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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    New Updates

    Dear players, We have updated the server and made some changes and did some fixes. Here is a list of the updates/changes we made: - Random spawns added back to town -> this enabled Mercenary's again in towns during Crusade. - Attackers get no ek's in enemy town during Crusade (Elvines don't get EK's from aresdens in aresden town and Aresdens don't get EK's from elvines in elvine town) - The calculation of PA armors has been changed. - Minimap of Dragonia is available from the auto updater. Have fun playing, White[GM] Additional information about PA: I have PA 9% plate and PA 9% shield OLD way: 9% + 9% = 18% PA (stackable) NEW way: 9% (shield) + X% chance on an additional 9% (plate) for example if the chance on plate would be 90% then it means in 90% of all attacks you have 18% PA, and in 10% of the attacks you have only 9% -> if someone attacks you 100 times, 90 times you'll absorb 18% of the damage, and 10 times you'll absorb only 9% (in theory) basicly it's plate/legs/berk/helm + shield + magin saph. NOTE: the 90% used in the example is NOT the actual rate for plates ! -> we will not release the actual rates.
  2. WhiteFang


    Hunter, I'd like to know the farming story please... why farming? invi pots are made with alchemy (50%) as far as I know... farming just rocks for Ginseng and other foods that heal your HP and hunger more the casual food does.
  3. WhiteFang

    New Updates

    MA stays as it always was, it ALWAYS stacked, I've never knew different. nemesis2 has been running for more then a year... not yet all FH and DK15 and 912391239 items... we keep getting new plays do thats good :)
  4. WhiteFang

    Survivors - Raid Movie!

    nice video skyas
  5. WhiteFang

    New Updates

    yes, each armor piece has a diff chance on absorbtion.
  6. WhiteFang

    Drop Rate

    lolz Blacky ! there is no way to be "lucky", just play alot and hope you get a good drop. the more you play, the more chance you have to get a good drop as you kill more. every moster you kill has a chance to drop any kind of statted item and/or rare item.
  7. WhiteFang

    Events For Week Of Nov 17th

    awesome events hunter ! too bad I can't participate a single of them... MR event @ 5 AM my time -> too early to wake up EXP event @ 4 PM my time -> I ain't home yet from examens most of the time, hopefully i'm lucky to get home and earn some exp :D ITEM event @ 3 AM my time -> too late to stay awake (exams the day after :s) hunter, would be possible to make some events in the futute around 2/3/4 PM server time? perhaps also make some that fit asian timezones if not yet done?
  8. WhiteFang

    All Maps No Monsterz

    Durign crusade mobs don't respawn indeed. on other moments of the days they should just have normal respawn. though there is a known respawn problem in aresden farm and town.
  9. WhiteFang

    Ek Laming Bans November 2008

    Currently Permanent Banned for EK laming (or giving lame ek's): hayaken ponyoponyo Millie Saad skullwar Karate Abelyn ZyXEL Wyvern1 starlight Bloodsage Sage Aine H3Nt4I_san if you're one of them, you can claim amnesty if you want to keep using your char name. Here at Helbreath Nemesis Laming is a CRIME, and we WILL catch you, maybe not right away, but when it hurts you the most, you'll carry the punishment !
  10. WhiteFang

    Ek Laming Bans November 2008

    1. wrong topic 2. Cleanser & some other ares pwned me, I was in jail, they talk to me in global, then you pop up and say i'm free ek, and I defend myself that ares needs like 8 people (or like 3/4 GOOD people) to kill me. then you go like you can kill me 1v1 with 3 blizz (which I know you can't) and then you insult me personally and then my GM... you can insult me, but insulting GM's is FORBIDDEN by the rules, therefore I banned you 1 week long. and if you keep insulting me here too (-> Nerco[GM]) I will be pleased to lengthen the ban to a month or even longer, if not even a permanent if you keep going over the lines !
  11. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Got Virus ?

    helbreath is a virus that infects your brain, it makes you addicted to it. no other viruses or infections are known about helbreath.
  12. WhiteFang

    Ek Laming Bans November 2008

    I've seen the SS and i'll show them to the admins, we'll see then what we do. I favour to close when people flame or when nothing more is about to be said
  13. WhiteFang

    Ek Laming Bans November 2008

    you're Millie then I guess... well you PvP your friends... which are at your home or something like that... to obtain your last 2 ek's to grab a hero piece... thats not PvP'ing, thats just them letting lame on and you laming on them to grab your hero piece dude...
  14. WhiteFang

    Does Sapphire Ring Work?

    Jaapy, it's going to change, idk if I should tell more about it, so if you want info pm me. the support is there, but there are no PA capes or rings in game, saph & plat rings don't have the special effect of giving PA.
  15. WhiteFang


    the no-ek-in-town will come, we just need time to develop this. and secondary i'd like to note AS PLAYER that towns are out balanced. I played a couple sades last time, there was like 20 ppl in ares base, and like 20 raiding elvine town, and like 10 elvs in ML to try 'n get base up or destroy aresden base and like 5 in aresden town ek'ing... Thuesdays sade I was there, my guild master was not on so I went to raid, thats how I got the info above, and I tried to kill aresden base in first place, but couldn't build up elvine's because of no guild master online. P.S. aresdens pwned me in their town with 7 wars and 3 mages... required them 3 paras and PFA to down me :P
  16. WhiteFang

    Server Down To Manteinance.

    I use the "registered" checkbox and lave username & password blank. I tried to proxy it but didn't work.
  17. WhiteFang

    Server Down To Manteinance.

    I just downloaded TS, installed, launched, and failed to connect ! my IP is banned !? :P
  18. WhiteFang

    Level Extension On The Barracks

    i'm ok on increasing barracks level. making barracks a raid zone and "barack hunters" etc, no for thatone. you can meet ppl 3 days a week in the enemy town, and the entire week in ML and IB to fight them.
  19. WhiteFang

    Post Ur Pics Where U Playing

    my mouse is a razer mouse :P and it gives this blue light :P (visible at one of the pictures I made :P)
  20. WhiteFang

    Post Ur Pics Where U Playing

    is it a pussum? do you have multiple possai ? :D idk what is it actually??? and doesn't it bite your feet or something or your hands while you play in full action while ek'ing???
  21. WhiteFang

    Changes In Game - Future.

    thats good for a break, logout or recall and take a nice break. or just less smoke :P BUT NOT LESS EAT !! I think some people really need alot more breaks, so this is good to "force" them to take some time off the game and chill out. P.S. thx to farjat for the compliment of being such a good coder :) thanks alot :D I love to code and it's an honor to be able to do this for Nemesis !
  22. WhiteFang

    Xelima Upgrade Changed?

    the upgrading has not been changed. you CAN fail to make an item +1, but will NOT lose the item on failure. everything +2 and higher has more chance to fail and CAN lose the item !
  23. WhiteFang

    Post Ur Pics Where U Playing

    60 Fps ftw. without angels this would be running 300 FPS I bet ! -> VISTA SUCKS !!! :P
  24. WhiteFang

    Post Ur Pics Where U Playing

    no, i'm not really into the DJ stuffs, it's my brothers' stuff... he's amateur DJ :D
  25. WhiteFang

    Post Ur Pics Where U Playing

    mouse pads suck :P rofl they arn't good for my wrist :D