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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Post Ur Pics Where U Playing

    well, here is my work station/desk with my laptop which I use to play HB all the time and mainly use for school stuff too. The flatscreen behind my laptop used to be my secondary screen on my server comp, it used to be on this desk, but ever since I got my laptop I moved it to the next room. And the one here is my main desktop computer which is a 24/7 server, running a Ventrilo server for Flatliners Guild 24/7. It has HB Nemesis installed, my bro used to play on it, but he quit because he doesn't like HB that much seems to be. I use it some days to play Nemesis. (thats how I play on normal char and have my GM online at same time on a legal way !) This is my second computer.
  2. WhiteFang

    Small Sized Hb

    ok sure farjat, i'll do a virtual box tutorial. actually it's really easy to setup a virtual machine, and it fixes the FPS problem for windows vista. and allows you to run HB "in a box" :D
  3. WhiteFang

    Small Sized Hb

    well, it has to do with what cleanser tells I guess. But I think it also might be that your computer doesn't support 640*480 screen size. This size is required to play HB properly, you can't change that (is hard-coded inside client). I also run vista, I have a widescreen laptop and at me it runs perfectly full screen but indeed kinda stretches it all over to make it fit, but it doesn't make any black parts onto my screen.
  4. WhiteFang

    Directx 7 Must Be Installed...?

    thats strange... can you confirm if you have directdraw enabled? -> look it up by pressing "start" -> "run" -> type "dxdiag" -> press enter
  5. WhiteFang

    Guild Pvp Event

    how about HP tablet? and what about shields? and how about Merien Shield (and it's activation)? and indeed as skyas asks, how to control blacksmith items like BBH? I like to signup my guild, flatliners.
  6. WhiteFang

    Lucky Prize Tickets

    According to sources of HB USA I have, lucky price tickets indeed give manuals, but no cancel, inhibition or ESW, but it do givs MFS, BSW and IS manuals. I don't know if this is same for nemesis, but as the website states, nemesis mostly is a copy of hb usa, or atleast based off, though nothing is told about changes of lucky price tickets as far as I know.
  7. WhiteFang

    Att Jaapy/farjat

    It should be done by now... or atleast prety soon.
  8. WhiteFang

    Very Very Tragic, Sad News

    Hunter told me the news in private at the GM quarter... I was shocked... and I still am shocked by this tragic news. Calu, my friend, i'm with you, if there is anything we can do, please let us know, we are here to support and help you at anytime, with anything.
  9. WhiteFang

    Client Spanish

    what i'm saying is that the spanish people here are either too lazy to learn english, or too young or too stupid to learn it, they arn't willing to learn it... and now you gonna put eggs under their asses by giving them a spanish client??? thats stupid, with english client they are FORCED to learn and understand english. Yes, I HATE language changes, here in my country, belgium, we have language war for ages between flamish ppl and wallony people... they speak french, we speak dutch (i'm flamish), we get French as second language, but they arn't willing to learn dutch, when we go to their part, we try to speak decent french, but when they come to our part, they just speak french and don't even try to speak dutch, and thats what I hate ! and I see exactly same here, main language is english, spanish ppl come here to play but are not willing to speak english to make themselfs understandable to others. NOTE: I involve "dutch ppl", "wallony ppl", "spanish ppl", I refer to a big group by saying this, but not ALL of them arn't willing ! I know ppl who are willing to learn dutch and come form walloney, I know ppl who are willing to learn english and speak mainly spanish or different language, I target a big group, but don't wanne target them all, some are good, some are "bad", and most i've seen till now are on the "bad" side, well not rally bad, but just "not willing to learn english". Agree, a manual would be prefer, a game client change or something like that I dislike, a manual I like, it explains, but they still need to learn the english to really understand it.
  10. WhiteFang

    2-5 Second Recall Time

    I've suggested this myself too Ruutu, partly it's against myself and I nearly fight in PvP's because I'm just bad at it, I rather recall or run safe or something like that. anyway, I got a response which sounds like "no" with a reason sounding like "players should be free to recall whenever they want, it's part of the game, they need to learn to play with it"... so, I think it's still no. Anyway, the delay is your problem, get a better i-net connection, I got little delay and awesome i-net connection already, I hear ppl who have no delay at all so delay is both an advantage and no advantage, depends on how you look at it.
  11. WhiteFang

    Guild Capes

    That would be only 50, since capes arent bounded to sexuality. a cape isn't male or female indeed, in your bag you don't see diff if it's male or female, but the gfx in the game while running, walking, fighting etc, THEY have male AND female forms, every item does, because a male character is bigger then a female, so it has diff size of the items, you don't see it in your bag, but in the game there is male and female... so that DO makes 100 :)
  12. WhiteFang

    Client Spanish

    1. it's ALOT work to do this 2. I'm against it ! why against it? simple, the spanish people will learn no more english, so they can't communicate with non-spanish speaking players. We should keep English as the main language of the game, both in the game client text and the player's spoken language. When non-english players play the game, they are either too young to play because they don't understand english cuz they don't get the courses, and if not, then they should start learnign english, as english is a globally very very often used languages.
  13. WhiteFang

    Lucky Prize Tickets

    give me an example of rare item please. Likely any rare item is possible, except for the most rare. what I know from a source I have, is that it gives Xel weapons, Kloness weapons, IE Sword, Merien items, rare necklaces ... Once again, this can be different in nemesis, I never got any rare item yet and I buy tickets ALOT. I bought over 1k tickets already.
  14. WhiteFang

    Fix Para

    we will not do this. We are HB Nemesis, not HBX ! -Closed-
  15. WhiteFang

    Pvp Event On Sunday Nov 2 After Heldenian

    I was organizing, though I love the prices, I had/have no chance to get them... but guess thats the sacrafice I'll have to make for being GM I guess :D Though I LOVED the event ! it was AWESOME !
  16. WhiteFang

    Lucky Prize Tickets

    Jaapy has told me that the tickets should be giving good items too. once again, the chance in very low onto getting a rare items out of them, but there is a chance.
  17. WhiteFang

    Pvp Event On Sunday Nov 2 After Heldenian

    Warriors: 1. Doku (aresden) 2. Ego (aresden Mages: 1. Mr-Popo (played by JazzdaPit) (elvine) 2. MaynarD (elvine)
  18. WhiteFang

    Lucky Prize Tickets

    Yes there is a chance that they give good items. So, NO they arn't waste of money, though it's hard to get a good item out of a ticket.
  19. Here are the Halloween 2008 pak files (extracted from usa's download because we don't need their contents): Download link: http://rapidshare.com/files/159393498/Hall...n_2008.rar.html MIRROR 1: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PPRP5TOX MIRROR 2: http://uppit.com/WA6UF8 Download this .zip file to your nemesis folder, then exract it and say yes when it asks to over-write files/folders. (it contains just 2 .pak files which are legal to use !) NOTE: All 3 links contain the SAME pak files, if one isn't working, use one of the others. NOTE: you require Winrar to extract the files -> to get Winrar got to www.downloads.com and search for Winrar, click on the download that names "winrar 3.80" Happy Halloween Nemesis !
  20. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Halloween 2008 Pak Files

    for the second link, at the right-top you see 3 letters/numbers and little right of it an input box, you type the letters in the input box press the download button. you'll be at a next page, wait like 45 seconds and a download now button will appear more at the bottom-right of your screen. once this appears click it and the download starts.
  21. WhiteFang

    Scan Spell For Your Contents

    Alot players requested me to post this because auto-updater seems to fail. in your nemesis folder, there is a folder named CONTENTS, in there is a fil named MAGICCFG.TXT you open this file, and replace all by this: //?? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????? ??????? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ???? ???????ΓΏ?. //-----Num-Name-----------------ManaCost--ReqInt--Cost-----------OnMenu magic = 0 Magic-Missile 8 18 100 4 5 6 1 magic = 1 Heal 15 20 100 4 5 6 1 magic = 2 Create-Food 18 18 100 4 5 6 1 magic = 10 Energy-Bolt 15 24 200 4 5 6 1 magic = 11 Staminar-Drain 14 22 200 4 5 6 1 magic = 12 Recall 15 20 120 4 5 6 1 magic = 13 Defense-Shield 19 26 200 4 5 6 1 magic = 14 Celebrating-Light 20 25 400 4 5 6 1 magic = 20 Fire-Ball 27 26 500 4 5 6 1 magic = 21 Great-Heal 28 28 500 4 5 6 1 magic = 23 Staminar-Recovery 20 20 300 4 5 6 1 magic = 24 Protection-From-Arrow 22 20 300 4 5 6 1 magic = 25 Hold-Person 24 26 500 4 5 6 1 magic = 26 Possession 25 26 500 4 5 6 1 magic = 27 Poison 28 29 700 4 5 6 1 magic = 28 Great-Staminar-Recov. 45 30 800 4 5 6 1 magic = 30 Fire-Strike 36 34 1000 4 5 6 1 magic = 31 Summon-Creature 35 38 1000 4 5 6 1 magic = 32 Invisibility 31 30 800 4 5 6 1 magic = 33 Protection-From-Magic 35 32 850 4 5 6 1 magic = 34 Detect-Invisibility 33 30 700 4 5 6 1 magic = 35 Paralyze 35 36 1000 4 5 6 1 magic = 36 Cure 32 35 700 4 5 6 1 magic = 37 Lightning-Arrow 32 38 1100 4 5 6 1 magic = 38 Tremor 34 33 1000 4 5 6 1 magic = 40 Fire-Wall 42 45 1200 4 5 6 1 magic = 41 Fire-Field 48 48 1400 4 5 6 1 magic = 42 Confuse-Language 40 42 1300 4 5 6 1 magic = 43 Lightning 44 47 1700 4 5 6 1 magic = 44 Great-Defense-Shield 45 46 1500 4 5 6 1 magic = 45 Chill-Wind 48 50 2000 4 5 6 1 magic = 46 Poison-Cloud 48 49 1800 4 5 6 1 magic = 47 Triple-Energy-Bolt 40 45 1700 4 5 6 1 magic = 50 Berserk 57 59 2200 4 5 6 1 magic = 51 Lightning-Bolt 58 58 2500 4 5 6 1 magic = 53 Mass-Poison 54 52 2100 4 5 6 1 magic = 54 Spike-Field 56 56 2300 4 5 6 1 magic = 55 Ice-Storm 58 59 -1 4 5 6 0 magic = 56 Mass-Lightning-Arrow 55 53 3000 4 5 6 1 magic = 57 Ice-Strike 59 60 4200 4 5 6 1 magic = 60 Energy-Strike 65 67 5000 4 5 6 1 magic = 61 Mass-Fire-Strike 80 85 -1 4 5 6 0 magic = 62 Confusion 78 75 7500 4 5 6 1 magic = 63 Mass-Chill-Wind 90 93 9800 4 5 6 1 magic = 64 Earthworm-Strike 80 97 12000 4 5 6 1 magic = 65 Absolute-Magic-Protect. 90 112 13500 4 5 6 1 magic = 66 Armor-Break 90 97 20000 4 5 6 1 magic = 67 Scan 0 10 11 4 5 6 0 magic = 70 Bloody-Shock-Wave 120 105 -1 4 5 6 0 magic = 71 Mass-Confusion 125 130 15000 4 5 6 1 magic = 72 Mass-Ice-Strike 120 133 21000 4 5 6 1 magic = 73 Cloud-Kill 130 120 20000 4 5 6 1 magic = 74 Lightning-Strike 90 123 35000 4 5 6 1 magic = 76 Cancellation 120 135 -200 4 5 6 0 magic = 77 Illusion-Movement 150 160 27000 4 5 6 1 magic = 80 Illusion 143 150 27000 4 5 6 1 magic = 81 Meteor-Strike 120 169 40000 4 5 6 1 magic = 82 Mass-Magic-Missile 160 185 45000 4 5 6 1 magic = 83 Inhibition-Casting 180 180 -1 4 5 6 0 magic = 90 Mass-Illusion 200 180 35000 4 5 6 1 magic = 91 Blizzard 170 195 43000 4 5 6 1 magic = 96 Earth-Shock-Wave 180 200 -1 4 5 6 0 magic = 95 Mass-Illusion-Movement 200 200 27000 4 5 6 1 magic = 94 Resurrection 200 0 -1 4 5 6 0 //-----Num-Name-----------------ManaCost--ReqInt--Cost-----------OnMenu This will prevent you from crashing when using the Scan spell.
  22. WhiteFang

    Tryed To Fix The Whole Angel Lag

    if you use vista... one word for you: UNFIXABLE.
  23. WhiteFang

    Scan Spell For Your Contents

    as I use custom skin, big items, custom logout screen (future for nemesis :P) and these halloween paks, I never run the auto updater :D I just run helgame.exe, no auto update stuff to do, cuz if it updates, I need to redo all the paks I edited xD NOTE: ALL MY PAKS ARE LEGAL !
  24. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Halloween 2008 Pak Files

    Some Genius Creates, But Biggers Genius in History have copied... HB USA copied from us some of the lasts updates also... yeah... indeed, I just d/l'ed from HB USA, and I removed contents part and just put SPRITES back into a zip file and uploaded :D For christmass I might design a nemesis only paks ! for these buildings !
  25. WhiteFang

    Server Updated/fixed.

    to tell little bit about them... Giant lizards can drop statted hammers... nizie's can drop Storm Bringers... Tentacoles drop same kind of items as cycs (first drops only)... more to be known soon ;)