rep is + or -, it takes the absolute value devided by 10 and adds it to your sml/med DMG you deal with a maximum addition of 10. so someoen with 100 rep (or -100 rep) will deal +10 damage to sml/med monsters/players (players are always med). why +10 dmg? -> 100 rep / 10 = 10, it's not higher then 10, so it's 10. having 50 rep -> 50 rep / 10 = 5, it's not higher then 10, so it's 5. having 150 rep -> 150 rep / 10 = 15, it's higher then 10, so it's 10. having -100 rep -> absolute value of -100 = 100 -> first situation I explained with the 100 rep. NOTE: I do NOT know if Nemesis applies this formula or not, this is UNKNOWN to me, and will NOT be released unless any of the admins decide to do so. This information is for HB USA/HB INT, it is *possibly* different for nemesis !
  13. WhiteFang

    Bbhs Damage

    DK items have NO PA. DK has very high DF (Defense), so the CHANCE to hit is LESS, but IF you hit, you hit normal damage as it has 0% PA. If someone has a PA set, your chance to hit is higher as the DF (Defense) of the set is lower (hoses have less df then DK legs etc etc) so the CHANCE to hit is higher, but IF you hit, some of your damage will b absorbed after some calculations, if back luck it absorbs ALL and you'll hit a minimum of 1.
  14. WhiteFang

    About Eks + Raid Time X)

    I think the idea is not good. why? people raid to get EK's... so why to waste 10 ek's for 15 min raid time, it's almost impossible to get 10 ek's again + some new one within 15 minutes... so it's stupid to pay ek's to go raid and end up having less ek's XD
  15. WhiteFang

    Bbhs Damage

    the BBH dmg will probably not increased. It has nice damage I think. Perhaps you should PvP less and hunt more to gather some stones to make yourself a BBH+x :D a bs BBH is made to nicly train mostly... the bs items are a basic to start off with, you need to hunt to gather diff items or statted items or stones to make your bs items better.
  16. WhiteFang

    Hero Stone

    in my ears it sounds nice, but a slightly different effect could/should be given... If I have FH, it's easy to get more EK's, people "fear" full hero's if they are alone... and If I have BBH+3, get 200 ek's, but stone, upgrade BBH I got a +4... when I need to do it with mstones, I prolly fail ALOT before I possibly get the BBH+4... In this case the stone would be overpowered. Perhaps got another suggestion onto it's effect as I have no idea atm what to do with it?
  17. WhiteFang

    Remove The C8 Walking Sound

    C8 is not to be removed. I do agree there must, or rather should be some check or something to prevent edits onto the sounds (making them louder, removing any other sounds etc etc). But removing it... no... thats no option in my eyes. It's part of the game, learn to play with it.
  18. WhiteFang

    Firebow Removal

    no, we will not remove firebow. It is part of the game, learn to play with it.
  19. WhiteFang

    Guildless Crusade Teleport

    well, Guildless people are pointless is crusade. Those wh oare guildless as regarded above are weak and/or new to the game, so they don't know how to play crusade or how to participate. A higher level without guild can defend his own town to prevent the enemy from killing the energy shields. Crusade is an event/mini-game you play as a TEAM (aka guild), thats what it is all about, crusade is a team player game, you can't setup a base on your own, nor take over the enemy base on your own, you need to do it as a team. And if you can't find your town's stone, try to chat with them in blue or red. (yes RED color works too ! The enemy can't read red or white during crusade times)
  20. WhiteFang

    Ball Event

    any color... Gold also allowed hunter? (in case I ever find 3 pearl balls XD)
  21. WhiteFang

    Hi Gm Pls Check Log

    You'd better start showing respect then right now ! -Closed-
  22. WhiteFang

    Hi Gm Pls Check Log

    IcyMage, you should show more RESPECT to GM's !
  23. WhiteFang

    Server Offline?

    oh I see... the hardware update would be good, ask for some more HDD then XD ;)
  24. WhiteFang

    Server Offline?

    whats bugged or wrong then???
  25. WhiteFang

    Help Plz Gms Plzzzzzzzz

    Casia = Valog = Valencia = MILAN = CasCias I added a ban to Valog, logs showed me the GBH of IcyWar is located right there. I decide to take the GBH and return it, this is NOT a way of playing, and in my opinion this guy is a big time scammer, creating a char with a name that looks like the owner's name to claim the item... thats NOT fair. I've spoke to Casia in game, he first said to return it, logged to MILAN (where the GBH was at that time) and he said, ah nvm, just ban me. and NEVER returned the GBH to my GM while I orderd him to return it. In my eyes this is a CLEAR scam of name-faking, and IF I it's up to me, he gets it back.