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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Server Updated/fixed.

    Monsters beloning to the apocalypse are: - Giant Lizard - Giant Crash Fish - Master Mage Orc - Claw Turtle - Nizie - Tentacole - Centaurs - Minotaurs
  2. WhiteFang

    Gem Crafting Gm Please Read

    crafting is 100% identical to the HB International/USA crafting, it was coded by Siemntech (as mentioned in another topic). It works correctly, I am 100% sure as I own all 4 gems myself on my normal char (all 90%+ :P) You also need contributions to craft, atleast 10 you need.
  3. WhiteFang

    Moar Gm

    If that is a fact, prove it ;) I dare to say you are wrong in this case! PS. You could also make the a list of winners: Eternal glory. If you need prizes, something small like stones/sex pots/super pots would do it fine. With Squall[GM] and Colo try to make some figth evetn on ml. Wen we said is just for fun. No 1 come. No 1 will participate on event in ml cuz u can lost a zem. And if u dont give then something they will not participate. I was there wen no 1 come to figth on ml. And it was 120 ppl on. You're wrong, people do participate in the CTF events and there is no prize really for those - and people lose many zems in those. the price in CTF mostly is a summon event :P so there do is a price :D it's not an item, but an event :P
  4. WhiteFang

    Advice Needed

    does that even make sence ? My bbh war was 200 str 200 dex 59 int 20 mag 118 vit and had around 724 max hp, i worked pretty well with these stats it doesn't make that much sense... 191 dex gives you 9 less natural defense against 200. so it's 9 natural DF you lose... if you use a DF10 you already got it covered... but while wearing df10 neck u cant wear dm4 or something like that.. angel can doit but thats longer , since u need many mjs true, you can't equip 2 necklaces at same time, all you need then is a fast hand :P when you're under heavy damage equip a DF neck, when charging in an attack use your DM neck... thats what I do... and it works fine.
  5. WhiteFang

    Skills Marked With "?"

    Agree now stop flaming and spamming. -Closed-
  6. WhiteFang

    Tues Morning Summon Event

    Do I notice confusion ? :D Hope you get a nice summoning event guys :) too bad I can't be there due to college :( I'll hang around the forum :P
  7. WhiteFang

    Tues Morning Summon Event

    event should be over for 20 minutes now... at time I posted this it's 8:22 server time :D
  8. WhiteFang

    Advice Needed

    does that even make sence ? My bbh war was 200 str 200 dex 59 int 20 mag 118 vit and had around 724 max hp, i worked pretty well with these stats it doesn't make that much sense... 191 dex gives you 9 less natural defense against 200. so it's 9 natural DF you lose... if you use a DF10 you already got it covered...
  9. WhiteFang

    Warrior Advice

    this is a half way tanker build character. As of my own experience I can tell that they arn't easy to level, well not easy in the way that it takes alot of time, you don't deal much damage so takes longer to kill monsters to level up. But once you reach DK+8 or higher (perhaps +15) it's an awesome build, nearly unkillable and good for playing tanker at hunts, though a complete tanker build still is stronger and better in hunts. To play as a tanker in hunts you'll require PA items or very good HP items, HC/TW/Dragons deal some nice load of damage when you don't have PA.
  10. WhiteFang

    Moar Gm

    thanks for the compliment that you like the staff. Whenever players ask me information about something I provide it to them unless it's way too detailed or not appropriate (e.g. exact drop rate numbers) and the PvP school, nice idea of hunter, he should do it again, I definitly need to join myself :) I'm up for opening a PvM school for new players, I'll teach them how to hunt a Wyvern, Fire-Wyvern, HC, TW, Dragons and others :)
  11. WhiteFang

    Most Wanted!

    Lagartija is on my top 10 list :P not really, but I just like to college the EK's for well known people, Icurrently got one... from sadcase :D (-> it was no PvP, he lagged and died to my BBH+3) (-> sad EK, but guess ok to be sadcase :P)
  12. WhiteFang

    Advice Needed

    the PvM part you're telling here... my WhiteFank is build only for PvM having 130 str, 200 dex, 59 int, 198 vit. the 2 vit I lose to int represents only 6 HP, but with these 2 more int I can zerk myself. This is an awesome char for PvM, but not made for PvP and takes time to level up, to deal good damage you'd need DK+8 or higher, to participate in PvP's and be able to deal nice damage you'll need DK+15. Also this kind of build is good to defend in Heldenians and Crusades. The other buildup I have my WhiteFang is build more for PvP and dealing good damage, a Warrior. 200 str, 200 dex, 59 int, 20 mag, 118 vit. I know this isn't perfect with the 20 mag, but it's ok for fighting and training goed prety nice, lvls up quickly and deals good damage. The last buildup I have is a Mage buildup, WhiteFanz, the char isn't 180 yet, but i'm going for a buildup where I have 40 str (tower), 50 dex (train skills), 195 int and 200 mag, rest vit. It trains slow, but it awesome for PvP'ing with. Also usefull for PvM if doing Wyverns, Dragons or Abaddon. Also a good defender of Heldenian and Crusade if you're playing amp-mage rather then blizz mage, the blizz one is rather to defend base and keep the enemy out or to attack the enemy, the amp mage is rather for amping the builders and defenders around the base, also to amp on attacks. My suggestion: Start with a warrior and train it to 180 and gain majestics, kill alot PvM to gain items. Once you got items start a new char with any kind of custom build according to the items you have found while training your warrior. If you have good items, your char build doesn't matter that much. A friend of me has a build of 182 str (GBH) and only has 50 vit, so he's very low HP, easy target, but all his item catch this vulnerability, he also has the possibility to AMP, so mages can't kill him, and warriors deal likely no damage because of his awesome PA set. Items help alot, but they don't give you the skills of playing the game ! (-> I have the items, but not the skills to PvP)
  13. WhiteFang

    Moar Gm

    Hunter announced his come back prety soon again, so you'll see him around soon. I am trying to hold events when I can, but my timezone doesn't always match for other people who play... and I can only play during certain hours of the day due to my college. Soon i'll be having a week of vacation so by then i'll be able to hold more events at times when hunter isn't here. We currently have enough GM's in the team, although an upgrade of one of the GM's to Event GM (gm lvl 3) would be nice, this way MR events and exp events can be done by this Event GM. I'd suggest to promote the most active GM of the crew, thisway there will be an active Event GM available for making events at approprate times.
  14. WhiteFang

    Magin Topaz

    some people (like me) dislike angels cuz of their lagg cause. also magin items can be made at any lvl (LLF) and angels can't be grabbed if you just started (you need majs) and takes more time to upgrade, while mining jewels takes less time and effort to get a high % ware to make a high % magin item. And Str angel contributes to vit for half of the angels level.
  15. WhiteFang

    Magin Topaz

    I like the idea, it's reasonable and could work same way as magin ruby's do but for MP. I like the idea ! @ Farjat, this idea is VERY reasonable and applyable in a short period of time which a minumum of edits. (I think if i'm correct no server edit is required, just CFG and pak edit)
  16. WhiteFang

    Guild Capes

    Instantly drawing the design onto the cape... no, thats impossible the way helbreath is currently guild up. there is no single item that uses instant gfx rendering, all are pre-rendered into .pak files. guild event... yeah... I like events :D there isn't any color "unique" anymore in the game, besides gold which is reserved for PvP. Getting 50 designs running is possible, it just requires some time to get them added to the pak files... 50 designs, means an expension of 50 diff capes, for male and female makes 100 capes, so 100 pak files added...
  17. WhiteFang

    Most Hated And Loved Monsters!

    I hate any monster that drops me no good items :P I love any monster that drop me good items :P
  18. WhiteFang

    Guild Capes

    yeah, now it seems to be kinda clear, but still, it's not impossible, it's just hard :P and bout the auto updater, I have little knowledge how to setup a client-server connection, so I could try to make a basic client (auto updater) and server and make em connect and send pak files, although I nearly know anything about the protection or security of this kind of connection, and basides that it needs to check and confirm the content of the paks/content files/sounds/anything else, it's possible but will be hard indeed.
  19. WhiteFang

    Guild Capes

    perhathere is a way to get this fixed or someting? but anyway, the way I meant it is like they send in the colors they like to have, and I just design/draw the cape, like creating a new item being a guild-specific cape, we can ad unlimited of those becuase I have a pak-creator program and I can do photoshop to edit the capes :D ofc this requires item editing both client side (paks) and server side (item cfg), the client side is the hardest cuz of the drawing.
  20. yes giggles, it's theft if Eldon wouldn't of given the password to this guy... this case is same like I give you my house keys, you steal something I my hosue and I go to the police telling something is stolen and that it meight be you cuz I gave you my keys... thats bad trust giggles, never give your keys to someone you don't trust for 100%. Because "the prolice" (=GM's & admins) in nemesis arn't returning stolen items. To Eldon: I wish you luck on retreiving the item in a normal way.
  21. Memento drop-transfered the item from Eldon to himself.
  22. Indeed raMz, you can change password at the website. it's easy and works correctly. Btw eldon, as I saw the ticket I researched it, you already saying it's a loss due to sharing, so I'm likely 99% sure farjat will not be returning the item. About banning the one who did it... I don't know about that, all depends on what farjat chooses to do with it, I just researched the case.
  23. WhiteFang

    M Shield Wand

    I dislike the idea of the wand equipable at 112 int. how can you make a decent tanker for tankign hc's or tw's if you can't equip the m shield want, you need dex to defend, vit to have alot HP to not die quickly and need str to equip weapons and need int to equip the m shield... that would be a bad thing.
  24. WhiteFang

    Guild Capes

    I like the idea of guild cape for contri. Though, it's hard to code that guilds can "design" their own cape. But it be possible to add the capes for guilds who have 50+ players for example, they can send in their logo and color preferences, and I can just create an appropriate cape for them to fit in nemesis and it could be added then, it requires a minimum of changes (only pak change + item cfg change server side). I like the idea alot !
  25. WhiteFang


    it works, and if you did read the rules you'd know that the admins wouldn't always reply onto a topic, nor let you know if there was any action taken. Go read them first and be patient. -Closed-